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CDTA Nature Bus ridership increases in second year
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy (MHLC), the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA), and local project partners offered a second year of free bus service to connect communities in the city of Albany to natural areas in Albany County. The complimentary service ran every Saturday from May 28, 2022, through Sept. 24, 2022.
On the heels of a successful pilot season in 2021, Nature Bus partners on Tuesday announced a 30% increase in ridership in 2022. More than 1,200 residents took advantage of the free service over its 18-week run to access and enjoy nature at nine different outdoor locations.
Project partners increased programming in 2022 with scavenger hunts, guided nature walks, and other educational offerings. Nature Bus also gave riders access to the larger community events of the year including the Five Rivers Annual Festival and Thacher Park’s Hawk Watch.
As they look toward Nature Bus 2023, project partners are launching a quick survey to gauge feedback on the service and how it might be improved in future years. The survey is open to all City of Albany residents, including those who did not ride the Nature Bus in 2022.
The survey is available via SurveyMonkey. It will remain open through February 28.
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