Mosaic of China Season 02 Episode 15 – The Island Investor (Douglon TSE, Microdistrict)


Some say that young people are impatient, and are only on the look-out for short-term gratification. Not so with Douglon Tse, whose long-term vision has led him and his wife to a unique island in China.

Original Date of Release: April 13, 2021.

Mosaic of China Season 02 Episode 15 – The Island Investor (Douglon TSE, Microdistrict)


DT: I was like “Hold on, everything has changed so much in China from 2011 to 2017. And how does this island, so close to Shanghai, stay almost the same?”


OF: Welcome to Mosaic of China, a podcast about people who are making their mark in China. I’m your host, Oscar Fuchs.

As someone who, in general, has a ‘go with the flow and see where life takes me’ attitude, I’m always intrigued by serious people with serious plans. Today’s guest has a long-term vision for his life, and it’s a path that has led him to a unique place, which he describes very vividly in today’s episode. At 30 years old, Douglon is also one of the youngest guests in Season 02, so if you’re also young and thinking about how to go about making your mark in China, you in particular should find this one of interest. And finally, Douglon speaks excellent Chinese, but with a local pronunciation. So listen out for that, if you’re anywhere outside of the area around 浙江 [Zhèjiāng] Province.

[Part 1]

OF: Thank you for coming, Douglon. I’m here with Douglon Tse. Douglon, you are a friend of Octo’s, that’s who introduced you. So let me play you the introduction that Octo said about you from the last series.

[Start of Audio Clip]

Octo CHEUNG: I’m recommending a very good guy called Douglon. And he’s from a very interesting family. He’s doing a very cool business, it’s a small island next to Shanghai.

[End of Audio Clip]

DT: Yeah.

OF: That was Octo. So first of all, tell me how do you know Octo?

DT: She designed my suit and my wife’s dress at our wedding, through the kind introduction from my father.

OF: Well, there you go. And she said that you come from an interesting family. I’m sure we’ll discuss that as part of our discussion today.

DT: Yeah.

OF: But before we do that, the first thing I would ask anyone in that chair is, what object did you bring that in some way represents your life in China?

DT: I brought a very humble rock from 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island. This rock is something that we try to incorporate in our design for our shops on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island. And we try to use as much local stuff as possible. And so local fishermen would use these rocks to weigh down the nets when they go fishing.

OF: Right.

DT: So it’s really cool. And it’s very durable. And I usually give this as a gift to all my friends who visit me on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island.

OF: Oh, as a gift. So what do they use it for?

DT: Ideally, I tell them to use as a candle holder. So this rock is for you.

OF: Excellent. Oh, thank you so much. Wait, so this rock here has been at the bottom of the ocean, has it?

DT: Yes. What they do is they would go out to sea and, depending on the seasons, they would fish for different things, from fishes to crabs, to shrimps. The entire island, for the past couple of hundred years, is based off a fishing economy. Until recently, after they made transportation more convenient, tourism started to boom.

OF: OK. Well, first of all then, describe to me where is this island?

DT: 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island is around 60-70 kilometres south of Shanghai. And right now, it’s an hour and a half away, a ferry ride to the port and a 15 minute to an hour and a half boat ride, depending on the slow boat or fast boat. The boom in tourism really started around the 1990s after they built that bridge to that huge port called 洋山 [Yángshān].

OF: Right, that place which is still within Shanghai, but it is in the middle of the sea, right?

DT: Exactly.

OF: So this port, how far is it from the mainland of Shanghai?

DT: Something like 30 kilometres away. If you drive under the speed limit, it takes around 30 minutes to cross that bridge.

OF: That’s one big bridge.

DT: Yeah. The 东海 [Dōnghǎi] bridge. It’s not very famous. The one that goes across 杭州 [Hángzhōu] is more famous to most people.

OF: Yes

DT: People drive across that bridge all the time.

OF: Yes. Whereas this bridge, I guess, because it just gets to a port, it’s mainly for the port traffic.

DT: Yeah.

OF: Yeah. Here you are, you’ve got this American accent. I’m assuming that you’re American.

DT: Yeah, I’m from Boston. After going to college in Hong Kong University, I worked in Shanghai for 10 years, and was mostly in the restaurant business. I was trying to find a place to build my career, and trying to find a place in China that was slow enough, and not developing like crazy China speed, where I could compete. And so I did some exploration around Shanghai, basically drawing a three hour radius, and discovered 嵊泗 [Shèngsì].

OF: OK, so when you first went there, what year was that?

DT: 2011. Well, that was just out of tourism purposes, because I was really bored, and I didn’t have many friends.

OF: Right. And why did you choose 嵊泗 [Shèngsì], just randomly?

DT: It was a SmartShanghai article.

OF: Oh right.

DT: They did a piece about the graffiti walls in one of the villages. And I went there in the dead of winter; didn’t do much, because most of the things were closed; saw the graffiti walls; and went back to Shanghai the next day.

OF: Oh that was it.

DT: Yeah it was a very short trip.

OF: There probably wasn’t very much on the island anyway, at that point.

DT: No, there wasn’t. And it was really dirty at that time. Literally just people setting up shop on the street and selling things. Who knows if it was actually clean or safe.

OF: Interesting. And so it was this neglected piece of China, which wasn’t on the radar for anyone at that point.

DT: Yeah. And in many ways, it still isn’t on the radar for many people.

OF: Yeah.

DT: So when I think of 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island, I think I’ve found a place where nothing has been touched, which is really rare. Big companies have not touched it. I’m the only expat who lives there. So English teachers have not touched it yet.

OF: Oh wow wait a minute, you’re the only non-Chinese person?

DT: Yes.

OF: OK. And how many people live on the island altogether?

DT: 40,000 on the main island.


DT: Yeah, so… I think altogether, there are five main islands, for the 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] archipelago, and there’s a whole bunch of smaller islands that I can’t even name. They’re not even liveable. They have docks on these small islands, and it’s great for nature photography, hiking, seeing the sunset, sunrise, that kind of thing. But no one lives there.

OF: Well, then talk me through what happened. So you went there to see the graffiti, and then now you live on the island. So what happened in the interim?

DT: So I thought I was going through my farewell party for Shanghai, do a whole China tour with my wife, and then to decide what would be the next phase of our work lives and also our lives together. So I proposed to her like “Oh, I know these really cool islands south of Shanghai, it’d be cool just to check it out and make it part of our road trip.” So 2017, we take the ferry there, everything almost looks like the same. And that was the problem. I was like “Hold on, everything has changed so much in China from 2011 to 2017. And how does this island, so close to Shanghai, stay almost the same?” And that was where I felt I could develop my career. So that was a short road trip.

OF: Oh, so you didn’t even carry on.

DT: It was just screaming opportunity. So we just seized it. We really wanted to do domestic tourism. What we were banking on was, domestic tourism will keep going up regardless of China’s economy. Because if it goes up, there’s around another 7-8 hundred million middle class people that will become realised, and they’re going to be travelling all around. And if it is a bad economy, then it’s just less international tourism. A lot more wealthier Chinese will have to find other options. And 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island being so close to Shanghai, we just felt that it will always do well.

OF: So could it have been any Island? Or was it something about this specific island?

