Photography Tips You Can Use To Improve Your Work


Whether you are just starting out or are a pro photographer, there are photography tips you can use to improve your photography. Some tips include using the Rule of thirds, adjusting focus points and understanding camera modes. These tips are essential for anyone who wants to improve their photography skills.

Photography Tips You Can Use To Improve Your Work

#1 Rule of thirds

Using the Rule of Thirds in photography can make your images more interesting. It can also help you create well balanced images. Whether you are a beginner or a professional photographer, you can learn to use this compositional rule to enhance your photographs.

Taking a photograph can be an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, but you will need to create a well balanced and inclusive composition if you want to produce high quality photos. You will also need to make sure that you have enough room to crop your photo later on.

The rule of thirds is a simple and effective compositional tool that can be used to enhance the visual impact of your next collection. It can help you create a more visually interesting photo by guiding you to the correct locations to place your subjects.

#2 Golden triangle

Using the Golden Triangle Rule is a good way to enhance your photography. It helps to align your subject and other elements of the frame in order to create a harmonious and clear image. It is not just a rule of thumb; it can be applied to a variety of situations.

The rule works best if you take a lot of photos. This will allow you to check out your work in different lighting situations and compare it to the best shots.

It is also important to keep in mind that you don’t have to take photos in a corner to achieve a good golden triangle. The point is to consider how lines fit together and make a plan before you begin to shoot.

#3 Fibonacci spiral

Using the Fibonacci Spiral in your photography is a great way to create a balanced photograph. You can use it to make sure you’re placing the subject in the best position possible. You can even use it to create a composition that has an interesting effect.

When using a Fibonacci spiral, you can place your subject anywhere within the smallest box of the spiral. This is especially helpful for a single subject that is in a wide-angle shot. You can also use the spiral to create a composition that includes multiple subjects.

When placing your subject on a Fibonacci spiral, you’ll want to make sure the proportions of the composition lead the viewer to the focal point of the photograph. You can use light tones of the sky to bring the viewer into the photograph. You can also use shadowed figures to lead the eye to your subject.

#4 Fisheye effect

Using a fisheye lens in photography can be a great way to take your photos to the next level even if you photograph a Christmas talking tree. It can help you rethink your technique or break out of a creative rut. Here are some things to keep in mind when using a fisheye lens.

You want to have the people in the center of your image, but you also want to keep the background as simple as possible. For example, if you’re shooting a scene on a beach, you can make the ocean and the sand pop by creating a vignette in post-production. You can also try shooting into the sun to create colorful lens reflections.

#5 Understanding camera modes

Using different camera modes is one of the best ways to get the most out of your camera. Aside from allowing you to customize settings like shutter speed and ISO, they can also help you get the most out of your image quality.

To take advantage of the benefits of these modes, you should learn the names and abbreviations of the different modes on your camera. The most basic of these modes is Auto Mode, which gives the camera complete control over exposure settings. However, it’s not always effective in unusual lighting situations.

The other mode in this category is Program mode. Program mode is similar to Auto Mode, but it also allows you to tweak certain exposure settings. You can also adjust the shutter speed and ISO, and choose which white balance to use.

#6 Adjusting focus points

Choosing the right focus point for your photography can make a huge difference in how your viewers perceive your pictures. The right focal point can be the sun rising over the horizon, the person in a portrait, or a flower in the garden.

When choosing your focus point, keep in mind that different cameras offer different numbers of points. Some entry-level cameras have just a few, while more expensive models include many more. A larger number of points can lead to more creative possibilities in photography.

The simplest and most common focusing point is the center point. This is a cross-type focusing point, which looks for horizontal and vertical contrast.

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These 25 stunning images are shortlisted for a top wildlife photography award


Stunning images of a polar bear cub basking in a field of flowers, a sea lit up by glowing glass eels and a tiny coral-camouflaged seahorse in its natural habitat are among those shortlisted for a prestigious photography award.

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The 25 spectacular shots have been shortlisted for the People’s Choice Award of the prestigious Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year prize.

Members of the public are now being invited to have their say and vote for their favourite image for the People’s Choice Award on the museum’s website and via interactive screens at the museum from 1 December until 2 February.

