Nueva montura ZWO AM3 supercompacta


ZWO acaba de presentar estos días durante el NEAF 2023 una nueva montura, la ZWO AM3 que viene a ser la hermana pequeña de la AM5. Al igual que ésta estamos ante una montura armónica de pequeño tamaño y que puede funcionar sin contrapesos para manejar cargas de hasta 8kg (hasta 13kg con contrapesos).

La AM3 puede funcionar tanto en modo ecuatorial como altazimutal y permite su control desde app vía Wifi o a través de cable/mando. Por supuesto también cuenta con integración completa con ASIAIR.


Esta montura pesa tan solo 3,9kg lo que la convierte en una de las más portables del mercado además de contar con una gran precisión gracias a su mecánica basada en reductor de engranajes de onda de tensión y correa síncrona con una capacidad de reducción de 300:1.

La alimentación es a 12V con unos consumos que van desde 0.58A en seguimiento hasta 1.7A en GOTOs. Dispone de puerto de guiado ST4 y conexión USB 2.0.

Todavía no tenemos precio en España pero en la página web indican un precio estimado de 1500 dólares así que probablemente la veremos en torno a los 1800€ cuando se ponga a la venta en nuestras tiendas de confianza.


Sin duda estamos ante una montura muy interesante por características y prestaciones aunque todavía personalmente se me hace muy raro ver estas monturas sin barra de contrapesos, supongo que será cuestión de acostumbrarse.

Tampoco es que haya podido ver todavía en acción a la AM5 ni conozco mucha gente que la tenga así que por el momento no puedo dar valoraciones personales sobre esta montura. En principio estaría por capacidad y manejo de peso a la altura de una EQ6-R con mayor precisión.

Esta nueva montura viene a completar una nueva gama de productos presentados durante los últimos días por la firma china que incluyen una nueva cámara y por primera vez telescopios refractores.


Looking for the northern lights? Use your phone camera


That little greenish smudge on the right is the northern lights, as seen by my phone camera’s night mode.

© Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge
That little greenish smudge on the right is the northern lights, as seen by my phone camera’s night mode.

Somewhere over Greenland, I opened up the window shade. People see the northern lights on their flights to Iceland, right? Might as well check. I was sitting parallel to the wing, the blue and yellow Icelandair logo lit against the black sky. But as I looked back toward the tail of the plane, I saw something else: a faint white smudge in the sky. I looked away and back a few times, and sure enough, the light was moving. I could just make out a white line with vertical bands radiating upward. Not the awe-inspiring green waves you’d hope for, but not nothing.

The only camera I had close was my iPhone 13 Mini. Not ideal. A picture through a dirty plane window with a tiny phone camera sensor? Pfft. No chance. I figured I’d try anyway just to have something to point to when we got back home and told people we saw the northern lights. The camera app switched into night mode automatically, and a few seconds later, I had a picture — the northern lights, clearer than I’d seen them with my own eyes.

Night mode came in clutch again a few days later on a northern lights boat tour that was unfortunately absent of northern lights — at least, any we could see. A crew member told us he’d spotted some activity using a “nice camera,” meaning a full-frame Sony mirrorless ILC, as far as I could tell.

You can just make out a faint green line extending horizontally from the top of the mountain. At least we got some aquavit out of the deal.

© Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge
You can just make out a faint green line extending horizontally from the top of the mountain. At least we got some aquavit out of the deal.

I had the Xiaomi 13 Pro on hand this time, and sure enough, my night mode photos revealed a faint green line in the sky that was invisible to the naked eye. The crew passed around shots of aquavit, too, so it wasn’t a total bust.

Night mode might not have been developed specifically for astrophotography, but as it turns out, it’s actually really good for taking pictures of things like the northern lights. The long exposures it uses can reveal light that’s too faint for our own eyes to see, and computational processing produces a clean, bright image.

Night mode is particularly good for faint light photography and, in some cases, is better than simply taking a long-exposure image

“Night mode is typically taking multiple images, like maybe five to ten images at a set speed that it optimizes for. And then it compares the images to find the best ones and basically combines those into your final image. It does dark subtraction and flat fielding, which removes distortions, and also removes some of the graininess,” says Sten Odenwald, an astronomer and educator at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center who literally wrote the book on smartphone astrophotography. He explained to me why night mode is particularly good for faint light photography and, in some cases, is a better option than simply taking a long-exposure image with your phone camera.

In addition to noise reduction from multiple frames, it has another benefit over traditional long-exposure photography: stabilization. “If there’s a feature in the scene that’s going to be constant, like city lights in the lower border of the image, it’ll use those to figure out how to stabilize the rest of the image.”

My colleague Vee took this aurora photo using night mode on her recent trip to Iceland. The city lights in the bottom of the frame served as a reference point for the camera to align the images, providing a stabilizing effect.

© Photo by Victoria Song / The Verge
My colleague Vee took this aurora photo using night mode on her recent trip to Iceland. The city lights in the bottom of the frame served as a reference point for the camera to align the images, providing a stabilizing effect.

If the aurora is much brighter and moving fast, he says that that’s when you might want to switch out of the automatic night mode and try a camera app that lets you take a long exposure. “The thing is that aurora change. They literally change from second to second. So if you let the AI add things together, it’s going to blur out some of the details. But if you take the images yourself then you’re able to keep up with the actual rapid changes and the shape of the aurora.” The bottom line, he says, is to know your camera and app and experiment with different settings to get the results you like best.