DT: Well, we chose 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island versus other islands, because it wasn’t too influenced by tourism. So we knew that we needed to have the local patronage in order to survive the down season. It’s really hard to get quality staff that just leave after six months. And just the momentum of the business. Because we’re in the restaurant business, the constant 点评 [Diǎnpíng] reviews. If we don’t get constant 点评 [Diǎnpíng] reviews, then we just start heading down south.

OF: And just to explain, what is a 点评 [Diǎnpíng] review?

DT: On an international level, it’s kinda like TripAdvisor. So it’s very crucial to our business and they’ve basically taken over.

OF: It still matters on an island where you have much more of a smaller catchment?

DT: Oh it’s even more so. Yeah, because when you ask advice from locals on the island, I would say 100% – the taxi driver or the guesthouse owner – gets a kickback. Something like 20%.

OF: That’s a specific island kind of mentality. What other island-specific mentality do you bump into?

DT: Their low self-esteem.

OF: Oh right?

DT: Yeah, they don’t think that they can do things, because they’re from 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island. They always look up to big cities like 杭州 [Hángzhōu] and 宁波 [Níngbō] and Shanghai and Beijing. Everything that I’ve opened – from a dessert shop, to a Japanese restaurant, to a pizza shop – it’s always been received with negativity.

OF: Like a “It won’t work here”?

DT: Yeah, saying like “Oh, it’s too small. It’s only 40,000 people” or “The fishermen will never be able to welcome this into their lives”. But the population has never been a big issue for me, because I come from a small town.

OF: Oh, where do you come from?

DT: A small town called Milton, Massachusetts, and the population is like 30,000. So if I can see things that work in Milton, I’m pretty sure it will work on an island that has a stronger domestic tourism. Because no-one’s going to Milton for fun.

OF: Apologies to anyone who lives in Milton. How do you counter that?

DT: You just prove it. And once they see that they’re business, they basically just shut up.

OF: Well then what is the business? Explain how your business works.

DT: So when we came to 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island, we were targeting the locals, and we were targeting all the B&Bs that were open. So there’s around 987 B&Bs. And our job was to supply them more desserts, better alcohol, to serve their customers and improve the overall experience. So basically, our job was to help the B&Bs make more money.

OF: And ‘B&B’ of course is ‘Bed and Breakfast’.

DT: Yeah.

OF: So there aren’t any really big hotels? Or there are, but you don’t target them.

DT: They are. But they’re self-sustainable.

OF: Right. OK.

DT: And then we started opening more shops near the dessert shop. What my company’s called is The Microdistrict.

OF: Microdistrict.

DT: Yeah. My wife and I opened that company. And it’s the idea of having a condensed street of things to do.

OF: Oh, I see. So these things, they’re not just in the same company. They’re actually physically in the same geography. They’re in the same location.

DT: Yeah, yeah. So going to school in Hong Kong, I’ve always been fascinated by how much they could just fit things into small spaces.

OF: Right.

DT: And it’s always those kind of places where I want to be in. And I wanted to recreate that, that’s kind of my artistic expression.

OF: So whereabouts is this? In the main part of the town, or..?

DT: Yes, it’s downtown, right beneath a whole bunch of apartment complexes. Unfortunately, it’s not by the beach. In order to get more of the local customers, we had to be close to where they live. And eventually, maybe 2022, we’ll start having more shops by the beach.

OF: Right, got it. And the beach is the main draw for 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] in terms of the tourism, right?

DT: It is. There’s basically a few narratives of tourist. There are people who want to take photos; there are people who have never seen the ocean; and there’s people who really love seafood. So those are the three main groups of tourists on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island.

OF: Interesting. So when you go there, it’s not just beach-goers, it’s people who are also crowding around the seafood restaurants.

DT: Yeah, exactly. So something that I always talk to people who live in Shanghai is, you sure don’t eat a lot of seafood. And your most famous seafood-ish dish is a crab that comes from a lake.

OF: Yeah. Why is that? We’re here on the coast after all.

DT: I think it’s because Shanghai developed rather late. And so they never had a chance to develop its fishing economy.


DT: Yeah.

OF: And so you mentioned Shanghai, you lived here for, was it 10 years?

DT: Yeah, pretty much 10 years.

OF: Right. So here we are, we’re doing this recording on one of your trips to Shanghai. When you’re in town, do you realise what you miss? Or do you not miss it very much at all.

DT: I miss the idea of it. But once I’m in the thick of things, I don’t really miss it. First thing is pollution. And then there’s the traffic. Those two combined is already really bad. When I think of my peers, or when I think of big companies that invest in Shanghai, I think people who spend that amount of money isn’t really there to make money. Because Shanghai is more of a platform for marketing, and to meet people. But if you really want to be in China to make money. You’d probably be anywhere but Shanghai.

OF: That’s a good point, isn’t it? Because a lot of the things that you see in Shanghai, I do wonder “How does it make money?” It’s always expensive, glitzy, showy. And then you go to a mall next door, and it’s the same glitzy, expensive, showy. And you do wonder “Who is making money here?”

DT: Yeah, exactly.

OF: So did you have any experience of trying something in Shanghai first, or did you know from the start that it wasn’t for you?

DT: My passion is farming. So I was working on 崇明 [Chóngmíng] island for a while, volunteering. Then I was doing some vertical farm projects with 同济 [Tóngjì] University. Wherever I kept going, there’s always just some type of issues where Shanghai just doesn’t seem very possible, or it’s not very profitable. Long-term wise, if I had to start a project on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island, I would really like to start a farm. I really believe in agrotourism. When I was 16 years old, I googled ‘jobs that will still exist in the future’.

OF: Right.

DT: Because I had no direction. And they said “Oh, agriculture will still be around, by like 2050”. So I was like, super invested, and I really like agriculture, so I was like “Yeah, I think I could do this for a living.”

OF: Yeah, yeah. And I can see how that thought would have also brought you to the island too, because like you said, you’re trying to go for domestic tourists. And if everything else closes down – which is like what happened with COVID – then there are still presumably domestic tourists who would still go to an island, right? That’s, kind of, future-proofing your business.

DT: Yeah. So COVID actually kind of proved my point. But the problem was, I wasn’t ready for COVID.

OF: Right.

DT: So it’s actually accelerated the speed of my business, faster than I wanted to. It’s done a lot of early marketing for 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island. And of a sudden, there are a lot more foreign tourists who have come to 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island. And a lot of people who have never heard of it are now starting to hear about it. So I think next year, there’ll be an even bigger boom. But the problem is, 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island needs to be able to manage expectations.

OF: Yes, because while you say that it has potential, I get the feeling that it’s not there yet, right?

DT: No. And to be fair, 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island has not marketed itself that much. So this is not some attention that they’ve brought upon themselves. It’s just the power of social media, and a bunch of bored tourists in Shanghai finding things to do for the weekends.

OF: Yeah, exactly. Interesting. So that actually could be a disadvantage, because they will come they will have high expectations, which will not be met.

DT: Yeah, and this is kind of like a rare opportunity. If you mess this up. You’re gonna have to wait another 100 years for another COVID.

OF: Right. Ouch. So what are you doing then? Are you trying to spread the opposite kind of marketing, saying “No, no, no, don’t come yet”.

DT: For my friends, yeah, that’s what I try to do. Not really recommending the most tourist spots on the island.