© Akamai Netstorage – News GB

The winner will be showcased in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year voting screens at the museum until the exhibition closes on Sunday 2 July 2023.

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Wasp Attack – Roberto Garcia-Roa, Spain

The frenzied combat between the pompilid wasp and the ornate Ctenus spider. The image shows the wasp checking the spider to confirm if its sting has paralyzed the dangerous prey, before dragging it back to its brood nest.

Location: Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Peru

A golden huddle – Minqiang Lu, China

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Two females and a male golden snub-nosed monkey huddle together to keep warm in the extreme winter cold. Threatened mainly by forest loss and fragmentation, this endangered species is confined to central China.

Location: The Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi, China

A tight grip – Nicholas More, UK

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This male Bargibant’s seahorse, gripping tightly with his prehensile tail to a pink sea fan, looks almost ready to pop. He will gestate for a period of approximately two weeks before giving birth.

Location: Bali Sea, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

World of the snow leopard – Sascha Fonseca, Germany

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Against a backdrop of the spectacular mountains of Ladakh in northern India, a snow leopard has been caught in a perfect pose by Sascha’s carefully positioned camera trap.

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Thick snow blankets the ground, but the big cat’s dense coat and furry footpads keep it warm.

Location: Leh, Ladakh, India

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A fox’s tale – Simon Withyman, UK

Simon wanted this photograph to raise awareness of the harm humans can inadvertently cause to wildlife. In the UK city of Bristol, a young red fox sustained a serious injury trying to free herself from plastic barrier netting commonly used as fencing on building sites.

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After five months, she was caught, treated and released. But tragically, six months later, she was hit by a car and died.

Location: Bristol, UK

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Life and art – Eduardo Blanco Mendizabal, Spain

Walking down a street in his hometown of Corella in northern Spain, Eduardo came across a wall with a graffiti cat, complete with shadow.

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Knowing that common wall geckos emerge on hot summer nights to look for mosquitoes and other insects, Eduardo came back with his camera and waited patiently for the perfect picture – the hunter becoming prey to the trompe l’oeil cat.

Location: Corella, Navarre, Spain

Red and yellow – Chloe Bes, France

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Near Rausu port, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, several hundred glaucous-winged gulls waited for the return of fishermen.

The red spot on the beak develops when gulls are adult and is in part a reflection of their health. It is also an essential aid for the young: when chicks peck the spot, it triggers a regurgitation reaction from the parent.

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Location: Rausu, Hokkaido Island, Japan

Holding on – Igor Altuna, Spain

This leopardess had killed a Kinda baboon in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park. The baboon’s baby was still alive and clinging to its mother.

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Igor watched as the predator walked calmly back to her own baby. Her cub played with the baby baboon for more than an hour before killing it.

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Location: South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

Heads or tails? – Jodi Frediani, USA

The unusually clear, flat sea in Monterey Bay, California, provided a beautiful turquoise backdrop for the glossy bodies of three northern right whale dolphins.

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The special shot features two adult heads and the silvery tail of a juvenile.

Location: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay, California, USA

Covid litter – Auke-Florian Hiemstra, Netherlands

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A young perch was found trapped in the thumb of this surgical glove discarded in a canal in The Netherlands.

This perch was found by citizen scientists on a weekly canal clean-up in Leiden. The spines on its back prevented the fish from escaping by backing out – the torn thumb probably the sign of its final struggle.

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Location: Leiden, The Netherlands

Head to head – Miquel Angel Artus Illana, Spain

The spectacle of two female muskoxen attacking each other surprised Miquel. He had been following a muskox family in Norway’s Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park – a male, a female and three calves.

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He had expected a head-to-head between two males, but instead captured the moment two females rutted instead.

Location: Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella, Norway

Caught by the cat – Michal Michlewicz, Poland

Setting up a camera trap just inside a barn, facing the entrance, Michal waited to see what would trigger it.

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Luckily, though not for this chaffinch, a domestic cat arrived with its fresh kill. Michal is keen his image is used to illustrate the impact domestic cats can have on a local ecosystem.

