Does Photo Show DeSantis ‘Grooming High School Girls with Alcohol as a Teacher’?


Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

© Provided by Snopes
Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

On Feb. 7, 2023, former U.S. President Donald Trump re-shared a meme on his Truth Social platform that claimed to show a photograph of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.” The meme named DeSantis as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” a nickname previously given to him by Trump.

Cambridge Dictionary provides the relevant definition of “groomer” as “someone who grooms children” and “becomes friends with them with the intention of trying to persuade them to have a sexual relationship.”

The term “grooming” has grown in its usage in American politics in recent years, including at least one mention by DeSantis’ own press secretary in relation to legislation the governor signed.

As for the photograph, Salon reported that DeSantis addressed the subject after being asked a question. His answer did not specifically address the claim in the meme, but did respond generally.

“I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden,” he said as part of his response. “That’s how I spend my time. I don’t spend my time trying to smear other Republicans.”

We contacted DeSantis’ press office with further questions and will update this article if we receive a response.

As of this writing, we found some information regarding the origins of the photograph, but did not locate any credible data that would show DeSantis had a history of “grooming high school girls.” While a picture of a teacher potentially holding a beer bottle with a group of students would likely be considered problematic, there simply haven’t been any publicly disclosed accusations from students that said DeSantis had engaged in any “grooming.”

In this story, we’ll look at the claim that Trump re-shared, as well as past reporting about the picture.

Trump’s Posts

The picture included in the meme that Trump re-shared came from another user’s posts.

In the first post, Trump asked, “That’s not Ron, is it? He would never do such a thing!”

Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.

© Provided by Snopes
Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.

The former president followed up the first post with another one that showed the picture without the meme’s words. The post that Trump re-shared included a caption from another user, which read, “Ron DeSantis was having a ‘drink’ party with his students when he was a high school teacher. Having drinks with underage girls and cuddling them look pretty gross and ephebophiliaesque.”

Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.

© Provided by Snopes
Donald Trump reshared a meme that claimed to show a photo of Ron DeSantis grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher.

As for the word at the end of the message, Collins English Dictionary defines ephebophilia as “the condition of being sexually attracted to adolescents.”

DeSantis’ Response

On Feb. 8, the Florida’s Voice Twitter account posted a video that showed DeSantis addressing the subject about Trump’s Truth Social posts. “BREAKING: DeSantis responds to Trump ReTruth accusing him of being a ‘groomer,'” the tweet’s caption read.

We transcribed his full answer below.

Question: … on Truth Social directed at you, some were insinuating that you…

DeSantis: So, here is what I would say about all of that. I get you guys want the controversy.

Question: My question is, how would your proposed legislation against defamation address those posts that could be considered damaging?

DeSantis: Well, if you think, when we did the defamation panel yesterday, I made the point, look, I have a platform. It’s different for me cause I can fight back. And people just know, I face defamatory stuff every single day I’ve been governor. That’s just the nature of it. But I have a platform to fight back. A lot of these other people that are more little, they don’t necessarily have a platform to fight back. And so, in terms of our reforms, I really want to empower them moreso than people that occupy high positions like me. It just goes with the territory. You gotta have the thick skin. It’s also just, practically speaking, I would not take time out of being governor to be fighting lawsuits. It’s just not practical in terms of what we’re doing.

And I’ll also just say this. I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden. That’s how I spend my time.

(crowd applauds)

I don’t spend my time trying to smear other Republicans.

Hill Reporter Article

The second post Trump re-shared linked out to an article from Hill Reporter, which is a website described by The New York Times as being “a blog put out by a Democratic super PAC.” The story was published on Oct. 24, 2021.

The headline of the Hill Reporter article read, “[Exclusive] [PIC] Ron DeSantis Accused of Attending Drinking Party With Students At High School Where He Taught.”

According to the story, information about the photograph was provided to a Hill Reporter by “a source with close knowledge of the matter.”

While the article did say that the girls “loved” DeSantis,” it made no direct claim or provided any evidence in regard to the idea that he had been “grooming” them for sex. That specific claim appeared to have been born in the meme, which Trump later re-shared.

“According to our whistleblower, [DeSantis] had a reputation among students for being a young ‘hot teacher’ who girls loved, and the girls in the photo are believed to have graduated in 2002, making them seniors at the time,” the story read.