I spend a lot of time thinking about and using phone cameras, but it never occurred to me that my phone might be a really good tool for night sky photography. If you’re ever on the hunt for aurora and don’t see anything, give night mode a shot — you might be pleasantly surprised.


The Lyrids meteor shower will peak this week


Lyrid Meteor Shower – Night astrophotography skies with light trails from streaking meteors in April. (File/Getty)

© Provided by WRBL Columbus
Lyrid Meteor Shower – Night astrophotography skies with light trails from streaking meteors in April. (File/Getty)

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) — Get ready stargazers, we’ve got a meteor shower to view!

The Annual Lyrids meteor shower begins this week and will peak by the end of the week to this weekend. Unlike other meteor showers that can last several weeks to a month, this one tends to be shorter so you’ll have to run out and see it before it’s gone.

Will you see the solar eclipse? NASA map shows ‘path of totality’ across US in 2024

The estimated peak will be predawn from April 21st through April 23rd, during this time you’ll be able to see roughly 10-15 meteors per hour. The Lyrids are known for having outbursts, so it’s possible you may be able to see up to 100 per hour. 

Good news, the moon will enter its new moon phase so you won’t have to compete with moonlight for a good show. All you’ll need to do is find a dark place away from city lights. 

The Lyrids mark the end of the months long meteor drought that we typically see from January through mid-April. The last good visible meteor showers were the Geminids in December. 

Now that we have entered our “meteor season” the next meteor shower we can look forward to will be the Eta Aquariids in early May.

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For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to WRBL.


Una noche de galaxias y un objeto inesperado


Continuamos con el buen tiempo impropio de estas fechas. Sigue sin llover, lo cual es una pésima noticia para todos y para los agricultores en particular, la sequía es persistente. Desde el punto de vista del aficionado astronómico esto es, en cambio, un momento que hay que aprovechar ya que son raras las noches primaverales totalmente despejadas y llevamos ya unas cuantas aprovechables.

La duración de los días continúa alargándose a ritmo rapidísimo y ya quedamos en el punto de observación de Toledo a eso de las 08:15 sabedores de que tendríamos tiempo de sobra de montar y aclimatar el telescopio (la noche astronómica no da comienzo hasta las 22:30). Soplaba un poco de aire y el ambiente era seco. Las luces del crepúsculo ya llenaban de tonos dorados el horizonte y a lo lejos escuchábamos a los mochuelos cantar.

venus mercurio

Monté el telescopio y al rato llegó nuestro amigo «S». Tras charlar un rato el también montó su equipo para hacer algo de astrofoto. A medida que anochecía Venus iba ganando brillo y empecé a buscar a Mercurio que estos días se encuentra en su máxima elongación. Me costó un poco pero al final pude dar con él.

Los grillos empezaban a cantar a todo trapo, es la primera vez que los escuchamos este año, estas temperaturas no son normales de abril ni los mosquitos que me acribillaron la cabeza, me eché el repelente demasiado tarde pero quién iba a pensar que en abril tendríamos que hacer uso de él.

Tras dar cuenta del bocadillo encendí el telescopio y empecé a hacer la rutina de alineación a la polar y enfriado de la cámara. Unos minutos después ya estaba haciendo el enfoque y el plate-solve. Listos para arrancar la sesión. Objetivo: un hermoso grupo de galaxias en Virgo: M89, M90 y M58 justo debajo de la «Cadena de Markarian» y que quizá por eso muchas veces pasan desapercibidas.

Empecé a hacer fotos incluso unos minutos antes del inicio del ocaso astronómico así que las primeras tomas no las he aprovechado por tener mucho brillo de fondo, pero en total hice 50 tomas de las cuales me he quedado con las 35 mejores para conseguir este resultado (procesado provisional rápido y a falta de añadirle color)


Si os fijáis a la derecha de M89 y debajo de un dueto de galaxias pequeñas se aprecia una línea clara. Me sorprendió mucho y tras analizar las imágenes en busca de alguna explicación reparé en que había un punto brillante que se movía frame tras frame. Sin duda se trataba de un asteroide así que hice una búsqueda y con un par de herramientas en PixInsight conseguí identificar el objeto como 94 Prokne.

Una noche de observación de galaxias

Mientras los telescopios de astrofoto trabajaban también hubo tiempo para algo de visual. «S» se trajo el Explore Scientific Firstlight 102 con una montura altazimutal. Este sencillo doblete se porta de maravilla y ofrece imágenes muy decentes para costar apenas 100€. Junto con los prismáticos Olympus 10×50 pudimos observar varios objetos, entre ellos: el dueto de galaxias M81 y M82, M57 y M52, el cúmulo del pesebre, el triplete de Leo, M101, Albireo, M13, M3 y M5, entre otros…

SQM de 21,24, temperatura IR del cielo de -22 y humedad en torno al 68% con 9ºC, la verdad es que una noche muy cómoda para observar.

Estuvimos a la caza y captura de Omega Centauri que ya empieza a estar en el límite de observabilidad desde nuestra latitud. Me alejé un poco por el camino hacia una ubicación más alta ya que estamos metidos en una explanada entre montes y nos tapaban un poco el horizonte. Lo intenté varias veces con los prismáticos pero el cúmulo globular quedaba justo en el horizonte tras un monte y no llegué a verlo totalmente aunque creo que lo vi parcialmente justo en el borde del relieve del monte que lo tapaba. Una pena.