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Location: Czarnkow, Poland

Caribbean creche – Claudio Contreras Koob, Mexico

Claudio was lying down on the mud a safe distance from a breeding colony of Caribbean, or American, flamingos, in Ria Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, when she took this stunning image.

Location: Ria Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Yucatan, Mexico

Fishing for glass eels – Eladio Fernandez, Dominican Republic

Eladio set out to highlight the plight of the endangered American eel. Caught in its juvenile stage, as glass eels, it is exported in the millions each year to fulfil an insatiable Asian – particularly Japanese – demand.

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Location: El Limon River, El Limon, Dominican Republic

That’s the spot! – Richard Flack, South Africa

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In South Africa’s Kruger National Park, in the vicinity of a rest camp, Richard discovered a flock of crested guineafowl that were not as flighty as normal and allowed him to follow them as they foraged.

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Location: Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa

Among the flowers – Martin Gregus, Canada

Martin watched this polar bear cub playing in a mass of fireweed on the coast of Hudson Bay, Canada. Every so often the cub would take a break from its fun, stand on its hind legs and poke its head up above the high flowers to look for its mother.

He had to wait for just the right moment to capture this stunning shot.

Location: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

The frog with the ruby eyes – Jaime Culebras, Spain

Only found in northwest Ecuador, in the Rio Manduriacu Reserve in the foothills of the Andes, these Mindo frogs are endangered by habitat loss associated with mining and logging.

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Location: Rio Manduriacu Reserve, Imbabura Province, Ecuador

Unlucky for the cat – Sebastian Kennerknecht, USA

Hanging in a shed this stuffed cat skin may at first appear like the other objects, inconsequential, but the colourful yarns tied to it reveal it is not merely a disused item.

Location: Abra Granada, Andes, Argentina

Hyena highway – Sam Rowley, UK

Spotted hyenas are intelligent and opportunistic animals. On the outskirts of cities such as Harar in Ethiopia, they take advantage of what humans leave behind, including bones and rotting meat.

In so doing, the hyenas keep disease at bay, and in exchange the Harar locals tolerate them, even leaving them butcher’s scraps. To photograph them, Sam set up a remote camera by a roadkill carcass.

Coastline wolf – Bertie Gregory, UK

While out in his dinghy looking for black bears, Bertie spotted this female grey wolf trotting along the shoreline on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The wolf was patrolling her eel-grass-covered mudflat territory at low tide, and walked right past the camera, allowing Bertie to take this shot with the remote trigger.

Location: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Portrait of Olobor – Marina Cano, Spain

It was late afternoon when Marina found Olobor resting. He is one of the famous five-strong coalition of males in the Black Rock pride in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Location: Masai Mara, Kenya

Snowshoe hare stare by Deena Sveinsson, USA

A snowshoe hare resting on a small mound of snow. Moving stealthily into position, Deena waited. Finally, the hare sensed something, turned its ears forward and looked right at the camera.

Location: Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado, USA

Night encounter by Sami Vartiainen, Finland

It was late in the evening in August, and the air had a magical feel about it when Sami spotted this badger close to its sett in a forest near Helsinki, Finland. He watched it for 45 minutes.

The badger didn’t seem to be perturbed, even though Sami was only about seven metres (23 feet) away.

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Fox affection by Brittany Crossman, Canada

On a chilly day in North Shore on Prince Edward Island, Canada, a pair of red foxes, greet one another with an intimate nuzzle. This special moment is one of Brittany’s favourite images and one of the tenderest moments she has witnessed between adult foxes.

Location: North Shore, Prince Edward Island, Canada

The elusive golden cat by Sebastian Kennerknecht, USA

Before this image was captured, Sebastian and his biologist friend, David Mills, were almost trampled in the dense rainforest of Kibale National Park in Uganda by a charging forest elephant.

About twice the size of a domestic cat, it is one of the world’s least-studied felids. To date, there are still less than five high-resolution photographs of this cat in the wild.