Hill Reporter also added, “The source who provided the photo says that it was taken prior to graduation — meaning the young girls would still have been DeSantis’ responsibility at the time.”

NYT IDs DeSantis in Photo

On Nov. 5, 2022, The New York Times reported about DeSantis’ time as a history and government teacher, as well as a coach at Darlington School during the 2001-02 school year. Darlington is a private boarding and day school located in Rome, Georgia.

The Times identified the man in the photograph as being the future Florida governor, and added that “several students recalled that Mr. DeSantis was a frequent presence at parties with the seniors who lived in town.”

Last year, Hill Reporter, a blog put out by a Democratic super PAC, published a photograph of Mr. DeSantis taken with several female students from Darlington in 2002, one of whom was holding what appeared to be a bottle of beer.

Two former students, both women, remembered him attending at least two parties where alcohol was served, but they said that the parties took place after graduation and that they were not bothered by his presence at the time, although they question it now. “It was his first job out of Yale, he was cute. We didn’t really think too much about it,” one of the former students said.

As with Hill Reporter’s article, nothing in the story from The New York Times provided documentation about DeSantis “grooming” high school girls in order to later have sex with them. This claim was only directly promoted by the meme.

As for the bottle being held in the photograph, it very well might have been a beer. However, we noted that both the Hill Reporter and The New York Times cautiously reported that it only “appeared” to be a beer bottle.

These are the facts as we knew them as of Feb. 8, 2023. This story will be updated if further developments come to light.


30 Innovative And Awesome Designs Shared By The “Design Therapy” Instagram Account


Here are the 30 innovative and awesome designs shared by the “Design Therapy” Instagram account. Innovative designs refer to original and creative ideas for products, structures, or systems that offer new and improved ways of doing things. Innovative designs can range from products in technology, architecture, fashion, transportation, and many other industries, and can be characterized by their uniqueness, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.

The goal of innovative design is to solve problems and meet the needs of consumers in new and improved ways. Here in this gallery, you can find the 30 best examples and creative designs.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. Check Design Therapy Instagram account for more work.

You can find more info about Design Therapy:

#1 Stone Sculptures By Jon Foreman

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#2 Electric Violin Designed By @animabcn

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#3 Nike Motor Sweeper Concept Shoes

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#4 Digital Fashion Designed By Yimeng Yu

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#5 Pendler E-Bike Designed By Layer Design⁣⁣

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#6 Mushrooms Of Paradise By Luke Penry

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#7 Desk Tidy Lamp Designed By Yohan Lansard Design

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#8 Waiheke House Designed By Cheshire Architects

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#9 Frog Accessories

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#10 Drone Light Restoration Of Ancient Building

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#11 Hand Painted Doormat

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#12 Guerilla Marketing Campaigns By Oral-B

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#13 Nadarra 3D Printed Sand Wall Designed By Barry Wark

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#14 The New Museum Of Ethnography In City Park, Budapest

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#15 Tray Series Designed By Origins Work⁣

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#16 Espiunca Armchair Designed By João Araújo

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#17 Supercalla Charging Cable Designed By Charles Harris

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#18 Geometry Of The Body By Lin Yung Cheng

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#19 Tor Twist Shelf Designed By Tom Raffield

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#20 Mysterious Sculpture Designed By Joshua Vermillon

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#21 Sculptures Designed By Lee Sangsoo Artsangsoo

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#22 Jiang Taigong Tea Bag Holders

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#23 Bernie Sanders Crochetlove By Tobeytimecrochet

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#24 Cabinet Design By Caleb Woodard Furniture

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#25 The Bouquetpot Designed By Niangui Cai⁠

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#26 Villa Saraceni Scala Dei Turchi Designed By Creamatelier And Charlottetaylr

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#27 Flexi-Bike By Hoon Yoon

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#28 Balloon Dog Anatomy Designed By Gummifetus

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#29 The Hug Ring By Richard & Bec

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

#30 Trojan Horse Designed By Babis_cloud

Innovative And Awesome Designs

Image source: design.therapyy

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Our Favorite Female Bird Shots From the 2022 Audubon Photography Awards


Our 2022 Audubon Photography Awards marked the second year of our new Female Bird Prize. Created to call attention to some of the most overlooked birds in the world, the female bird category challenges photographers to focus their cameras and attention on the sex that is too often ignored. This neglect by bird lovers and even scientists isn’t just a problem of philosophy or equality. Recent research has shown that lack of focus on the specific needs of female birds has profound consequences for species conservation. 