OF: Right. And I’m looking at these weights that you brought, these net weights. Does that mean that there are these picturesque little fishing villages still on the island? Or has that all been redeveloped?

DT: Yeah, they still exist. And that’s the most fascinating thing is that, if you look at the entirety of China, there’s not that many fishing villages compared to farms. And the culture of fishing is very strong. They’re very superstitious.

OF: Right.

DT: Every time when they are about to go out to sea, they will have to go to the temple first. So the whole fishing industry is very interesting. It’s like, it hasn’t really modernised. And the younger people don’t want to do this job. They want to live in the city. So now you get this weird mixture of people from 云南 [Yúnnán], 贵州 [Guìzhōu], 四川 [Sìchuān] doing fishing jobs. And all the local people who came here 150 years ago, are now in the big cities. And they’re living quite nice lives, because fishermen, they make quite a bit of money, especially if you compare them to farmers. That’s one of the reasons why the 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] economy is so strong.

OF: Right. And let’s go back then to your life on the island. So you can be a big fish in a small pond, right?

DT: Yeah. So the way we chose Microdistrict locations is very similar to how Mao would spread communism. Mao would spread communism through villages and towns around big cities. As opposed to going directly to the heart of Shanghai and opening shops, we’re targeting areas that have a relatively strong local population. And once that cashflow becomes more and more positive, then I’ll probably head into the big cities. Yeah.

OF: Nice. Well, I’m not sure many business books would make that leap from Maoism to how to expand your business in China. I think that’s the first time I’ve actually heard of that.

DT: Well a lot of Chinese grown officials have told me that.

OF: Interesting.

DT: Yeah. So maybe they should be more business oriented.

OF: Yeah.

DT: My dad used to say, many years ago, that if you think that there’s no opportunity in China, then you’re wrong. Every hour west that you go is five years back. You know, one hour west that’s five years, two hours west that’s 10 years. It’s a huge place, so when you see these Western commentaries about ‘no opportunities’, or ‘it’s peaked’, come on…

OF: And you mentioned your father, so what does your family think about what you’re doing?

DT: They don’t say too much.

OF: Do they think you’re crazy, or..?

DT: No. They thought farming was crazy. At least this is a little bit closer to home. But if you compare to what my father did, which is representing the Roosevelt family for 30 years…

OF: Oh right.

DT: …It’s big shoes to fill. And to put that comparison to what I’m doing, it’s maybe not super fair. Because I’m not going to be able to represent some presidential family in China.

OF: Oh right.

DT: Yeah.

OF: That’s interesting. And is that, do you think, why you have maybe gone a little bit more unconventional than other business people would have?

DT: Yeah. So the most unconventional thing that kicked off my life was choosing to go to Hong Kong University for college. People said, like “You’re from Boston. It’s Chinese people’s dreams to go to school in America”. And then my American friends would say “What? You’re going to Asia for school? There are plenty of good schools in the States”. How many ABCs do you know would choose to go that route? And most of my friends stayed at home, the furthest they would go is to the UK. Yeah.

OF: And then going back to, then, the question, which was about your family. So are they now fully supportive?

DT: No. But I’ll just prove it to them like the way I prove to 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] residents and the government officials.

OF: Yes. Nice. Thank you so much, Douglon.

DT: Thank you, Oscar.

OF: Now on to Part 2.

[Part 2]

OF: OK, are you ready?

DT: I’m ready.

OF: OK, Question 1. What is your favourite China-related fact right now?

DT: Coming from 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island, one of my favourite facts is that 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] used to be part of Shanghai, and it was after maybe the Cultural Revolution that it became part of 浙江 [Zhèjiāng]. So I think it’s been seven or eight times now that 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] has applied to be part of Shanghai again, to return to the fold.

OF: Oh wait, so they are being quite open about wanting to leave 浙江 [Zhèjiāng] province?

DT: They applied to Beijing. All the time.

OF: Oh. I’ve never heard of that. Is that… Can you think of any other examples of where a town has tried to change province?

DT: I would assume a town that wants to be part of a city state, like 重庆 [Chóngqìng] or 天津 [Tiānjīn]. They probably have more benefits than to be part of a huge province.

OF: Right.

OF: Yeah.

OF: This is the kind of cross-provincial competition that the everyday person wouldn’t really be aware of, right?

DT: Yeah.

OF: Do you have a favourite word or phrase in Chinese?

DT: Yeah, my favourite word is 应酬 [yìngchóu].

OF: OK, what’s that?

DT: 应酬 [Yìngchóu] is kind of a business engagement, that happens quite often. And I think understanding that culture really progressed my business.

OF: What actually is the 汉字 [Hànzì]? Oh, 应该的应 [yīnggāi de yīng], and then what’s that one?

DT: 酬 [Chóu], 应酬 [yìngchóu].

OF: Oh, it’s 酬 [Chóu], OK. OK, OK, OK.

DT: 应酬 [Yìngchóu] culture is changing a lot. So on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island there’s no 白酒 [báijiǔ] culture, just no 黄酒 [huángjiǔ] culture. We’re mostly drinking tea. But the dining habits are the same. So I have to cheers everyone with tea, or hot water. Which is fine, much easier on the liver.

OF: Definitely. Thank you, next question, what is your favourite destination within China?

DT: So this is the tricky part. Because China keeps changing.

OF: Yeah.

DT: So right now, my favourite place in China is 滴水 [Dīshuǐ] lake.

OF: Oh, right. That’s somewhere in Shanghai, right?

DT: Yeah, right in between 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island and downtown Shanghai. And I rented an apartment there earlier this year, because I just, I really like 滴水 [Dīshuǐ] lake. It’s like a mini young version of 深圳 [Shēnzhèn].


DT: Yeah.

OF: I haven’t been to 深圳 [Shēnzhèn]. So… Oh, I’ve been there once. But what is it?

DT: Just full of young people. In 滴水 [Dīshuǐ] lake, everyone’s full of energy and just full of growth potential. So it’s gonna be like a tech and tax benefit hub. Tesla is around there, their factory.

OF: Right. Never been there. So I’m looking forward to it.

DT: I’ll take you there.

OF: Yeah. If you left China, what would you miss the most, and what would you miss the least?

DT: I’d miss the energy. Because you can tell that people are still hopeful and optimistic, and not jealous and full of hatred.

OF: And what would you miss the least?

DT: I won’t miss the pollution.

OF: Is there anything that still surprises you about life in China? And how many years have you actually been now in China?

DT: I’ve been coming here on and off since ’93. Living full time from university in 2009. So 10+ years, I guess. And the thing that still surprises me is how Chinese people are able to copycat things, and make it into creative products. Companies that chose to be in Tier One cities have now outgrown the market. And people who decide to start their business in Tier Five cities have now outgrown their market. So now they’re fighting for the Tier 2,3,4 cities. And so the foreign companies have to make their products cheaper. Companies that started in Tier Five cities now have to improve their quality. So across the board, you’re gonna see a whole bunch of battles.

OF: Interesting, and which tier is 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island?

DT: Like, Tier Eight I guess, just by population size.

OF: Right, you’re not even on the radar.

DT: Yeah.

OF: How funny. Where is your favourite place to go out, to eat or drink or hang out?