También pudimos ver varias Líridas, que ya estamos en temporada y fue todo un espectáculo empezar a ver la Vía Láctea elevarse por el horizonte mientras Escorpio y las constelaciones estivales se dejaban ver.

A eso de las 03:30 empecé a sacar los flats y tras recoger el equipo vuelta a Madrid con un buen sabor de boca tras una noche muy disfrutada. Si el tiempo respeta intentaremos sacar el color el próximo fin de semana.


10 Incredibly Romantic Hawaii Honeymoon Resorts


Planning a honeymoon in Hawaii? Look no further for my list of most romantic Hawaii honeymoon resorts!

This list of romantic Hawaii honeymoon resorts contains affiliate links which means if you purchase something from one of my affiliate links, I may earn a small commission that goes back into maintaining this blog.

The couple, family, or lone traveler, Hawaii welcomes all with the spirit of aloha!

From majestic beaches to the wide oceanfront, it’s a scenic retreat that’s got a mix of history, culture, adventure, and leisure. It’s no wonder it’s such a popular tourist destination, especially among young honeymooners!

If you’re in the middle of planning your romantic getaway, you’re probably trying to land on a place to stay as well. Don’t worry, because this list of the best honeymoon destinations in Hawaii has got you covered.

After all, whether it’s in luxurious hotels or classic Hawaii honeymoon resorts, this chapter of your married life deserves to be celebrated in paradise!

Want to skip all the planning and just access my detailed Hawaii itineraries complete with daily schedules, fun activities, and travel hacks? Click the button below.

Maui Travel Guide + 7-Day Maui Itinerary by top Hawaii blog Hawaii Travel Spot

Kauai Travel Guide and 7-Day Kauai Itinerary by top Hawaii blog Hawaii Travel Spot

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot

Best Hawaii Honeymoon Resorts Worth the Splurge

Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu

Located on a secluded bit of Oahu’s North Shore, the Turtle Bay Resort promises a private, peaceful, and romantic getaway in Hawaii. 

The oceanfront bungalows or ocean-view suites here offer open spaces and a comfy stay with a private lanai or balcony. The ocean villas include a private infinity pool, hot tub, and a barbecue area in the courtyard.

Resort Amenities

If you’re looking to surprise your partner, you can even call ahead and arrange for some of the resort’s made-to-order treats. Check resort rates.

Turtle Bay Resort in North Shore Oahu.

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Turtle Bay Resort in North Shore Oahu.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Honeymoon and Romance package. Sure to be the highlight to your romantic vacation, it comes with a bottle of prosecco, a decadent chocolate cake, and a Couple’s 50-minute Coconut Lava Shell Massage, Pedicure, and Spa!

There’s also a romantic picnic for two. This features artisan cheese and crostinis, your choice of wine, and more, against the refreshing pink-tinted Hawaiian sky. 

Romantic Things to do

Let loose at the adult pool and sip on some signature Mai Tais. Or sign up for a private stargazing event and turn your stay into the grand, immersive experience that you deserve.

If you’re in the mood for some adventure with your dearest, book one of the helicopter rides for some breathtaking views, go on private horseback rides, surf with a pup, or swim with sharks!  

From the in-house spa to the live entertainment events, it’s undoubtedly one of the best places to stay in Hawaii for a honeymoon. Check the latest rates and availability!

Halekulani Resort on Oahu

The ambiance at Halekulani Resort is both luxurious and comfortable. It strives to be a home away from home for guests across the world. 

Its signature “seven shades of white” rooms overlook Waikiki Beach, while also providing a clear view of the Diamond Head volcanic cone.

I recommend the premier suite. It has a private foyer, a deep-soaking tub, a kitchen, and a personal butler at your service.

But if you want to pull out all the stops, check out the Halekulani Suite, designed by Vera Wang, which has a wrap-around balcony and a spa-style bathroom. 

Resort Amenities

There’s a lot in store when it comes to dining at this resort. Its ocean-view restaurant, La Mer, is Hawaii’s only AAA Five Diamond and Forbes 5-Star restaurant. With an extravagant island-inspired French fare set against the sparkling night sky, it ticks all the boxes for a date night. Check resort rates.

For the most memorable time, sign up for the Romance Remembered package and go on a special dinner for two curated by the Orchids Chef de Cuisine. This package also includes complimentary entry to Oahu’s art and culture venues and surprises your beloved with flowers on arrival!

Romantic Things to do

Adventurous couples will love learning to surf under the masterful guidance of instructors who have a combined total of 65 years of experience.

But if that’s too much, this grand honeymoon spot in Hawaii is also fantastic for a cozy day in. Treat yourselves to some quality couple time from the extensive spa menu that offers services provided by skilled professionals. Check the latest rates and availability!

Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Oahu

The first thing that stands out in the glorious Royal Hawaiian is its picturesque surroundings and beautiful architecture. It’s just made for those cute Instagram couple shots!

Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki.

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki.

Known as the “Pink Palace of the Pacific,” it is located in the bustling heart of Waikiki. Check into one of the spacious suites at the historic and sophisticated Mailani tower, and live like royalty.