When Audubon magazine launched the Female Bird Prize, we weren’t sure what the response was going to be. We were pleasantly surprised when we received hundreds of amazing submissions the first year. But that did not prepare us for the avalanche of incredible female bird photography that we would receive in 2022. More than a thousand photos featuring a wide array of species, from jaunty Hooded Mergansers to regal Northern Shovelers, left our special panel of judges beaming. 

If after enjoying the images below you find yourself inspired to pick up a camera and pursue female avian subjects on your own, our photography section has everything you need to get started, including tips and how-to’s and Audubon’s ethical guidelines for wildlife photography. Then get out there and start recording your favorite species. And if you like the results, consider submitting your best photos to this year’s awards

Hooded Merganser by John Lee Wong (above) 

Location: Arcadia, CA
Behind the Shot: I took this shot on my fourth trip of the season photographing Hooded Mergansers with crayfish. I had lots of good shots already, but this time I wanted to capture a spectacular high-action moment, something unique and seldom seen. After a couple hours, a female merganser emerged from the water with a large crayfish and two males took off toward her to steal it. As she started leaning forward and lifting her wings, I hit the shutter button to capture her kicking up a gigantic rooster tail of water while taking off with her catch. To me, having a female merganser as the star instead of one of the more flamboyant males made this shot that much more special.

Northern Flicker by Marti Phillips

Location: Tiburon, CA
Behind the Shot: During COVID-19 pandemic closures, I made a project of photographing every species that landed in the treetops visible from my backyard deck. I have photographs of more than 30 different species on a single branch, which shows how important just one tree can be to a wide variety of birds. The top of the tree featured in this shot is a favorite perch. I love how the patterns on the flicker echo the patterns on the tree and pinecones. I hope that even though this tree has died due to the drought, the owners of the property don’t cut it down—it is so important to the wildlife in the neighborhood.

Snail Kite by John Ruggeri

Location: Lake Tohopekelagia, Osceola County, FL
Behind the Shot: I have been watching this female Snail Kite since 2018. She returns to the south end of Lake Tohopekelagia every November, and according to University of Florida biologists, she hatched on the lake back in 2016. I’ve nicknamed her Turtle Girl because, contrary to her common name, she seems to be drawn more to turtles than snails, at least in this location. She successfully hunts anywhere from five to eight turtles per day. On the day I got this shot after returning from a tour, I offloaded my passengers, pushed off the dock, and let the boat drift to the other side of the basin. The boat came to rest in the lily pads, and I checked the settings and started photographing her. To photograph Turtle Girl, I like to wait until the afternoon when the light is more desirable. 

Bushtit by Ken Meyer

Location: Portland, OR
Behind the Shot: Our yard is a Certified Backyard Habitat through our local chapter of Audubon, and as my wife and I have learned more about the program, we volunteer to evaluate and certify other yards. One important aspect of evaluating yards is paying attention to the layers. Birds use different layers to approach food sources and to have an escape route from predators, as well as for finding suitable nest sites. A flock of Bushtits regularly visit our backyard in the winter and spring, and like this one, they make use of the layers of vegetation that we have, moving from tree to shrub in search of insects. If you are able to provide the right habitat for birds, you don’t have to travel to enjoy them. 

Northern Shoveler by Gloria Hong

Location: Central Park, NY 
Behind the Shot: I spent an hour at Central Park’s reservoir photographing overwintering ducks before walking my way north to an area called “the pool” to sit and rest. A female Northern Shoveler decided she was going to preen on a rock that was near where I was sitting, and the light was wonderful. I love photographing ducks at the pool because it allows me to get low. Autumn leaves were still on trees, and as the sun filtered through them, it cast a glorious reddish-orange tint to the water that framed her so beautifully.

Boat-tailed Grackle by Nancy Malecki

Location: Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Delray Beach, FL
Behind the Shot: I visited the Wakodahatchee Wetlands on a partly cloudy day, and by my third loop around the boardwalk, it was becoming more challenging to keep up with the fast-moving clouds and rapidly changing light conditions. Ahead, I saw a large group of visitors, so I decided to slow down and watch some Boat-tailed Grackles exhibiting courting behavior. With the males clearly outnumbering the females, they were frantically trying to out-display one another to impress the ladies. After a few minutes, this female landed nearby. It seemed both of us were taking a time-out from the activity around us. I was happy to capture a few photos of her as she rested briefly before flying off again.