DT: When I just want to relax and chill in Shanghai, I usually go to this corner of 仙霞 [Xiānxiá] Road and 安龙 [Ānlóng] Road. 2-3 blocks of just heavily populated – like a Microdistrict of – restaurants and bars. Mostly Japanese themed. But the whole vibe of that place is really cool.

OF: Nice.

DT: Yeah.

OF: That’s when you’re in Shanghai, but you’re here less and less, right?

DT: Yeah, maybe next time, my new favourite spot will be somewhere in 滴水 [Dīshuǐ] lake, to hang out.

OF: Ah yeah.

DT: They have a fake Nest. Oh, people from Nest, you should check it out.

OF: Right. It’s copying the bar and restaurant ‘Nest’ here in central Shanghai.

DT: Yeah.

OF: Well, you were just talking about copycats.

DT: Yeah well… Maybe Nest could have been there first.

OF: Yeah.

DT: At a much cheaper price.

OF: Right.

DT: Yeah. These copycatters are almost good market research. You don’t have to spend the time saying “Should we open a Nest there?” Someone’s already done it for you.

OF: What is the best or worst purchase you have made in China?

DT: My scooter. Yeah, I literally just go around on my scooter looking at sunsets.

OF: Nice.

DT: Yeah. After this island experience, if I ever choose to go to another place to expand, to do restaurants, first thing I’m going to do is buy a scooter and become an 饿了么 [Èleme] driver. Because right away I know who is ordering what…

OF: Yeah, that’s…

DT: …And what are the wealthiest neighbourhoods. It’s the best market research, by being a an 饿了么 [Èleme] driver.

OF: That’s amazing. What is your favourite WeChat sticker? OK, it’s coming through. Ah, yes.

DT: Yeah, it’s quite popular. It’s Elmo behind a flame wall. So it looks like Elmo from hell. Because sometimes people say things in group chats, and I have nothing to say. And this is the only sticker I found that’s applicable to anything, whether it’s good news or bad news. Because you can’t tell if he’s in torture, or he’s celebrating; if he’s excited, or if he’s upset. So the applicability is very high. Which means that I use it a lot.

OF: Well, I do have this, and I haven’t used it enough because of the ambiguity. I’m like “Oh, when do I actually use it?” But I should just push through that. Use it at all times. What is your go-to song to sing at KTV?

DT: I have a go-to song that people want me to sing a KTV.

OF: Oh-Oh.

DT: Yeah. It’s Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World.

OF: Oh, you have got quite a deep voice, is that why?

DT: Yeah. But it’s just because they want to hear me impersonate him.

OF: Oh, you can do an impersonation?

DT: Yeah. So once people get drunk enough, or if I get drunk enough, that song somehow always ends up… And it’s not… Because the thing is, the version on the KTV machines isn’t even very good.

OF: It’s a crowd-pleaser. If you had a choice, what would you like to sing?

DT: Probably any Beatles songs. Because that’s what I sing when I play guitar.

OF: There you go. And finally, what other China-related media or sources of information do you rely on?

DT: Shanghai Daily. Because there’s so many sources of media, different opinions. But at least with Shanghai Daily, I know what the government wants to happen. And with that, it’s easier for me to align my business decisions. Hence 滴水 [Dīshuǐ] lake.

OF: Ah yeah, course. Douglon, thank you, that was fascinating. I can’t wait to visit the island, and when I do, I will put a little update at the end of this podcast. And I will let people know what I thought of the island. So you and I will meet there.

DT: Yeah, looking forward to it Oscar.

OF: Thank you. And before you leave let me ask you, out of everyone you know in China, who would you recommend that I interview for the next season of Mosaic of China?

DT: I recommend someone I’ve known for many years. I went to high school with her. And she started her own company doing gems and diamonds.

OF: Nice. What’s her name?

DT: Her name is Christina Chao.

OF: Great. I do not know anything about gems. So I look forward to the education. Thank you Douglon.

DT: Thank you.


OF: Seeing as today’s episode is halfway through the season, let’s try to link Douglon with some of the other guests from the show. Firstly the term ‘ABC’, American Born Chinese. That was first explained way back in Season 01 Episode 02 with the comedian and gangster’s daughter Maple Zuo. So this is a good excuse to remind you of that one, if you haven’t listened to it already, it was a doozy. Douglon’s best purchase was his scooter, that’s only the second time that’s been mentioned in Season 02, the other time was by Sean Harmon from the specialty beer company Duvel Moortgat in Episode 09. And the other answer which connects Douglon to other episodes was his favourite news source, Shanghai Daily, which is now just known as ‘Shine’. The other people who’ve mentioned that were the solar power entrepreneur Alex Shoer from Season 02 Episode 11; and Sanford Browne, the Head of Research and Development at L’Oréal from Season 01 Episode 29.

As regular listeners will know by now, there is also a PREMIUM version of this, and every other episode from the season, on both Patreon internationally and 爱发电 [Àifādiàn] in China. If you want to hear Douglon’s big business idea that involves chickens, be sure to subscribe there. Here are some other clips from today’s show…

[Clip 1]

DT: I was stuck with 2-3 months of food. Well at least we won’t starve to death.

OF: Wow.

[Clip 2]

DT: The original port that went to these islands was from the Bund.

[Clip 3]

DT: Even when I wasn’t leaving the islands, they would want to know where I was going.

[Clip 4]

DT: Chickens can’t register spiciness.

OF: You’re kidding.

DT: Yeah.

[Clip 5]

DT: The miso soup that you drink in Japan, part of the product comes from 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] island.

[Clip 6]

DT: My title has changed. I’m no longer 小谢 [Xiǎo Xiè], I’m now 谢总 [Xiè Zǒng].

OF: Oh.

[Clip 7]

DT: They fill the red wine to the brim. And then you have to 干杯 [gānbēi] a whole full glass of red wine instead of 白酒 [báijiǔ].

OF: Oh man.

[End of Audio Clips]

There’s a catch-up right after this with Octo Cheung, the fashion designer from Season 01 Episode 30, whom you heard earlier referring Douglon to the podcast. And it was with Octo that I finally did visit Douglon and his wife Yiya on 嵊泗 [Shèngsì] Island a few months ago. To see photos from that trip – as well as to see Douglon’s object, the rocks that weigh down fishing nets; his favourite WeChat sticker of Elmo from hell; and plenty more besides – please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or, or add the WeChat ID: mosaicofchina, and I’ll add you to the group there.

Mosaic of China is me, Oscar Fuchs, with artwork by Denny Newell. We’ll be taking a week off, but we’ll be back in a fortnight for a special edition of the show to mark the halfway point of Season 02. So I’ll see you then.

[Catch-Up Interview]

OF: It’s so nice to see you Octo, thank you for coming. I brought you here because I really wanted to have a catch up.

Octo CHEUNG: Yeah.

OF: You were the finale of Season 01, and I was so happy because your story was really great.

OC: Oh thank you so much. It has a lot of secret insight.

OF: It was. It was really insightful. And as you know from our conversation, I don’t know much about fashion. So for me, I had a huge learning curve during our chat.,

OC: So I can help you to dress next time.

OF: I might be a lost cause. I try to be fashionable, but you can see I’m failing. Well, I wanted to ask you, first of all, about your story during Coronavirus.

OC: Yes. All the shopping mall closed. So that means your shop is closed, you don’t have any revenue for a few months. And then in China, they recovered very fast. And then the factories started to open in the first week of April; and then they got into normal production; and now they’re even quicker than before.

