Newbury Photography Club are currently exhibiting 50 framed prints by 20 members at Greenham Common Control Tower.
The exhibition runs to July 2 and is open Wednesday to Friday from10.30am to 3.30pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm.
The Club have also launchied a photography competition for young people entitled Summer with my camera. Submitted pictures can be taken on any camera or mobile phone and should show any interesting and creative subject taken during July and August. Details are available at the exhibition or on Newbury Photography Club Website, Facebook, or Instagram:
www.newburyphotographyclub.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewburyPC/ Instagram: @newburyphotoclub
The inaugural meeting of Newbury Photography Club (formerly Newbury Camera Club) was held at 7pm on Thursday 01 February 1945 at the Tudor Cafe in Newbury (103 Northbrook Street). The Cafe remained the home of the Club for half a century, and it now meets in The Royal British Legion Club.
Membership numbers have been variable over the years reflecting the changes in photography which has progressed through black and white, colour prints, slides, digital and the rapid growth in the use of camera phones and on-line platforms. They have a strong programme of talks and presentations on many aspects of photography by leading professional and amateur photographers. Encouragement is given to those wishing to exhibit their skills in friendly competitions between members and between other clubs, advice is freely given, and problems shared. The club is an active member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation, and we enter competitions with other clubs in the Federation and the Federation’s annual exhibition.
© Newbury Today
Mara Sundown, Jenny Bailey
They also organise special interest groups, workshops, discussions, and social events during the year. We pride ourselves in catering for all standards of photography, and in helping members to learn and to get the most enjoyment from photography.
Meetings are held every Thursday from 7pm for 7.30pm start at The Royal British Legion in Pelican Lane.