Relax against the wide oceanfront view accessible from your private lanai and sunbathe on your expansive daybed in the prestige suite. 

Resort Amenities

While at the resort, head over to the beachfront pools with plush lounge chairs for a relaxing sunbathing session with your partner. For even more relaxation, try out some of the refresh garden spa treatments at the Abhasa spa. Check resort rates.

The resort’s world-class fine dining restaurant, Azure, has entertained many honeymooners. And we’re certain that you, too, will be lost in its charm. From exotic seafood and Mai Tai cocktails to Lava Margaritas, the quiet and colorful escape is perfect for two.

Set aside your Monday and Thursday evenings for The Royal Hawaiian’s tribute to “Helumoa”. That’s the sacred land on which the resort today stands. Their luau here is best described as a modern take on the traditional feast called “Aha Aina.”

Romantic Things to do

For a memorable day out, consider visiting the turquoise Waimea Bay, historic Iolani Palace, and Aloha Tower. These are all located in close proximity to the resort.

You might enjoy taking surfing lessons or going koi fish feeding. If you prefer something lighter, sign up for floral lei-making activities and craft one for your beloved. Check the latest rates and availability!

Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort

Set on the beachfront with direct access to Mokapu Beach, Hyatt’s lavish Andaz Maui is one of the best honeymoon resorts in Maui. It’s located just a little along the road from The Shops at Wailea but has enough distance to guarantee a private stay. 

Photo credit: Andaz Maui

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Photo credit: Andaz Maui

The beautiful ocean-front villas and suites draw inspiration from contemporary styles and come equipped with private lanais, custom-made lounges, dining tables, and chairs. Some include a gourmet Miele kitchen, personal plunge pools, and an outdoor hot tub. 

Resort Amenities

To unwind in the true Hawaiian way, relax in one of the four ocean-facing, cascading infinity pools or get a unique apothecary experience at the premium Āwili Spa and Salon. And it’s one of the best resorts in Hawaii with Peloton bikes.

Photo credit: Andaz Maui

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Photo credit: Andaz Maui

Check into the Ka’ana kitchen for some of the best, local farm-to-table dining. The resort also features The Feast at Mokapu Luau. This is a charming display of Polynesian culture through dances and stories, and a hearty ohana-style meal. Check resort rates.

Romantic Things to do

Go on a two-hour sunset sailing experience that offers open-air seating, a bar, and plenty of appetizers like fresh kula cherry tomato and mozzarella skewers.

For an exhilarating rush, book a helicopter tour and take in the whole coastline of Maui. Land in the Hana, where you will be picked up by a guide in a luxury SUV, and drive through the area’s dense rainforest landscape.

You can even explore Lanai city by ferry or take a day trip to the Haleakala National Park. Check the latest rates and availability.

Hyatt Regency Maui

Reputed for being among the best honeymoon destinations in Hawaii, the Hyatt Regency Maui provides an open landscape, good food, and the ocean right at your doorstep.

Photo credit: Hyatt Regency Maui

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Photo credit: Hyatt Regency Maui

Each room and suite overlooks the resort’s wide grounds and the ocean as the backdrop eases you into this dream-like stay.

The private lanais and glass balconies will give you the best view of the Pacific, West Maui Mountains, and amazing gardens. The suites have a wet bar, extra bath, and soaking tub for you to indulge in. Check resort rates.

Resort Amenities

Let your romantic rendezvous here come to life with some intimate stargazing amid the resort’s award-winning Drums of the Pacific Luau. This is filled with song, fire dance, and a traditional feast.

The hotel also includes an exciting astrophotography workshop that allows you to take pictures of the night sky and deep space objects. 

Make dinner reservations for a gastronomic Asian-infused island meal at Japengo restaurant, or swim up to the Grotto Bar, a rustic cave setting between waterfalls, for frozen and traditional cocktails. 

Take a dip in the infinity pool for couples, reserve a poolside or oceanfront cabana, or book massages at the luxurious Kamaha’o Spa.

Romantic Things to do

If you want to explore adventurous options, the hotel will help you plan hikes, kayaking and snorkeling tours, submarine rides, and a lot more. Check the latest rates and availability!

Montage Kapalua Bay

This famed honeymoon retreat is an absolute paradise and one of the most romantic hotels in Hawaii. With comfortable and wide spaces, each Montage Kapalua Bay room feels like a suite with a living area and gourmet kitchen at your disposal.

Choose from rooms with garden or ocean views that include a private lanai and lovely chaise lounges. 

Resort Amenities

Its cascading sunset pool is perfect for having a quick tropical drink while taking in the magnificent volcanic landscape. Chill out and rent a daybed by the pool. Or plan a couple’s spa at the property’s island-inspired facility that is complete with a bamboo waterfall, sauna, and whirlpool.

Savor modern Hawaiian cuisine at the in-house Cane & Canoe restaurant. Dim lights, the open air, and a curated wine list with a range of sparkling wines and earthy reds will set the mood.

“The Chef’s Table in your Residence” experience promises custom degustation style menus paired with live music, all while you stay comfortably indoors with your partner.

In the mood for something more social? Attend the Sunset Luau at Kapalua Bay for a night filled with dance, music, and fresh seafood under the starry night sky.

Romantic Things to do

For an adventurous twist, kiteboard with an expert or go on a paddle boating excursion. Become a part of the active Hawaiian seafaring culture and take exclusive yacht trips from Maui to Lanai.