OF: Right.

OC: Yes.

OF: And there are countries that are still in very harsh lockdowns. But things here have really rebounded, haven’t they?

OC: Yeah. And the sales they are having is double digit growth. So it’s quite amazing. Because for some fashion brands, the Coronavirus is still very serious overseas. So now they moved all their goods to sell in China.

OF: Right. They can pull products that otherwise would be sold outside, they can pull it back into China.

OC: Yes. So you can see some fashion brands like Chanel, like Hermès, the special editions of their products, normally they would sell them in their own country or in Europe. Now they switched to selling them in China.

OF: Wow.

OC: And they earned a lot.

OF: Gosh, I wonder if that’s going to be a trend? That they’re actually going to release in China before their home markets?

OC: Yes, yes. The world is changing. Really.

OF: Interesting. Was it also affecting your brand? Because that’s what we talked about in our episode, it was your innovative “pilloon” jacket.

OC: Yes. So actually, we are doing very great recently. So that’s why I’m very busy.

OF: Oh right.

OC: Yeah, so we had a new edition, it became ‘super ultra light’. So this jacket, we first released in Taiwan. And we were very surprised, because we are a kind of travel product. And now people cannot travel overseas.

OF: That’s what I was worried about.

OC: Yes.

OF: Who’s gonna buy a travel jacket, right? But go on.

OC: Yes. But because people love travel deeply in their blood, even though you cannot travel overseas, they would choose to travel all around their place, their own country.

OF: Even Taiwan, which is a small island.

OC: Yeah, yeah.

OF: How interesting. OK, and you’ve chosen Taiwan as the first place to launch. I’m guessing you have plans to launch it in mainland China next.

OC: The next one is Japan.

OF: Next is Japan.

OC: Next is Japan. Actually, for AirOgo we released almost all of our products in the surrounding countries, and then China is the next step. Because China is very competitive for an unknown brand they don’t know.

OF: Right, right.

OC: Yes.

OF: Whereas I guess a Taiwanese consumer, a Japanese consumer, they are maybe more looking out for a small boutique brand like yours.

OC: Yes, yes, you’re right.

OF: Interesting.

OC: You know it very well, Oscar.

OF: Oh, well, maybe I’m secretly a fashion guru after all. So I am going to be releasing this episode at the same time as Douglon, who was the person you referred for Season 02.

OC: Oh right, that’s very good.

OF: And, you and I went to his island, right?

OC: Yeah.

OF: Neither of us had been there. So after I did the recording, you and I went.

OC: Yeah.

OF: Talk to me about that weekend.

OC: Oh my god. So we had a very great time. We rented a motorbike. So we went around all the places on the island. And then we ate seafood. The only thing is, when you wanted to have a dinner at around 8pm, you couldn’t find any restaurants who could help you.

OF: Yes, it’s that kind of mentality, right?

OC: Yes.

OF: This is what Douglon is saying in his interview, like, it’s a work in progress.

OC: Yes

OF: You can see the fundamentals are there. And you can see that they’re making progress.

OC: Yeah.

OF: And I think it’s going to get better and better.

OC: But it’s a very good time to see a place in China like that. You can see a lot of commercial opportunity.

OF: Yes,

OC: Yeah. And it’s very good for the younger generation to have their first try there.

OF: Exactly. And then of course, I joined you. I didn’t stay at the same place, but then we had a couple of days together. And it was really nice to reconnect with you there.

OC: Yeah.

OF: And I should also say that you have reconnected with another of the guests from Season 01, I learnt that you and Astrid…

OC: Oh, yeah.

OF: …The violinist, have become friends.

OC: Yes, we are very good friends.

OF: You have the same birthday?

OC: Yes. Fourth of April.

OF: That’s lovely.

OC: Yes. So we have the same birthdays, we are both enthusiastic, we love to talk, we love art.

OF: Yeah. I mean, that to me is the real magic. Because this project is just basically me running around town, having little interviews in a box, and then staying at home and editing. It’s not that glamorous. But then when I see the connections that are made, just like you and Astrid, that’s magical for me. So I’m so happy to hear that you’re friends. I really appreciate that, Octo. And thank you so much for coming back today.

OC: Thank you Oscar.


Watch a comet make its closest approach in 50,000 years online


A comet discovered just last year will make its closest approach to the sun next week, offering an excellent opportunity to view it.

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF was discovered in March 2022 by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology’s Zwicky Transient Facility when it was 397 million miles (640 million kilometers) from the sun. Astronomers initially believed C/2022 E3 ZTF to be an asteroid, but its coma, the cloud of ice and dust surrounding its nucleus, was observed soon after. By December 2022, the comet had developed a long tail as it was warmed by the sun.


Local students invited to enter photography contest | News, Sports, Jobs


LAKE PLACID — The Lake Placid Institute is calling all high school students to submit their work to its annual photography contest.

“24 Hours: A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks” is open to all high school students residing in or attending school in the Adirondack Park. Photos may be color or black-and-white. There are no restrictions on subject matter, but photos must be shot within the Adirondack region. Each photo must be accompanied by a short essay (50-150 words) describing the photographer’s vision and inspiration. Students are asked, but not required, to submit a candid photo of themselves as well. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31.

The contest will be judged by Nancie Battaglia of Lake Placid. Battaglia is a widely published, award-winning sports photographer, whose work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, National Geographic and Adirondack Life. Among her credentials are 12 Olympics and many World Cup and national competitions. Battaglia avidly participates in many of the sports she documents, including skiing, skating, sledding, paddling, running, biking and triathlon. She recently became an Adirondack 46er for the fourth time.

Cash prizes of $500, $300 and $100 will be awarded to first, second and third place winners. Photos will also be selected for Honorable Mention, Juror Choice and LPI Board Choice. All submissions and their accompanying essays will be published in a booklet. Selected photos will be matted, framed and exhibited at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts from April 7-29, in conjunction with the High School Art Show.

For submission guidelines and additional information, visit the institute’s website at

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New proposal calls for $3 entry fee for Lawrence rec centers and nature center, with free entry for youth, low-income adults | News, Sports, Jobs


photo by: Journal-World File

Sports Pavilion Lawrence, 100 Rock Chalk Lane, is shown in this file photo from June 2017.

A new recommendation regarding entrance fees for city recreation centers and other fee increases would maintain free entrance for children and youth at rec centers and the Prairie Park Nature Center but charge $3 for adults over a certain income level.

The new recommendation was developed by city staff and a three-member task force of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and represents a change from the staff recommendation to charge entrance fees for all ages, making an exception for youth and adults who qualify for the Parks and Rec scholarship program. The proposal will be presented to the board for consideration as part of its meeting Monday.

As the Journal-World previously reported, the board expressed concern that the scholarship application process and income documentation requirements would discourage some low-income families, and some would just stop using the facilities. Under the new proposal, entrance fees would not be charged to those 18 and under, and rather than the typical application process that requires proof of income and other documentation, adults with low income would just have to check a box stating they made under the income limit to receive a free annual pass. Parks and Rec officials said that the recommendation represents a no-barriers approach and was meant to address equity concerns expressed by the board and community members.