Northern Harrier by Jason Gilbody

Location: Salisbury Beach State Reservation, Salisbury, MA
Behind the Shot: This female Northern Harrier was quite the star at this location during the winter of 2021-2022. This seaside state park is quite large, but she had a pattern of doing loops around the marsh. To our shock and disbelief, she came out of nowhere and perched on this forked branch. I moved slightly and slowly to get the best angle, then stood as still as possible to not disturb her or spook her from her perch. She stayed perched for minutes, preening and calling to the other harriers in the area as I photographed away. This photo of her preening was one of my favorites from the interaction. I loved that she had isolated a single feather in her beak but is still looking quite intently across the marsh in case she sees her next meal.

Indigo Bunting by Jane Gamble

Location: McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area, Poolesville, MD
Behind the Shot: Every year, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources plants the McKee-Beshers sunflower fields in Poolesville, MD. By early July, the sunflowers are at their peak, providing a glorious backdrop for photographers who come to capture the fleeting beauty of the flowers and the creatures who value the rich habitat. I was waiting patiently, surrounded by sunflowers that towered over me but provided good cover, when I saw this female Indigo Bunting land with a juicy caterpillar in her beak. There was no posing for her—just a quick look in my direction before flying back to the trees with her catch. It was enough time for me to snap the shot and capture the moment. 

Long-tailed Duck by Vicki Jauron

Location: Island Beach State Park, NJ
Behind the Shot: The golden sunrise colors, the soft waves, a single little female Long-tailed Duck in profile as she crests the swell—this scene evokes a sense of serenity and oneness with nature for me. The bird is so small in the frame that she cannot be the subject, yet she adds a sense of wonder, a sense of vastness, and a deep sense of all being right with the world. For me there is no time better than sunrise to capture mood and emotion, and there’s no place better to do it than on the beach. During these times, I am happy to cross paths with any bird, close or far, unique or common.    

Red-winged Blackbird by Kenneth Haas

Location: Upstate New York
Behind the Shot: I took this shot on a cold, overcast, and windy afternoon in early May. Around the pond on my property, the air was filled with the sound of a dozen Red-winged Blackbirds. When I noticed cattail seeds flying in the wind across the frame of my camera, I slowly and quietly moved my tripod around the tree obstructing my view to find this female pulling seeds from last year’s cattails and letting them fly. I took a series of photos and she never noticed me. She had trouble keeping her balance in the strong wind as evidenced by the extension of her right wing. Every spring the male Red-winged Blackbirds arrive first on my property with the females showing up a couple of weeks later. This female had just returned to the pond and was looking for the best of last year’s cattails to build her nest. These birds are always welcome and special visitors to my home.

American Kestrel by Robert Palmer

Location: Farmington Bay Wildlife Management Area, Farmington, UT
Behind the Shot: I used to spend a lot of time photographing wildlife, especially birds at the waterfowl management area on cold winter mornings. This day was no exception: cloudy, 20 degrees, no wind. There are usually a few American Kestrels hanging around, and this morning there was one kestrel that was preening in a tree with frost on the branches about 20 feet away. She was very focused on cleaning her feathers and not paying attention to me. I was in my car along the road and took a number of photos of her preening. I think this photo illustrates the beauty that can be found in a bird performing a simple, every day task. 

Golden-crowned Kinglet by Sharon Olson

Daintily perched upon the tip of a green spruce bough, a Golden-crowned Kinglet curiously inspects two brown pinecones. With its head cocked to the side, the splendid female shows off her white eye line and the shock of yellow across her crown for which this species is named..
Photo: Sharon Olson/Audubon Photography Awards

Location: Clackamas County, OR
Behind the Shot: While out walking one day in a wooded area, camera in hand, I heard a high-pitched chorus high up in the towering conifer trees. Upon taking a closer look, I saw a flurry of activity with a flock of Golden-crowned Kinglets swiftly moving among the lush green branches. My heart skipped a beat realizing what a delightful challenge it would be to capture these small, nimble birds so high up in the treetops. I am in constant admiration observing birds and, so often, the dedication of females who tirelessly devote themselves to choosing mates, building nests, and defending their young and territories—often successfully and on their own. Photographing birds and nature is awe-inspiring for me; it transports me into the moment, allowing me to be consumed by the marvel unfolding right in front of me.