Along the way, keep an eye out for the region’s humpback whales, and explore the rugged coastlines of the Southern and Western shores. Reserve a complimentary Pacific Dream photo session and go on guided hikes together. 

Grand Hyatt Kauai

The Grand Hyatt Kauai brings together the best of Kauai’s golden sands and glistening waters for a romantic and private hideaway. Its luxurious rooms and suites have an open vibe about them and offer either pool, ocean, or mountain views.

Photo credit: Grand Hyatt Kauai

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Photo credit: Grand Hyatt Kauai

Most of the pastel-themed suites also feature private lanais or patios, wine chillers, and freestanding French tubs.

Resort Amenities

For a decadent indulgence, dine at Tidepools, one of the resort’s most famous restaurants. Located above a koi-filled lagoon at the base of a waterfall, it provides the most picture-perfect backdrop as you sample seafood aphrodisiacs with your choice of sparkling wine.

The resort also hosts a luau every Wednesday and Saturday evening for those looking to indulge in authentic Hawaiian food and culture. Check resort rates.

Plan a relaxing day at the Anara Spa, which uses island-fresh botanicals for a refreshing cleanse.

For some private time with your beloved, head out on a stroll through the lush gardens and walkways which will lead you to Shipwreck Beach. You might even spot some seals and turtles along the shore if you’re lucky.

While the beach is not accessible for swimming, you can use the resort’s award-winning multi-level pools and incredible man-made saltwater lagoons and waterfalls. 

Romantic Things to do

Pop over for a quick game of golf at Poipu Bay Golf Course. Or book a romantic catamaran tour along the Na Pali Coast.

If you’re looking to buy some souvenirs and go shopping, the resort has stores that sell trinkets that range from ceramics to fine jewelry, clothes, and more. Check the latest rates and availability!

Koloa Landing Resort on Kauai

One of Marriott’s Autograph Collection members, the Koloa Landing Resort on Kauai boasts of gorgeous rooms and villas made for the ultimate lavish couple’s retreat.

Zero-entry pool at Koloa Landing Resort. Photo credit: Marcie Cheung

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Zero-entry pool at Koloa Landing Resort. Photo credit: Marcie Cheung

The rooms include individual lanais and magnificent private views. Plus, they have fully loaded gourmet chef’s kitchens and vast floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the island throughout the day. 

Resort Amenities

But the real beauty is their aquatic playground. This resort offers everything from a 350,000-gallon signature pool with swim-through waterfalls to a family lagoon pool and an adult pool. Enjoy a relaxing swim, a poolside barbecue, or even the privacy of your very own cabana.

You can lounge here or spend a day of nourishing massage therapy and special facials at their in-house spa. Check resort rates.

For breakfast, head over to the Holoholo Grill for their classic banana macadamia nut pancakes and smoothies. Don’t miss out on their complimentary island s’mores and other delectable treats that pair the best of Hawaiian and American cuisines.

Romantic Things to do

This resort is also a delight for outdoor enthusiasts. Go hiking, snorkeling, and horseback riding. Take up in-house hula lessons, or embark on an adventure with your loved one by signing up for surfing lessons.

Or maybe, just lounge on the Sunset Wall with your loved one and watch as the sun dips into the horizon. Check the latest rates and availability!

Fairmont Orchid on the Big Island

When you’re looking for a romantic getaway in Hawaii, the Fairmont Orchid on the Big Island is sure to catch your eye. There’s plenty to explore, with 32 acres of oceanfront tropical greenery to revel in. And there’s amazing food that’s waiting to be sampled.

This resort’s mix of natural splendor and luxury brings a true-blue Hawaiian experience. Each room is designed in muted tones, and the aesthetic compliments the scenery outside.

Resort Amenities

You can participate in the resort’s Hawaii Loa Luau in the evenings. This is a celebration of the surrounding land area known as Kalahuipuaa, and it’s a grand display of Hawaiian hospitality.

The Hui Holokai Beach Club also offers a holistic cultural experience by pairing island whale watching with a sunrise canoe adventure. There’s a host of storytelling involved too. Check resort rates.

Romantic Things to do

Want to grab a delicious bite to eat? You’ll be spoiled for choice! Luana Lounge, one of the property’s six in-house restaurants, is celebrated for its romantic atmosphere. Its menu features island-special sushi and delightful cocktails.

Alternatively, the Brown’s Beach House promises vistas to make your stay even more memorable. You’ll love the comfort and grandeur here, and it’s a honeymoon resort guaranteed to impress. Check the latest rates and availability!

Four Seasons Hualalai on the Big Island

Located near a chain of volcanic islands, this resort is named after the Hualalai volcano that you can view from the premises. Glowing white beaches and black-lava landscapes surrounding it. This makes it a visual treat filled with different shades of blue, green, and black. 

Photo credit: Four Seasons Hualalai.

© Provided by Hawaii Travel Spot
Photo credit: Four Seasons Hualalai.

The Four Seasons Hualalai has a host of private villas, right from the two-story Makaloa Villa to the much loved Hawaii Loa Presidential Villa. Each has a separate view of the ocean and is luxury redefined.

Resort Amenities

The experience here is extremely local, and the food is sustainably sourced. From vibrant platters of grilled seafood to fresh greens, your plate will speak for itself of the careful culinary approach implemented by the chefs at this resort.