“I think we listened to the community and everybody that called in and provided their feedback,” Parks and Recreation Director Derek Rogers said, adding that the community and board input had helped shape the new recommendation. “Ensuring everyone has access is a very high priority.”

Lindsay Hart, assistant director of recreation, said that the recommendation, which will be further discussed by the board on Monday, currently calls for using 185% of the federal poverty level, or $25,142, as the income limit for free entrance for an adult. The department is proposing the entrance and other fees to meet new revenue goals for the department, and Hart said that the proposal still fell short of previously discussed department targets to increase revenue.

For adults who make more than the set limit, there will be daily, monthly and annual pass options. The passes would cover entrance to the city’s four rec centers and the Prairie Park Nature Center, with a separate, less expensive, annual pass for those who only want to attend the nature center. There will be no entrance fees charged for spectators, parents picking up their children or for those participating in recurring programming at the rec centers or nature center.

Specifically, the proposal calls for a $3 daily entrance fee for adults for the city’s four recreation centers — Sports Pavilion Lawrence, Holcom Park Recreation Center, the East Lawrence Recreation Center and the Community Building — and the nature center. A monthly pass for the rec centers, which could also be used at the nature center, would be $10. An annual pass for the rec centers would be $100, and an annual pass for only the nature center would be $20. Those daily, monthly and annual fees would be available only to residents of Douglas County, and the recommendation calls for fees for nonresidents to be double those rates. Hart said that the city looked at rates charged by private gyms and other cities when developing the proposal and that everyone who uses the centers will be issued a key fob. She said that includes youth 18 and under, whose birth date will be entered in the system to ensure free entry.

The department estimates that the new entrance fees will generate about $200,000 in new revenue. The city has never charged entrance fees before, and since the proposal would be a new model for the city, Rogers said that revenue would be clearer once the changes went into effect. He said operating on the honor system for the free annual passes was not a common model, and he thought it represented Lawrence well.

“We are a community of trust,” Rogers said. “Will there be people that cheat the system? Maybe. But who will they be cheating? It will be the community.”

The rec center and nature center entrance fees are only a part of the overall proposal. Another $800,000 would come from increases in fees for the department’s more than 1,500 programs and services, which include summer camps, sports leagues, pool entrance fees, swimming lessons, golf, cemetery plots and various facility rentals. Some fees have not been increased since before the COVID-19 pandemic, and most fees will increase from 10% to 30%, though some will increase by more. Mark Hecker, assistant parks and rec director, said those fees had the potential to have more impact for some residents.

“I think the bigger overarching story is all the fees that we touch in the whole system are going to increase, so this is part of a bigger plan to drive revenues up,” Hecker said. “… Other people may be impacted even more in other places.”

Specifically, some of the increases noted in the presentation for the board include a 20% increase in small shelter rentals, 50% increase for large shelter rentals, 40-50% increases for field rentals, 30% for summer camps, a 45% increase for nature center summer camps, 10-20% for youth/adult sports, 30% for cemetery fees and 20% for golf. Fees for aquatics will also increase, with daily admission increasing by 20%, the punch/annual pass increasing by 30%, lane rentals increasing by 30% and swim lessons increasing by 20%. Recreation program fees will increase between 10% and 30%.

The presentation states that the department’s goal is to increase its revenue to $6.45 million for 2023, which is equal to 34% of the department’s projected expenditures of $18.88 million. The 2022 budget called for the department to collect $4.61 million in revenue, which is equal to 26% of the department’s projected expenditures of about $17.5 million. However, the actual revenue the city currently estimates it will collect for 2022 has fallen short of that goal, coming in at about $3.7 million. The parks and recreation funds are not enterprise funds, which means the fees they charge to residents don’t cover the personnel, maintenance and other costs of operating the service. Many of the department’s services are seen as community goods and are subsidized either in full or in part by tax dollars. Rogers noted that in setting fees, the department considers each program’s community benefit, with certain programs, such as swimming lessons, being subsidized at higher rates.

Hart said the task force did want to know if the department could go with higher fees and not create entrance fees for the recreation centers and the nature center. She said staff and task force members did discuss a proposal that would have increased fees even higher, to generate $900,000 in additional revenue instead of $800,000. However she said raising fees too high could result in drops in attendance, and in the end the task force was not comfortable raising fees any higher.

Rogers said that the plan was for the new program fees to go into effect beginning Feb. 1 and for the rec center and nature center entrance fees to go into effect on March 1. He expected the board would vote on whether to recommend the fee proposal as part of its meeting on Monday. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will convene at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Parks and Recreation Department Administrative Offices, 1141 Massachusetts St., which are in South Park.

Following the board’s meeting, Rogers said the proposal would then be included on a future City Commission agenda as part of the city manager’s report. The commission approved a $1.2 million increase in parks and recreation fees for 2023 as part of its annual budget process, but that approval did not include any details about what the fee increases would entail or whether they would include the introduction of entrance fees to recreation centers. The commission does not vote on items on the city manager’s report, and Rogers said because departments set fees, a vote would not be required.



Watch a comet make its closest approach in 50,000 years online next week



© Gianluca Masi

A comet discovered just last year will make its closest approach to the sun next week, offering an excellent opportunity to view it.

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF was discovered in March 2022 by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology’s Zwicky Transient Facility when it was 397 million miles (640 million kilometers) from the sun. Astronomers initially believed C/2022 E3 ZTF to be an asteroid, but its coma, the cloud of ice and dust surrounding its nucleus, was observed soon after. By December 2022, the comet had developed a long tail as it was warmed by the sun.

C/2022 E3 ZTF will reach perihelion, or its closest distance to the sun, on Jan. 12. If it continues to brighten as much as it has during observations so far, the comet may be visible with the naked eye. To share a gorgeous view of the comet at perihelion with anyone interested, the Virtual Telescope Project is hosting a free livestream of comet C/2022 E3 ZTF starting at 11:00 p.m. EST on Jan. 12 (0400 GMT on Jan. 13). You can watch the live webcast courtesy of the project’s website or on its YouTube channel.

Related: Possible naked-eye comet will visit Earth for 1st time since Neanderthals in 2023

Newly discovered comet could be visible to the naked eye in Jan. 2023



NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says that skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere should be able to spot the comet in dark skies when there is little moonlight, such as when the new moon rises on Jan. 21. 

The comet currently has a greenish coma and a long but faint tail. C/2022 E3 ZTF was quite dim when it was first discovered, with a magnitude of 17.3, but it’s expected to reach magnitude 6, making it just bright enough to view with the naked eye under the right conditions. (On the magnitude scale astronomers use, smaller numbers denote brighter objects.) 

On Jan. 12, the comet will zoom through the solar system at a distance of 100 million miles (160 million km) from the sun; later, on Feb. 2, the comet will make its closest approach to Earth, or perigee, coming within 26 million miles (42 million km) of our planet. 

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF hasn’t approached the sun this closely for around 50,00 years, meaning the last time it was so visible in our night skies was the Upper Paleolithic period. It’s possible that some early humans were able to see the comet during this time, or even some of the last Neanderthals. 

If you want to take a look at C/2022 E3 ZTF and don’t have the right gear, be sure to peruse our guides for the best binoculars and the best telescopes to view the comet or anything else in the sky. For capturing the best comet images you can, we have recommendations for the best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography.  