Location: Kibale National Park, Uganda


Wilder Ranch: Nature’s splendor in our backyard


Cliffs rise from the Pacific Ocean as visitors to Wilder Ranch State Park access Santa Cruz County’s natural splendor along the Ohlone Bluff Trail. According to UC Santa Cruz Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Gary Griggs, “All of the coastal bluffs along Wilder Ranch consist of Santa Cruz mudstone, a roughly 5- to 8-million-year-old sedimentary rock. The mudstone makes up the lowermost 20 to 40 feet or so, which is capped by a much younger (approximately 100,000 year old) sequence of marine terrace deposits of sands, silts and clays.” (Shmuel Thaler - Santa Cruz Sentinel)

© Provided by Santa Cruz Sentinel
Cliffs rise from the Pacific Ocean as visitors to Wilder Ranch State Park access Santa Cruz County’s natural splendor along the Ohlone Bluff Trail. According to UC Santa Cruz Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Gary Griggs, “All of the coastal bluffs along Wilder Ranch consist of Santa Cruz mudstone, a roughly 5- to 8-million-year-old sedimentary rock. The mudstone makes up the lowermost 20 to 40 feet or so, which is capped by a much younger (approximately 100,000 year old) sequence of marine terrace deposits of sands, silts and clays.” (Shmuel Thaler – Santa Cruz Sentinel)

Cliffs rise from the Pacific Ocean as visitors to Wilder Ranch State Park access Santa Cruz County’s natural splendor along the Ohlone Bluff Trail. According to UC Santa Cruz Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Gary Griggs, “All of the coastal bluffs along Wilder Ranch consist of Santa Cruz mudstone, a roughly 5- to 8-million-year-old sedimentary rock. The mudstone makes up the lowermost 20 to 40 feet or so, which is capped by a much younger (approximately 100,000 year old) sequence of marine terrace deposits of sands, silts and clays.” (Shmuel Thaler – Santa Cruz Sentinel)


$400 off the Nikon Z7 II this Black Friday


The Nikon Z7 II is the perfect combination of power, speed and precision. It isn’t a specialist in any photography discipline, but it’s very good at everything.

In our Nikon Z7 II review, we awarded it 4.5 out of 5 stars, largely thanks to its excellent full-frame image quality and admirable all-round performance. We are delighted to see that it has been discounted by $400 as part of B&H Photo’s Black Friday deals (opens in new tab). It will stay at this price, while stocks last, until Nov 28 at 11:59 EST.


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Ireland has a rich maritime heritage, and lighthouses have played a significant part in our history.

These unique structures ring our coast, providing safe passage for all those who sail our coastal waters, from mammoth ocean-going tankers to leisure craft and fishing vessels. Despite the advances in GPS technology, our lighthouses provide a permanent guiding presence by day and night.

Aerial photographer Dennis Horgan has spent many hours in light aircraft flying around the entire island of Ireland, capturing stunning images of these coastal sentinels from a rarely seen perspective.

Alongside these images, former Irish Lights keeper and lighthouse historian Gerald Butler contributes some fascinating insights into these lights and the dedicated people who manned them.

With a foreword by the chairman of the Commissioners of Irish Lights, Ireland’s Guiding Lights will appeal to all who have an interest in our coastal lighthouses.

Ireland’s Guiding Lights is available now from all good bookshops, and for €24.99.


Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award 2022 shortlisted images


(CNN) — A playful polar bear cub, two nuzzling red foxes and golden snub-nosed monkeys huddled together are among the shortlisted images for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award 2022.

The pictures “spotlight important stories of nature from across the globe” and were chosen from 38,575 entries across 93 countries, according to a news release from London’s Natural History Museum, which runs the annual competition.

Through powerful photography, the museum hopes to inspire people to engage with nature and help to protect the planet.

Some photos in the shortlist highlight the threats to wildlife, such as one taken by Eladio Fernandez of fishermen in the Dominican Republic catching endangered glass eels during the night.

Another of golden snub-nosed monkeys huddling together in extreme winter cold in China raises awareness of the endangered species threatened by deforestation.

Dutch photographer Auke-Florian Hiemstra was shortlisted for his image showing a fish trapped in a discarded rubber glove, found in the canals of Leiden.