For a romantic little twist, sign up for the Dinner Under the Stars experience. This is an adorable celebration of love that is catered specially for two. 

Looking to be surprised? The resort’s Chef in Residence has got that bit covered. With a line-up of prestigious guest chefs each month, you’re in for an exclusive experience that includes intimate cooking classes and unique dishes that use Hawaii’s best ingredients. Check resort rates.

Romantic Things to do

Sign up for snorkeling lessons with a marine biologist, visit volcanoes on a helicopter, and swim on hidden beaches. This extravagant vacation site is fit for a glorious honeymoon on the Big Island. Check the latest rates and availability!

Best Honeymoon Resorts in Hawaii Wrap Up

Walks along the beach, quiet stargazing, and intimate dinners for two, your honeymoon stay can have it all. Each one of Hawaii’s honeymoon resorts is reputed for its awesome hospitality and one-of-a-kind services.

Delicious meals, massive pools, and cozy rooms; what more could you ask for? Set all of that against a beautiful Hawaiian sunset with romance in the air, and it’s bound to be an experience worth a lifetime!

Looking for Hawaii honeymoon resources? Check out the most romantic Hawaiian islands, things to do on a Hawaii honeymoon, best romantic restaurants, and get my Hawaii honeymoon packing list!

The post 10 Incredibly Romantic Hawaii Honeymoon Resorts appeared first on Hawaii Travel Spot.


Astrophotography Cameras Market Forecast to 2030


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Apr 14, 2023 (The Expresswire) —
The latest market research report on the Global “Astrophotography Cameras Market” is segmented by Regions, Country, Company and other Segments. The global Astrophotography Cameras market is dominated by key Players, such as [Nikon, Canon, Sony, ZWO, QHYCCD, Atik Cameras, Fujifilm, Panasonic, Olympus, Leica] these players have adopted various strategies to increase their market penetration and strengthen their position in the industry. Stake holders and other participants in the global Astrophotography Cameras market will be able to gain the upper hand by using the report as a powerful resource for their business needs.

Number of Tables and Figures : 136

What is the Astrophotography Cameras market growth?

Astrophotography Cameras Market Size is projected to Reach Multimillion USD by 2030, In comparison to 2023, at unexpected CAGR during the forecast Period 2023-2030.

Browse Detailed TOC, Tables and Figures with Charts which is spread across 99 Pages that provides exclusive data, information, vital statistics, trends, and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.

Client Focus

1. Does this report consider the impact of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war on the Astrophotography Cameras market?

Yes. As the COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war are profoundly affecting the global supply chain relationship and raw material price system, we have definitely taken them into consideration throughout the research, and in Chapters, we elaborate at full length on the impact of the pandemic and the war on the Astrophotography Cameras Industry

Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of Russia-Ukraine War and COVID-19 on this Astrophotography Cameras Industry.


This research report is the result of an extensive primary and secondary research effort into the Astrophotography Cameras market. It provides a thorough overview of the market’s current and future objectives, along with a competitive analysis of the industry, broken down by application, type and regional trends. It also provides a dashboard overview of the past and present performance of leading companies. A variety of methodologies and analyses are used in the research to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the Astrophotography Cameras Market.

Which are the driving factors of the Astrophotography Cameras market?

Growing demand for [Individual, Commercial] around the world has had a direct impact on the growth of the Astrophotography Cameras

The Astrophotography Cameras segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:

Based on Product Types the Market is categorized into [Requires Connected Device or Specific Software, No Connected Devices or Specific Software Required] that held the largest Astrophotography Cameras market share In 2022.

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Astrophotography Cameras Market – Competitive and Segmentation Analysis:

2.How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report?

With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth.

Short Description About Astrophotography Cameras Market:

The Global Astrophotography Cameras market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2022 and 2030. In 2021, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Astrophotography Cameras market size is estimated to be worth USD million in 2021 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD million by 2028 with a CAGR ofpercent during the review period. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, the Europe Astrophotography Cameras market is estimated at USD million in 2022, while the United States and China are forecast to reach USD million and USD million by 2028, respectively. The proportion of the United States ispercent in 2022, while Chinese percentage ispercent, and it is predicted that China market share will reachpercent in 2028, trailing a CAGR ofpercent through the analysis period. As for the Europe Astrophotography Cameras landscape, Germany is projected to reach USD million by 2028. and in Asia, the notable markets are Japan and South Korea, CAGR ispercent andpercent respectively for the next 6-year period.

Requires Connected Device or Specific Software accounting forpercent of the Astrophotography Cameras global market in 2021, is projected to value USD million by 2028, growing at a revisedpercent CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period. While Individual segment is altered to anpercent CAGR throughout this forecast period and will hold a share aboutpercent in 2028.

The global major manufacturers of Astrophotography Cameras include Nikon, Canon, Sony, ZWO, QHYCCD, Atik Cameras, Fujifilm, Panasonic and Olympus and etc. In terms of revenue, the global 3 largest players have apercent market share of Astrophotography Cameras in 2021.

This report focuses on Astrophotography Cameras volume and value at the global level, regional level, and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents overall Astrophotography Cameras market size by analysing historical data and future prospect. Regionally, this report focuses on several key regions: North America, Europe, China and Japan, etc.