Editor’s Note: If you photograph comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), and would like to share it with’s readers, send your photo(s), comments, and your name and location to [email protected].

Follow Brett on Twitter at @bretttingley. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or on Facebook.  


9 Composition Tips from Photographer Steve McCurry’s Iconic Photos


Steve McCurry is one of the most legendary and renowned photographer of all time. Steve McCurry doesn’t need much of an introduction amongst the photographers as well as the ordinary people knowing not much on photography, his name has been a constant ring and more than an iconic voice in respect to the contemporary street, travel and documentary photography of today.

In this amazing video, COOPH explains 9 Photography Composition Tips with the help of Steve McCurry’s Iconic Photos.

For more photography tips and tutorials visit COOPH Youtube Channel and Website.

Final Words:

Steve McCurry Says: Remember the composition is important but also rules are meant to be broken. So the main point is to enjoy yourself while you’re photographing and photograph in your own way and your own style.


Licata named Prime Hook People’s Choice winner


Delaware State News

Delaware State News

PRIME HOOK — Steve Licata of Rehoboth Beach has been chosen as the People’s Choice winner in the annual Prime Hook U.S. Wildlife Refuge Nature Photography Contest.

The annual photography show sponsored by The Friends of Prime Hook opened on Oct. 16 with a reception and awards ceremony. Visitors to the show had the chance to pick their favorite photo and cast a ballot for the People’s Choice selection. Those 170 votes were counted after the show ended on December 11 and Mr. Licata’s portrait of two crows was chosen as the People’s Choice winner.

It is called “Corvid Conversation” and shows what appears to be an animated discussion between two crows. Corvid is a term referring to the crow family, which is why Mr. Licata chose that title.

Mr. Licata and his wife Clara both entered this year’s competition. He said he is drawn to pictures of birds interacting with each other, finding that a more interesting subject than a standard still life.

“I’m pleased and surprised because there were a lot of really great photos,” he said.

He said was intrigued by the image of the two fish crows. He and Ms. Licata moved to this area in 2020 and became much more involved in their photography when COVID shut down so many other activities. He credits much of their growth to the help and support of members of the Coastal Camera Club.

“That helped us really develop our skills. They are pretty inspirational./ It’s been a big learning curve for us,” he said. “You really start noticing more things.”

He is fond of a series of four photos he took of a pair of bald eagles squawking at each other before the female eagle finally turns and shows her tail to her noisy counterpart.

“That’s the stuff I like best. Seeing them engaged with each other and not just posing,” he said.

Jill Steiner of Milton was the second- and third-highest vote getter. Her ghost crab closeup was the second-highest vote getter while her snowy owl received the third most votes.

“The snowy owl was a lifer for me, and the ghost crab was successfully fighting off two large seagulls. I’m inspired by the abundance of wildlife we are fortunate to live amongst and I thoroughly enjoy “the hunt,” she said.

Mr. Licata said he enjoys being able to share photography with his wife, making it a shared passion for them both. Mr. Licata finds it fun and relaxing and advises anyone who likes photography to always carry their camera with them.

He still regrets not having his camera with him when a hawk landed five feet from him one morning. Having a camera also allows him to capture the occasional bit of whimsy like his recent photo when he went for his morning Starbucks’ fix in Rehoboth Beach. He turned away for a moment and a squirrel was at the cup and trying to take a sip.

The photo, which he shared with the coffee shop, even shows the writing on the cup touting “that first sip feeling.”

Mr. Licata feels that for such a small area, Delaware has an abundance of nature photography opportunities because of local migration routes and the large number of parks and refuges in the area.

He advises new photographers to just get out and start taking photographs. “It’s not going to happen overnight. Just get out and see things. See what you see,” he said. “Get whatever camera you have and start taking shots, even if it’s a cellphone.”

Edward Crawford of Lewes won Best in Show in the annual contest. Mr. Crawford’s photo of a kingfisher with a tiny fish was honored during October 16 opening reception for the contest. It was among 171 photos submitted by 36 photographers.

Here is a list of the other winners from this year’s contest:

Best in Show – Ed Crawford

Native Birds

1. Deb Felmey

2. Deb Felmey

3. Eric Klees

Honorable Mention – Deb Felmey

Beauty of Prime Hook

1. Carol Dandrade

2. Matthew Trucks

3. Debra Edwards

Honorable Mention – Steve Licata, Clara Licata

Native Plants and Flowers

1. Matthew Trucks

2. Sharon Denny

3. Matthew Trucks

Native Wildlife (non-birds)

1. Sharon Denny

2. Matthew Trucks

3. Marian Dowling

Honorable Mention – Matthew Trucks

Delmarva Scenery

1. Bea Hickey

2. Matthew Trucks

3. Bill Robinson

Honorable Mention – Matthew Trucks

Senior Student

1. Weston Williams

2. Weston Williams

3. Weston Williams

Honorable Mention – Weston Williams, Weston Williams

Junior Student

1. Wyatt Humphreys

2. Wyatt Humphreys

3. Wyatt Humphreys

Honorable Mention – Wyatt Humphreys, Wyatt Humphreys

For more information on the contest or The Friends of Prime Hook, visit


Photographer Captures Stunning Shot of ISS Crossing Moon’s Crater


Talented “backyard astrophotographer” Andrew McCarthy has captured an incredible photo of the International Space Station passing in front of one of the Moon’s brightest craters.

McCarthy says the photo is one of the “most meticulously planned” shots of his career, which has seen no shortage of carefully-planned images that have captured the world’s imagination.

“This shot was my redemption,” McCarthy tells PetaPixel. “A few weeks ago there was a similar transit forecasted, but after setting up on location, getting all my equipment configured and focused, my laptop quit on me about 30 seconds before the pass and I missed it. I’m so thrilled this one worked out, as these are a lot of work, and missing two back-to-back would have been heartbreaking.”

The photo shows the silhouette of the ISS in the foreground in front of the Tycho crater in the background.

Tycho is a large, well-preserved impact crater on the Moon located in the southern lunar highlands. It is both one of the youngest and one of the most noticeable impact craters on the lunar surface. Named after the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, who studied the Moon and other celestial objects in the late 16th century, the crater is about 53.4 miles (85km) in diameter and has a depth of about 2.98 miles (4.8km).

“That crater is 53 miles wide, so while the station almost looks like it’s orbiting the moon it’s actually 1000x closer to us,” McCarthy writes.

McCarthy had to capture the moment the ISS whizzed by at its orbit speed of 5 miles per second.

Here’s what the moment of the transit looked like in real time on McCarthy’s laptop, which was hooked up to his camera on a telescope.

“I knew it was coming but still audibly gasped when I saw it,” McCarthy writes.

The photo was captured from a remote section of Highway 79 in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. McCarthy calculated the transit-viewing location using, headed out to the spot late at night, and then set up his 14-inch telescope with a focal length of 4000mm to achieve an incredible amount of detail when the transit occurred at 11pm.

“These shots require meticulous planning because you have to be positioned exactly right or the station won’t pass exactly where you think it will,” McCarthy writes. “If I had set up my telescope on the other side of the clearing I was in, I would have missed it completely.”

It can be difficult to find a perfect transit with the ISS passing right across the Moon, as most of the results will be near (or far) misses:

McCarthy then shows up way before the scheduled transit — at least one hour, but sometimes several — for the event that is over in the blink of an eye. The ISS is only in front of the Moon for 1/10 of a second.