Astrophotographers from Thiruvananthapuram thrilled to take photos of the ‘green comet’


The image of C/2022 E3 (ZTF) captured by LPSC scientists Fahd Bin Abdul Hasis and Kiran Mohan from Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, on Tuesday evening.

The image of C/2022 E3 (ZTF) captured by LPSC scientists Fahd Bin Abdul Hasis and Kiran Mohan from Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, on Tuesday evening.

After cloudy skies left them dejected several evenings this month, two astrophotography enthusiasts from the district finally succeeded in snapping photographs of a rare visitor — the ‘green comet’ C/2022 E3 (ZTF) which is on its closest approach to Earth in about 50,000 years.

Fahd Bin Abdul Hasis and Kiran Mohan, scientists at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), an Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) facility, took several snaps of the comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) on Tuesday evening when finally the sky cleared.

Ever since C/2022 E3 (ZTF) began its once-in-several-lifetimes visit, the duo, who pursues astrophotography as a passionate hobby, has been keeping a lookout for it from Enikkara, Karakulam, where they live. ‘‘We took a few photos on February 3 and 5, but they were not that good as the sky was cloudy. On Tuesday [February 7], we had a clear sky, so we got some good pictures between 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.,’‘ Mr. Hasis said.

The long-period comet’s movement is in a roughly northeast to northwest direction. Once the moon rose bright, Mr. Hasis and Mr. Mohan had to discontinue their tryst with the comet. It’s hard to spot C/2022 E3 (ZTF) with the naked eye and the difficulty is compounded by light pollution over urban areas. One would need a pair of binoculars or a telescope to spot it, according to Mr. Hasis.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was discovered by astronomers at the Zwicky Transient Facility in the U.S. in March last year. It was dubbed ‘green comet’ due to its greenish tinge. The comet made its closest approach to the sun on January 12 this year and to the earth on February 1.

Another photo of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) taken by Fahd Bin Abdul Hasis and Kiran Mohan which also shows an aircraft trail.

Another photo of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) taken by Fahd Bin Abdul Hasis and Kiran Mohan which also shows an aircraft trail.

‘’The comet is near the star Capella in the constellation of Auriga. By February 11, it will be in the direction of Mars when we look from Earth and then it will move into the Taurus constellation,’‘ he said.

For taking the photos, the duo used a Nikon Z 6II camera fitted with a Samyang 13 mm f/2 lens, plus an iOptron SkyGuider Pro star-tracker for compensating for the earth’s rotation and preventing ‘star trailing’ due to long exposure.

In July 2020, Mr. Hasis and Mr. Mohan had a similar experience with cloudy skies when they had to wait several days to take snaps of the long-period comet NEOWISE.


Justin Aversano makes a quantum leap for NFT photography – Cointelegraph Magazine


Artist name: Justin Aversano
Location: Los Angeles
Date minted first NFT: Feb. 15, 2021
Which blockchains? Ethereum


Unintentionally, the healing process of losing his twin sister at birth sparked Justin Aversano’s career to become the poster child for NFT photography. His most famous collection, “Twin Flames,” has 5,900 ETH in total sales volume on OpenSea and multiple million-dollar sales, including one auctioned at Christie’s. 

A multidisciplinary artist with a great eye and passion for photography, Aversano’s journey into NFTs started with a trip to Peru to work with local shamans to try to get over an addiction and depression. It was on that trip that he started to heal and found a spark that would become the initial idea for his iconic collection. 

“I never questioned that I was an artist, but you know the feeling inside when you’re grappling with anger, depression, sadness and grief. I was looking to outgrow the grief and become whole. In San Pedro, there was a ceremony run by twins. It really opened my heart to connecting with my twin, who passed during my mom’s pregnancy. It felt like opening Pandora’s box. I remember thinking, ‘Okay, there’s something there, and I need to work on it.’” 

A few months removed from San Pedro, Aversano was at an exhibition and photographed a pair of twins who came to his art show. That night, he knew he was ready to take on this new project spotlighting twins. 

“I just started with those twins that night. They then introduced me to other twins. It became a whole domino effect of connecting with twins. Understanding the feeling of what it would have been like to have a twin and honoring my twin, and also my mother, because I feel like losing my twin was also part of losing my mom and her getting ovarian cancer,” he says.