“The photo confronts us with our throw-away society,” Hiemstra told CNN on Wednesday. “I would like to dedicate this photo to all our clean-up volunteers and litter pickers worldwide, who try to prevent the impact of plastic on our wildlife.”

“Humanity is addicted to plastic, but animals have to face the consequences,” he added. “Hopefully, the image makes people think about their own behavior.”

Members of the public can vote for their favorite of the 25 images using interactive screens at an exhibition at the museum. The top five will be displayed online, alongside category winners from the competition that were chosen by judges and announced earlier this year.

“Voters will have a challenge to choose from this stunning range of photographs which tell vital stories and connect people to issues across the planet,” said Douglas Gurr, director of the Natural History Museum, in the news release.

Voting is open until February 2 and the winner will be part of an exhibition that closes on July 2.


10 Best Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro Camera Tips and Tricks


Google’s flagships have generally excelled at cameras and the Pixel 7 series is no different. While the hardware is capable, the one area where Google trumps most other manufacturers is in terms of camera software. The computational photography you get with the Google Pixel 7 series is what makes it one of the best camera phones out there.

If you’re planning to get the phone for yourself or you already have one, here are some of the best Pixel 7 camera tips and tricks you must use to get the best out of the cameras on the phone. Get ready to stun your friends on Instagram!

Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro: Camera Specifications

Before we get to all the software trickery, let’s take a look at the camera specifications of the Pixel 7 series so that we know what we’re dealing with.

The Pixel 7 has two cameras on the rear — a 50MP primary camera accompanied by a 12MP ultra-wide lens. The Pixel 7 Pro gets the same two lenses that are accompanied by a tertiary zoom lens to justify the Pro moniker. This is a 48MP 5X periscope camera that does a great job of capturing faraway objects.

Finally, the front on both devices houses a 10.8MP front-facing shooter for selfies. Overall, the hardware on the Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro is quite competitive but as we all know, Google’s algorithms make the cameras on this phone shine.

Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro Camera Features, Tips, and Tricks

Now that the hardware and specifications are out of the way, let’s get to all the camera features and wizardry that Google is known for.

1. Super-res Zoom

While the Pixel 7 Pro gets a zoom lens, it goes straight to 5X so it’s useful only for faraway objects. The standard Pixel 7, on the other hand, does not have a dedicated zoom lens at all. To address this issue, Google has come with Super-res zoom.

Super-res zoom uses the extra pixels from the 50MP primary camera to crop into the frame and then uses software algorithms to extract details from it. So, for example, if you wish to take a 2X shot, the phone crops into the center of the 50MP image which means you’re still getting a high-res output.

It also works on higher zoom levels past 5X by using the same principle. Google also captures multiple images when you click a shot and combines the details from all of them into one shot to produce a detailed output. This makes up for the lack of a 2X or a 10X dedicated zoom lens on the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro.

You don’t have to enable Super-res zoom or go to a specific section to toggle it. Just zoom past the standard focal length and it should automatically get triggered.

2. Cinematic Mode

Apple introduced the cinematic mode for video recording with the iPhone 13 series which resembled portrait mode for videos. Well, Google has borrowed the feature along with the same name for the Pixel 7 series of devices. You can now record videos with a blurred background and completely focus on your subject using your Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. Here’s how.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the left twice on the bottom bar. This will take you to Cinematic Mode.

Step 3: Now, tap on the subject you wish to focus on. Then, start recording.

3. Cinematic Pan

Google has drastically improved the video recording capabilities of the Pixel 7 series and this also extends to the Cinematic Pan mode. While Cinematic mode blurs the background of your videos, Cinematic Pan mode lets you pan your camera to shoot smooth, cinematic footage.

The phone records the video at 60fps and then slows it down to 24fps to create that cinematic look. If you wish to record short clips that are pleasing to the eye, here’s how you can use Cinematic Pan Mode.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the left once on the bottom bar. You will now be in Video mode.

Step 3: Tap on the stabilization icon. Now, choose Cinematic Pan.

You can use this mode while recording professional footage or if you’re trying to record a video for a product showcase.