Thankful for McCarthy, his meticulous planning paid off, and he managed to capture one of his most impressive astro photos yet.

A Visit to Tycho, 2023, by Andrew McCarthy.

McCarthy has published a detailed blog post sharing the technical details that went into this photo. You can purchase limited edition prints of A Visit to Tycho on the same page.


Global news agency asks photography lovers to pick the finest from their best pictures of 2022


With 2022 in the rear-view mirror, a British news agency has shared some of the most dramatic and impressive photographs they have seen – including shots of a Siberian tiger and a castle that looks like it’s floating in the sky.

The picture editors have picked from hundreds of images to display some of the most captivating they have run on their service. Now the public can vote to decide which of these images will be crowned SWNS Picture of the Year 2022.

SWNS picture editor Jon Mills says: “We are very grateful to all the talented photographers who trust us with their pictures. A great news photograph can be many things, but its core quality is that it tells you a story that lives in your memory.

“Many of the pictures in our gallery are stunning images of this beautiful world, some show moments of intense emotion and others touch on the tragedy that is a very real part of our modern society.”

To see the full selection of pictures please click here.

The Royal hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Windsor Castle before her committal service (Tom Wren/SWNS)

The Royal hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Windsor Castle before her committal service (Tom Wren/SWNS)

© Provided by The Independent

A stunning Siberian tiger pauses in a quiet forest in this jaw-dropping picture captured by wildlife photographer Sascha Fonseca. Sascha, from Germany, says the image is special as Amur tigers are endangered and this was an undocumented male. He explains: “A male Siberian tiger passed by my camera trap deep in the forests of far east Russia.”

A photographer captured a lightning storm on camera (Ronald Kotinsky/SWNS)

© Provided by The Independent
A photographer captured a lightning storm on camera (Ronald Kotinsky/SWNS)

Ronald Kotinsky, 52, fought off Florida mosquitoes to document what he called “crazy lightning bolts”. The spectacle occurred 20-30 miles offshore of the city of Crystal River. The 52-year-old, from Valrico, explains: “Normally lucky and happy to get one bolt from the blue but this storm kept dropping them; the price I paid in blood paid dividends.”

Thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis pose for a ‘class picture’ outside of Chabad World Headquarters in New York (Adam Gray/SWNS)

© Provided by The Independent
Thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis pose for a ‘class picture’ outside of Chabad World Headquarters in New York (Adam Gray/SWNS)

Brianne Surgeoner, from Paisley, was born with no arms and applies make-up with her feet (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

© Provided by The Independent
Brianne Surgeoner, from Paisley, was born with no arms and applies make-up with her feet (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

Brianne Surgeoner, 21, has amassed more than 5 million TikTok views for her make-up tutorials. She has astounded fans with her skills because she’s a double amputee. She uses her feet and her upper arms to apply a professional standard of make-up – including dramatic eye shadow looks, delicate eyeliner and intricate skin prep.

More than 40 Ukrainian orphans rescued and taken to safety in Znin, Poland, were struggling to get to the UK due to the government’s red tape (Tom Maddick/SWNS)

More than 40 Ukrainian orphans rescued and taken to safety in Znin, Poland, were struggling to get to the UK due to the government’s red tape (Tom Maddick/SWNS)

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In a break from ceremonial duties and London city life, the cavalry are pictured on Holkham Beach on their first ride-out since the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The regiment uses the wide-open space to practice equestrian and military skills, building bonds between horse and rider, and improving their prowess as professional soldiers.

World-famous actor Tom Hardy took gold in a martial arts championship after he secretly arranged to fight in a gym and floored his local opponents (Sean Rosborough/SWNS)

World-famous actor Tom Hardy took gold in a martial arts championship after he secretly arranged to fight in a gym and floored his local opponents (Sean Rosborough/SWNS)

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Dad-of-two Brian Smith, 55, was leaving work on Tuesday when he saw the historic castle covered in snow. Fog and clouds parted above the building, which is on a steep hill, so Bill took a picture with a long exposure. Brian, a college lecturer, said: “It looks very festive.”

Brody Roybal, who is missing the bottom half of his body, with his girlfriend at home in Smyrna, Tennessee, before beginning his third Paralympics Games (Adam Gray/SWNS)

© Provided by The Independent
Brody Roybal, who is missing the bottom half of his body, with his girlfriend at home in Smyrna, Tennessee, before beginning his third Paralympics Games (Adam Gray/SWNS)

A fighter jet zooming at low level through a city (David A Kapernick/SWNS)

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A fighter jet zooming at low level through a city (David A Kapernick/SWNS)

Australian Air Force airplane F/A-18F Super Hornet was photographed flying over Brisbane’s Story Bridge. The image was snapped during the Brisbane Riverfire festival. The photographer said: “It had been raining in the morning, so lots of moisture in the air, which created the vapour trail over the aircraft, which made it all that more special.”


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Alexandra Daddario Is Toned AF While Skinny-Dipping In A New IG Photo


Alexandra Daddario showed off her sculpted arms and legs in a new nude photo on Instagram. To stay fit, the actress, 36, does yoga and strength training.

© Steve Granitz – Getty Images
Alexandra Daddario showed off her sculpted arms and legs in a new nude photo on Instagram. To stay fit, the actress, 36, does yoga and strength training.

  • Alexandra Daddario just bared it all while showing off her super strong arms and legs in a new post on Instagram.
  • The Baywatchactress, 36, posed totally nude while swimming in a pool in Costa Rica.
  • When she’s not in vacation mode, Alexandra does a mix of yoga, strength training, swimming, and hiking to stay fit.

Alexandra Daddario proved that it’s never too late for a last-minute vacation. The 36-year-old The White Lotus alum recently took to Instagram to share photos of herself basking in the sun while skinny-dipping in a pool surrounded by the hilltops of Costa Rica.

“Take a vacation from your problems, Bob,” she captioned the post.

Naturally, Alexandra’s fans were quick to show their love and support in the comment section.

“Baby steps around the office!” one user wrote. “Brilliant (and beautiful) photo in every way! ,” another added. “Hahahah yassssss,” a third chimed.

If you’re curious to know what Alexandra does to stay so fit, you’re not alone. Turns out, she’s a huge fan of yoga and even shared some of her favorite moves like child’s pose and downward dog in an Instagram video last March.

Still, Alexandra doesn’t shy away from strength training sessions at the gym. In 2018, her trainer Patrick Murphy posted a video of her knocking out a single-leg deadlift cable row, and noted that compound exercises are essential to full-body workouts.

“She puts in the work and never looks for shortcuts,” Murphy told Women’s Health for Alexandra’s October 2022 cover story.

And to recover, she likes to go for the occasional hike or swim.

“I’ve found that my body heals faster and responds better if I’m in tune with myself and can be in nature,” she told WH. But when a workout isn’t in the cards, she does acupuncture, which is known to help with joint pain, stiffness, sleep, and stress.

As for her diet, Alexandra starts her day off with a cup of coffee followed by yogurt and fruit or egg whites with spinach and toast. For lunch, she’ll grab a turkey sandwich with cheese, mustard, and mayo. In the evening, she opts for steak with veggies or soup.

BRB, scheduling my next hike ASAP!

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