“There are so many different elements, and a lot of my art is for my mom, my family and honoring ancestors. I like it when you’re working in healing,” Aversano shares. 

Despite putting together the Twin Flames project in a traditional sense, including a book and an exhibition highlighting the work, it wasn’t until Aversano discovered NFTs that things got crazy. 

“Another two years passed by. I had the Twin Flames project on my website and Instagram, but then I discovered NFTs. I didn’t see other photography projects online. I minted Twin Flames, and the next day it sold out — and changed my life.” 

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Sell or hodl? How to prepare for the end of the bull run, Part 2

Now, just two years from his first mint, Aversano —who is considered by most to be at the top of the NFT photography food chain — has amassed over 8,100 ETH in sales volume on OpenSea alone.

Aversano is also carrying the torch for budding photographers who want to pivot their creative endeavors to the world of NFTs with Quantum Art, a platform focused on curating and dropping NFT collections launched in September 2021, with a particular focus on photography NFTs.

“With Quantum, I’ve said this from the beginning: I want it to be what Art Blocks is for generative art. I have so much respect for Erick (Snowfro) with what he has done with Art Blocks, and we want the same for photography. There’s so much respect for generative art, and I can understand that because everyone’s computer native. I’d love to see photography get its heyday because it’s always been the underdog,” Aversano states. 

Notable sales:

Twin Flames #49. Alyson and Courtney Aliano: Sold for 888 ETH ($3.7 million at the time) on Nov. 23, 2021, making it the eighth most expensive photograph ever sold. Purchased via PartyBid.

Twin Flames #49. Alyson and Courtney Aliano

Twin Flames #83. Bahaeeh and Farzaneh: Sold for $1.1 million on Oct. 6, 2021 at Christie’s.

Twin Flames #82. Bahaeeh and Farzaneh

Twin Flames #2. Jessica and Joyce Gayo: Sold for 207 ETH ($959,027) on Nov. 10, 2021.

Twin Flames #2. Jessica and Joyce Gayo

Twin Flames #1. Ali and Gilli Glatt: Sold for 200 ETH ($686,696) on Sept. 7, 2021.

Twin Flames #1. Ali and Gilli Glatt


Aversano cites the influence of photographers like Irving Penn, David LaChapelle, Diane Arbus, Vivian Maier and Robert Frank, as well as painters like Alex Gray and Dustin Yellin. 

He is inspired by all NFT photographers but gives a special shout-out to Beeple: “That guy is the biggest influence on everyone!”

Beeple Everydays: Bull Run Day #4951 from Nov. 19, 2020
Beeple’s Everydays: Bull Run, Day #4951 from Nov. 19, 2020. Source: OpenSea

Aversano also highlights the influence of prominent NFT personality Gmoney on his rise to NFT stardom. 

“In terms of collectors, Gmoney was one of the biggest influences on my life. We spoke a bit, and I asked him if he was spending $250,000 on a monkey JPG, would he buy real art? He said to me he’d rather buy NFTs. He helped me by talking to Flamingo DAO and the CryptoPunks community. They all supported me with my NFT drops,” he says. 

Which artist should we be paying attention to? 

In regard to other artists in the space catching his attention, Aversano notes IX Shells, a sound and visual artist whose piece Bend was recently acquired by the Buffalo AKG Art Museum: “She’s one of my favorite artists. She’s cool as a person and artist.”

He also notes Summer Wagner, a photographer based out of Rockford, Illinois.

In The Fullness of Time, Foundation, by IX Shells
In The Fullness of Time by IX Shells. Source: Twitter

Process and personal style:

Talking about how his artwork develops over time, Aversano says, “Every project I’ve been thinking about has been thought about for years. There’s nothing I’ve created and thought of minting an NFT the next day. I’ve been working on these major projects for years, and it hasn’t existed in the art world as I wanted it to.”

Smoke and Mirrors #78 featuring two pairs of twins: Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and Duncan and Griffin Cock Foster
Smoke and Mirrors #78, featuring two pairs of twins: Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss and Duncan and Griffin Cock Foster. Source: OpenSea

“This is the best time in my life as an artist of this era — for everything that I create to be an NFT. I see a lot of other artists who have careers that are older than mine, and they’re getting into NFTs, and not all their stuff is on the blockchain. This is the perfect time for me as an artist to have all my art on the blockchain from the beginning.”