Get a Sample Copy of the Astrophotography Cameras Report 2023

3.What are your main data sources?

Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report.

Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases.

Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historical data and forecast (2017-2027) of the following regions are covered in Chapters:

● North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) ● Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.) ● Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam) ● South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) ● Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

This Astrophotography Cameras Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions

● What are the global trends in the Astrophotography Cameras market? Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years? ● What is the estimated demand for different types of products in Astrophotography Cameras? What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for Astrophotography Cameras market? ● What Are Projections of Global Astrophotography Cameras Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export? ● Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term? ● What are the factors contributing to the final price of Astrophotography Cameras? What are the raw materials used for Astrophotography Cameras manufacturing? ● How big is the opportunity for the Astrophotography Cameras market? How will the increasing adoption of Astrophotography Cameras for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market? ● How much is the global Astrophotography Cameras market worth? What was the value of the market In 2020? ● Who are the major players operating in the Astrophotography Cameras market? Which companies are the front runners? ● Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams? ● What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for Astrophotography Cameras Industry?

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Can I modify the scope of the report and customize it to suit my requirements?

Yes. Customized requirements of multi-dimensional, deep-level and high-quality can help our customers precisely grasp market opportunities, effortlessly confront market challenges, properly formulate market strategies and act promptly, thus to win them sufficient time and space for market competition.

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Detailed TOC of Global Astrophotography Cameras Market Insights and Forecast to 2030

Major Points from Table of Contents

Global Astrophotography Cameras Market Research Report 2023-2030, by Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Applications

1 Introduction
1.1 Objective of the Study
1.2 Definition of the Market
1.3 Market Scope
1.3.1 Market Segment by Type, Application and Marketing Channel
1.3.2 Major Regions Covered (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Mid East and Africa)
1.4 Years Considered for the Study (2015-2030)
1.5 Currency Considered (U.S. Dollar)
1.6 Stakeholders

2 Key Findings of the Study

3 Market Dynamics
3.1 Driving Factors for this Market
3.2 Factors Challenging the Market
3.3 Opportunities of the Global Astrophotography Cameras Market (Regions, Growing/Emerging Downstream Market Analysis)
3.4 Technological and Market Developments in the Astrophotography Cameras Market
3.5 Industry News by Region
3.6 Regulatory Scenario by Region/Country
3.7 Market Investment Scenario Strategic Recommendations Analysis

4 Value Chain of the Astrophotography Cameras Market

4.1 Value Chain Status
4.2 Upstream Raw Material Analysis
4.3 Midstream Major Company Analysis (by Manufacturing Base, by Product Type)
4.4 Distributors/Traders
4.5 Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region)

5 Global Astrophotography Cameras Market-Segmentation by Type
6 Global Astrophotography Cameras Market-Segmentation by Application

7 Global Astrophotography Cameras Market-Segmentation by Marketing Channel
7.1 Traditional Marketing Channel (Offline)
7.2 Online Channel

8 Competitive Intelligence Company Profiles

9 Global Astrophotography Cameras Market-Segmentation by Geography

9.1 North America
9.2 Europe
9.3 Asia-Pacific
9.4 Latin America

9.5 Middle East and Africa

10 Future Forecast of the Global Astrophotography Cameras Market from 2023-2030

10.1 Future Forecast of the Global Astrophotography Cameras Market from 2023-2030 Segment by Region
10.2 Global Astrophotography Cameras Production and Growth Rate Forecast by Type (2023-2030)
10.3 Global Astrophotography Cameras Consumption and Growth Rate Forecast by Application (2023-2030)

11 Appendix
11.1 Methodology
12.2 Research Data Source


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April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens


The Lineup With Susie Mosher was temporarily streamlined to two episodes a month but that doesn’t mean that the quality of the shows has suffered – quite the contraray, as Mosher and her team of expert musicians provide a playground in the Birdland Theater for audiences and the guests they have come to see. On April 4th, Susie Mosher, Lon Hoyt, Clint de Ganon and guest bass player David Finck gave the full-on LINEUP experience and Susie’s photographic documentarian, Matt Baker, was on hand to capture all the action in his lens, as only he can do. Below can be seen Mr. Baker’s photos of the pre-show dressing room r&r, the after-performance posings, and the exciting evening of entertainment, the like of which recently garnered Susie and her show two awards from the Manhattan Association of Cabaret. A new Lineup is coming on April 18th and HERE is the link.

Visit the Matt Baker website HERE.Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens
Clint de Ganon

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens
Lon Hoyt

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Lindsay Lavin Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Myriam PhiroPhotos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Jumaane SmithPhotos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker LensAmir E. Gollan

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker LensMark Aaron James

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Hyeonseon Baek Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

The Drinkwater BrothersPhotos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Marieann MeringoloPhotos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

The drawing of the mousepad and the mousepad winner!Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Jen Brett and Ricky Antony WestripPhotos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

The Lineup Band is John Miller on Bass and Clint de Ganon on Drums and Musical Director Lon Hoyt on piano. On April 4th David Finck was the guest bass player.

Tickets for THE LINEUP WITH Susie Mosher can be obtained HERE.

Next up on The Lineup With Susie Mosher:

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker Lens

About Matt Baker:

Photos: April 4th THE LINEUP WITH SUSIE MOSHER In The Matt Baker LensMatt Baker is a portrait photographer and professional jazz musician. Commissioned work includes headshots, portraits, live concerts, video production, and more.