4. Active Stabilization

Here’s yet another super-cool mode for all you videographers out there. If you wish to record some sporty action i.e when you’re running, racing, or just enjoying a ride on a jet ski, this is the mode to use. It adds a layer of stabilization to your shots to cut down on the hand movement that you would encounter when you’re active.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the left once on the bottom bar. You will now be in Video mode.

Step 3: Tap on the stabilization icon. Now, choose Active.

Next time you want to capture your POV when biking or surfing, you know which mode of stabilization to select!

5. Action Pan

The Pixel 7 series of devices have a Motion mode where you can capture photos that create an effect like you’ve frozen time. You get two different opinions under the Motion tag — one of which is Action Pan.

Action Pan creates a unique effect when capturing moving objects. If you want to capture a car that’s driving past or a train that is zooming past you, Action Pan will create a professional look by blurring the background creatively. It’s fun to use, so feel free to experiment with it by following these steps.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the right twice on the bottom bar. You will now be in Motion mode.

Step 3: Select the Action Pan button to switch to the relevant mode.

Step 4: Now, whenever you see a moving subject, hit the shutter button and move your phone slowly in the direction of your subject. The image will be captured with a creative blur.

6. Long Exposure

Just like Action Pan, Long Exposure is yet another Motion mode that gives your photos a creative look. It’s good for capturing light trails in traffic or moving subjects like waterfalls. In short, while Action Pan created a blur effect for the background, Long Exposure keeps the background intact and creates a motion blur effect on the subject.

Here’s how to click some great long exposure shots using your Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the right twice on the bottom bar. You will now be in Motion mode.

Step 3: Select the Long Exposure button to switch to the relevant mode.

Step 4: Now, hit the shutter button whenever you see a moving subject. Keep your hands steady till the shot is captured.

Next time you’re at a waterfall or you’re on an overhead bridge with traffic passing below you, use the Long Exposure mode and let us know your experience in the comments below.

7. Astrophotography

While Long Exposure can capture light trails on roads, the Pixel 7 can also capture star trails in the night sky. All you need is a tripod or a surface to rest your Pixel 7 against for a couple of minutes. Once you have that ready, here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Mount your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro on a tripod or rest it against a surface where it can stand still for a few minutes. Note that this is an extremely important step without which you won’t be able to use the Astrophotography mode.

Step 2: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 3: Swipe to the right thrice on the bottom bar. You will now be in Night Sight mode.

Step 4: Tap on the settings button in the top-left corner of the screen. Then, set Astrophotography to Auto.

Step 5: If your phone is sitting still, the shutter button will automatically change to one with stars on it. Once this happens, tap on the shutter to start clicking the picture.

Depending on the scenario and the amount of available light, your Pixel 7 will start capturing an image for a set time period. During this period, do not disturb the position of the phone as it will ruin the final output.

Once the timer has finished counting down, the image will be captured. If you allowed the phone to capture for more than 2.5 minutes, you will also be able to see a short timelapse of the movement of heavenly bodies during that tenure.

8. Macro Mode

This one’s limited to the Pixel 7 Pro. The ultra-wide camera on the Pixel 7 Pro has autofocus which means it can also act as a macro camera. Given the 12MP resolution, the macro camera captures some impressive images when you get close to a subject.

Here’s how you can activate the Macro mode if you wish to click close-up images.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Point the camera close to the subject you wish to capture. You will automatically see a macro toggle appear in the viewfinder.

Step 3: Tap on the macro toggle to switch to the corresponding lens. Now, you will be able to go closer to the subject and capture a macro shot.

9. Speech Enhancement

Here’s yet another feature that improves the video recording capabilities of the Pixel 7 series of phones. A good video is only complete with good audio and this is where the speech enhancement feature comes into play. It amplifies your voice while you’re speaking in a video and simultaneously cuts down the background noise to emphasize the vocals.

If you’re recording videos outdoors in a noisy environment, this is an absolute must. Here’s how to enable Speech Enhancement.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro.

Step 2: Swipe to the left once on the bottom bar. You will now be in Video mode.

Step 3: Tap on the settings button in the top-left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Set the video resolution to whatever you wish. However, the frame rate must be 30fps only for the feature to work.

Step 5: Now, enable the Speech Enhancement toggle.