“I often think about minting art as NFTs like hand printing on ancient scrolls on the blockchain. It brings the past, present and future together in a special way, and you can live in your digital gallery in your own home,” he concludes.

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Greg Oakford

Greg Oakford

Greg Oakford is the co-founder of NFT Fest Australia. A former marketing and communications specialist in the sports world, Greg now focuses his time on running events, creating content and consulting in web3. He is an avid NFT collector and hosts a weekly podcast covering all things NFTs.


Photo of Gabby Petito before death supports lawsuit against police, parents say


SARASOTA, Fla. – The parents of Gabby Petito have released a photo they say proves officers should have taken action during a domestic violence stop involving Petito and her then-fiancé Brian Laundrie, according to News 6 partner WPLG.

In the photo, reportedly taken minutes before police stopped the couple, Petito appears to have a bruised eye and red marks on her face.

Petito’s parents say officers ignored their daughter’s injuries and are suing the Moab Police Department in Utah for not intervening to protect her before she was killed by Laundrie in 2021.

The lawsuit seeks at least $50 million in damages.

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The lawsuit comes months after Petito’s family settled a wrongful death lawsuit for $3 million.

A lawyer for Petito’s parents said at the time that whatever money was received would go to the Gabby Petito Foundation dedicated to locating missing people and curbing domestic violence.

The lawsuit involving the estates of Petito and Laundrie, filed last May, claimed Laundrie was liable for damages because he caused her death.

A separate lawsuit, still pending in Sarasota, claims Laundrie’s parents wrongly concealed that he confessed to killing Petito before he returned home in September 2021 to Florida from their trip out West in a converted van.

Christopher and Roberta Laundrie denied that claim.

Petito’s disappearance on the trip and the subsequent discovery of her slain body on Sept. 19, 2021 in a Wyoming national park became a national obsession, which continued during the weekslong search for Laundrie in a swampy Florida nature preserve.

His remains were found there in October 2021 and investigators say he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and left a note confessing to Petito’s slaying, according to the FBI.

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Great Yarmouth: Astrophotography images capture the moon


The images, taken on Great Yarmouth seafront, were captured on Monday at around 10pm.

Lukasz Sledzinski, 42, has been learning about and enjoying astronomy for the last 30 years, picking up astrophotography in the last two.

Eastern Daily Press: A technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz SledzinskiA technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz Sledzinski (Image: Lukasz Sledzinski)

He enjoys the hobby with his 10-year-old son Pascal, although last night’s viewing was too late.

Mr Sledzinski had set out in the hope to see the green comet, but the moon was too bright. He joked “I will have to wait a bit longer – what, 50,000 years from now?”.

Eastern Daily Press: Lukasz Sledzinski enjoys the hobby with his 10-year-old son PascalLukasz Sledzinski enjoys the hobby with his 10-year-old son Pascal (Image: Lukasz Sledzinski)

Eastern Daily Press: A technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz SledzinskiA technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz Sledzinski (Image: Lukasz Sledzinski)

Fog came in around midnight, which prevented Mr Sledzinski from capturing Jupiter and Mars.

The images are composite photos, taken using a Skywatcher 150p telescope and Nikon 3100.

Eastern Daily Press: A technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz SledzinskiA technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz Sledzinski (Image: Lukasz Sledzinski)

Eastern Daily Press: A technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz SledzinskiA technical manager from Great Yarmouth has captured stunning images of the moon. Picture: Lukasz Sledzinski (Image: Lukasz Sledzinski)

A photograph of the sky is combined with a photograph of the moon, meaning both are correctly exposed.

He said: “It amazes me – it has since my first experience of seeing the night sky. 200,000 stars is just breathtaking. 

“Our origin is from there so it is amazing to see.”


OM System launches M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO lens


OM System has announced the M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO, price tag £1,299.99 / $1,499.99 / €1,499.99, a new macro lens offering 2x magnification.

The new M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO comes equipped with image stabilisation that, when used with a Micro Four Thirds camera body with IBIS, can provide up to seven stops of shutter speed compensation. This can be enabled via an IS switch that’s located on the lens barrel.