His studio also has a beautiful black grand piano (great for a music video too), located on New York’s Upper West Side. Shoots can be outdoors, at a location of your choice, or indoors in the studio space. Matt himself is a professional jazz pianist, performing a busy schedule in New York and touring abroad, loves coffee, scuba diving, and astrophotography. Originally from Australia has lived in NYC 12 years now.


Watch the moon and Saturn have a close encounter in the sky tonight



© Chris Vaughan Starry Night

Skywatchers, set your alarm clocks. 

Early tomorrow morning (that is, after midnight tonight), the moon and Saturn will make a close approach in the night sky, an event known as an appulse.

Of course, the moon and Saturn won’t physically be very close to one another, as Saturn is anywhere from 746 million miles (1.2 billion km) to a billion miles (1.7 billion km) away from Earth, depending upon where the planets are in their orbits. But from our vantage point, they’ll appear very close together in the night sky.

The exact time of the appulse will be at 2:12 am EDT (0612 GMT), according to skywatching site, though the moon and Saturn will be below the horizon at that time. Around that same time, they’ll also reach conjunction, which is when they share the same right ascension, the celestial equivalent of longitude. The duo will become visible at 4:20 a.m. in New York City, rising in the early morning sky, and they’ll remain highly visible until the sun comes up at 6:14 a.m. EDT (1014 GMT), after which they’ll largely be washed out by its light. They’ll eventually set at 3:06 p.m. (1906 GMT).

Related: Night sky, April 2023: What you can see tonight [maps]

High Mercury, planets and the moon & Lyrid meteors in April 2023 skywatching



To see the moon and Saturn, which will be separated by three degrees and 11 minutes — roughly one-third the size of your fist held out at arm’s length — look towards the constellation Aquarius in the night sky. They won’t be close together enough to see within the field of view of a telescope, but they will be able to be seen within the field of view of binoculars.

At the time of appulse and conjunction, the moon will be in a waning crescent phase, appearing as just a slight C-shaped sliver, which might make for some very interesting photography.

To get a close look at the moon and Saturn, take a look at our guides to the best telescopes and best binoculars. And if you’re looking to photograph the night sky, check out our guide on how to photograph the moon, as well as our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography.

Editor’s Note: If you take an image of the moon and Saturn close together and would like to share it with’s readers, send your photo(s), comments, and your name and location to [email protected].

Follow Stefanie Waldek on Twitter @StefanieWaldek. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. 


Maine Voices: Celebrate Maine’s pristine night skies this week


As the world continues to develop and urbanize, the beauty and wonder of the night skies are often an unintended casualty. In Maine, we are still fortunate to have some of the most pristine and breathtaking night skies in the entire United States. With vast stretches of undeveloped forests and low light pollution, Maine is still a wonderful place to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the stars, planets and galaxies above.

That’s why astronomy clubs and enthusiasts around the state are celebrating International Dark Sky Week from April 15-21. This is a global event that raises awareness about the importance of protecting our natural nighttime environments and promoting responsible outdoor lighting practices.

Maine’s dark skies are a valuable resource for educational and recreational activities such as stargazing, astronomy and astrophotography. They are becoming better recognized as a driver of tourism, not least with the establishment of the Maine Woods International Dark Sky Park in 2021. The night sky also has cultural significance for indigenous communities, who have long held a deep spiritual connection to the stars and constellations. And preserving dark skies has numerous environmental and health benefits.

Sadly, our connection to the night sky in Maine is not a reality for many millions who live under domes of artificial light that have come to blanket population centers all over the world. We are lucky; our dark sky is a precious resource that we should celebrate and protect.

The good news is that it’s not hard to do. Light pollution is perhaps the most preventable form of industrial environmental degradation. Why? Because the purpose of nighttime lighting – to illuminate a roadway or pathway for safety, or a building or landscape for decoration or security – is usually not in major conflict with the goal of preserving dark skies. In fact, well-designed dark sky-friendly lighting often results in better aesthetics, increased safety through reduced glare and lower electricity costs.

During International Dark Sky Week, there are many ways you can help preserve dark skies. Here are a few ideas:

1. Reduce outdoor lighting. Make sure your outdoor lights are shielded and directed downward to minimize light pollution. Use motion sensors, timers, or dimmers to avoid unnecessary use of outdoor lights.

2. Switch to dark-sky friendly lighting. Choose outdoor lighting fixtures for your home or business that are labeled as “Dark Sky Approved” or “IDA (International Dark-Sky Association) Certified” to ensure that they meet strict requirements for reducing light pollution.

3. Support dark-sky friendly public lighting projects. As towns and municipalities convert street lights to LED, encourage your local officials to use lights with full cut-off shielding and low color temperature.

4. Educate others. Spread the word about the importance of dark skies and the need to protect them. Talk about light pollution and mitigation with your friends and family.

5. Experience the night skies. Take advantage of Maine’s dark skies by spending time outdoors at night, stargazing, or participating in organized events during International Dark Sky Week.

6. Support dark sky initiatives. Get involved with local or regional organizations that are working to protect and preserve our dark skies, such as your local astronomy club or Dark Skies Maine.

By taking these steps, you will help conserve Maine’s dark skies and ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at the wonders of the night sky. Happy International Dark Sky Week!

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