You can record a video with and without Speech Enhancement to see the difference yourself.

10. Unblur

This is a bonus feature that’s not necessarily a part of the camera app but is related to the pictures you capture so we decided to throw it into this list. The new Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro have a cool feature called Unblur baked into the Photos app. As the name would suggest, it unblurs and tries to fix blurry images that you may have clicked from the device or even an older picture.

If you have an old picture that is blurry and you want to fix it, or you just snapped a photo and ended up shaking your hand, you can use Unblur with a single tap. Here’s how to make use of the feature.

Step 1: Open the Google Photos app on your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro. Navigate to the blurry image you wish to unblur.

Step 2: Select the Edit option at the bottom.

Step 3: Swipe to the Tools section. Here, tap on Unblur.

Wait for the process to complete. You can now adjust the slider to vary the intensity of the edit.

Step 4: Once you’re satisfied, hit the Done button to save changes.

Step 5: Finally, select Save copy to save the image.

Get the Best Out of Your Cameras

The Pixel 7 cameras are extremely capable so it’s only fair to use them to their fullest potential to get the best results. You can employ all of these features, tips, and tricks while clicking pictures or recording videos with your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro to give a new perspective to your shots.

Did you try any of these camera tricks? Share your experience in the comments below.


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Dubai’s evolving economic, public, and professional landscape is becoming a promising field for interior designers.

Dubai is one of the most rapidly progressing cities in the world, both in economy and infrastructure. This luxurious and pioneering city known for its gleaming skylines and skyscrapers has seen a rise in innovation and development during recent years, especially post-pandemic, where building projects once put to a halt are now up and running.

Interior Designers Will Dubai Need In The Future

Renovation of existing buildings and constructions for commercial, residential, retail, educational, and healthcare sectors has triggered an increasing demand for interior design services and projects, which boosts prospects for further growth and sustainability in interior design market trends.

This boost in the design industry opens more job opportunities and possibilities in interior design. The job satisfaction of being able to express and expand on creativity while helping clients achieve their ideal spaces, combined with the considerably high salary range for interior designers in Dubai, makes interior designing an attractive and rewarding profession to enter.

Interior designing combines passion, ingenuity, and insight to transform empty rooms and buildings into functional and aesthetically cohesive spaces. More than that, it also takes communication skills, management skills, and resourcefulness to navigate the design industry successfully.
The interior design market in this city is diverse. Presently, Dubai hosts various local and foreign players in the world of interior design, including highly reputable and experienced professionals, making Dubai one of the best hubs for searching for excellent interior designers and one of the most competitive ones also.

One has to have an established career before entering Dubai’s market. Education, exposure, and experience in an interior designer’s portfolio are essential. A common career roadmap to accomplish this is to earn a degree in interior design or obtain a diploma by enrolling in interior design Dubai courses from accredited institutions. In addition, practical experience in designing, planning, coordinating, and executing design projects is acquired, which can be through internships in design firms. Before moving to Dubai, many interior designers secured experience and credentials from projects in other major cities.

Interior Designers Will Dubai Need In The Future

This city’s interior design, construction, and manufacturing industries are thriving. However, other significant factors still come into play when considering the future of these industries, such as the environmental impacts and challenges that come with rapid urbanization. In 2010, UAE (United Arab Emirates) was declared by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) to have the highest ecological footprint in the world. Even as Dubai continues to combat the challenges of pollution and carbon emissions, the city is preparing for the fact that the future must be green. By 2050, it aims to become a carbon-neutral economy. With this, sustainable architecture and interior design solutions are becoming increasingly popular in implementing future development plans. Rising awareness of the impact of modernization on the environment has clients seeking energy-efficient and environmentally responsible designs incorporated into their space planning and building.

Additionally, the increasing cost of materials, labor, and marketing poses challenges to interior design firms and construction businesses. Nevertheless, with Dubai’s numerous advancement opportunities in the interior design career, the demand for interior designers in this megacity shows no signs of declining in the foreseeable future. Even more so, digital technologies such as visualization and communication tools are increasingly being incorporated into the design and management process, opening even more opportunities for interior designers locally and internationally.

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