The M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO can also extend its magnification up to 4x when used with OM System’s MC-20 2x teleconverter. This is an 8x 35mm equivalent.

The new OM System macro lens weighs 453g and is IP53 rated, meaning it is dust- and splash-proof. It can also be used in temperatures down to -10C.

Other features include a fluorine coating, focus ring, L-Fn button and a focus limit switch on the lens barrel.

The OM System M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO release date will be the end of February for the European market and early March for the US.


Save $200 on the Samyang AF f/2.8 14mm lens: A great wide-angle lens


 Samyang AF 14mm f/2.8 Lens for Canon EF

Samyang AF 14mm f/2.8 Lens for Canon EF

The Samyang Auto Focus f/2.8 14mm lens which we reviewed (also sometimes called Rokinon) is a highly versatile and compact lens for photographers who want to capture wide-angle shots. It is a great choice for landscape, architecture and astrophotography.

With an aperture of f/2.8, the lens delivers excellent low-light performance and provides great depth of field control. Even without the $200 price reduction this serves as a great alternative to the Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8 which comes in at a whopping $2400.

Although made by a third-party manufacturer they have not skimped on quality. One of the standout features of this lens is the smooth and fast autofocus system, which is a rare feature in a third-party lens at this price point. The autofocus is accurate and reliable, making it easy to capture fast-moving subjects without losing focus. The manual focus ring is smooth and precise, and the lens provides a comfortable grip for easy handling.

Samyang AF f/2.8 14mm lens: was $799, now $599.95 at B&H

Save $200 on a brilliant camera lens that’s more affordable than other recommended lenses — that’s a whopping 24%. It weighs 500g and is only 97.5mm long. As well as being small and lightweight it has a wide aperture of f/2.8 ideal for astro and now it’s discounted.View Deal

The build quality of the lens is excellent, with a sturdy and well-made construction that feels solid in your hand. The lens mount is made of metal, which adds to its durability. The lens is also weather-sealed, making it an excellent option for photographers who shoot in challenging conditions.

In terms of image quality, the Samyang Auto Focus f/2.8 14 mm lens produces sharp and clear images with minimal chromatic aberrations. This is due to the high-quality optical elements which consist of two aspherical glass elements and four separate high-refractive elements. The lens has minimal distortion, making it ideal for capturing straight lines in architectural and landscape shots. The bokeh produced by the lens is smooth and creamy, making it ideal for portraits and other shallow depth-of-field shots.

More Great Lenses and Deals

Best Lenses For Astrophotography 

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The Samyang is relatively light, weighing in at 500g and has a length of 97.5mm. This is far more compact than the Canon alternative and is lightweight compared to other wide-angle lenses on the market.

In conclusion, the Samyang AutoFocus f/2.8 14 mm lens is an excellent option for photographers who want a wide-angle lens with great image quality, autofocus capabilities, and a compact form factor. It is an affordable alternative to more expensive lenses from well-known brands.

With the extra $200 off you’ll be glad to know that you’re getting a great product at an even better price point. If you’re looking for a high-quality, fast and versatile wide-angle lens, the Samyang Auto Focus f/2.8 14 mm lens is definitely worth considering.

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Artist Creates AI Art Of Women Portraits From Different Countries (20 Pics)


20-year-old digital artist, Crypto Tea creates AI art of women portraits from different countries. AI art refers to artwork created using artificial intelligence algorithms, such as machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision. This can include images, videos, music, and even literature, generated through algorithms trained on large datasets of existing artworks.

Artist Crypto Tea, used artificial intelligence (AI) to create the technologies’ reimagination of a selection of countries as women. She shared the portrait series online and it quickly went viral, amassing over 2.6M views, 14K likes and fueling the debate on the topic of ‘AI in art’ in the Twitterverse.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. Check Crypto Tea Instagram and Twitter for more work.

You can find more info about Crypto Tea:

#1 Norway

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#2 Ukraine

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#3 Spain

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#4 Mexico

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#5 Costa Rica

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#6 Venezuela

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#7 United Kingdom

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#8 Switzerland

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#9 Canada

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#10 India

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#11 Germany

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#12 France

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#13 Jamaica

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#14 China

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#15 Seychelles

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#16 Nigeria

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#17 Ireland

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#18 Ethiopia

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#19 El Salvador

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

#20 New Zealand

AI Art Of Women Portraits

Image source: CryptoTea_

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