10 pro tips for perfect portraits: take beautiful family photos


Taking great family photos can be a fulfilling and wholesome way of making some extra cash from your camera, and many portrait photographers turn it into full-time vocation. However, being a family photographer isn’t without its challenges: children, toddlers and babies are often unpredicatable and can be difficult to get them at their best.

From toddler chaos and looking everywhere but the camera to full-blown tantrums, child portraiture can be extremely challenging to get right. That’s why this month we teamed up a reader of PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine (opens in new tab), Jonathon Crook, for a masterclass in family portraiture with full-time family pro photographer Taylor Brady. 


I’ve discovered how to have a luxury holiday without the guilt


One minute you’re at Inverlochy Castle, guzzling fizz beneath crystal chandeliers and eating dishes devised by Michel Roux Jr on furniture gifted by the former king of Norway. The next, you’re e-biking into a soggy smirr, trying to work out where Ben Nevis has gone. Yes, this was a trip of contrasts, but – surprisingly – no compromises.

Five-star travel can come with a high price tag, for both you and the environment, so for some time I’d wondered whether I could have a luxurious holiday without totally blowing my carbon budget. Scotland seemed an obvious choice if I was going to put my plan into action: in 2021, VisitScotland became the world’s first national tourist board to sign up to the Tourism Declares climate initiative, and the country is gunning for net-zero by 2045. 

Furthermore, my tailor-made, carefully thought-out small-group trip, organised by Wilderness Scotland, would combine castle stays and gourmet dinners as well as activities designed to connect with nature; it would also have an accurate carbon score, worked out via the company’s robust labelling scheme, with the impact offset via carbon mitigation projects.

My mission began aboard the Caledonian Sleeper. I didn’t sleep much, but didn’t care, happily cocooned in my cabin, snug and eco-smug as half of Britain slipped by outside. We rolled into Perth and, soon after, into Murrayshall Hotel. This baronial stone pile, dating to 1664, emerged beyond towering trees and golf tees in the mist-hung November dawn. 


EYES TO THE SKY: Look up, citizens of the universe, we live in the Milky Way Galaxy


In Search of the Core, Mostardas, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Astro-photographer’s statement: “The night is really a beautiful moment to enjoy all the beauties of the sky. Here the plan was to reflect as many sights as possible in the water and the mirror – with the curious human being searching them in the small square in his hands. We as humans should learn (relearn, in fact) to admire this scene in order to preserve it. Our challenge is to minimize the impact of light pollution while we grow as a civilization.” Egon Filter, Published with Permission.

Egon Filter’s celebrated photograph was NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) on September 13, 2021. Titled “Night Sky Reflected,” the image is accompanied by the following caption: “What’s that in the mirror? In the featured image of the dark southern sky, the three brightest galaxies of the night are all relatively easy to identify. Starting from the left, these are the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and part of the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. All three are also seen reflected in a shallow pool of water. But what is seen in the mirror being positioned by the playful astrophotographer? Dust clouds near the center of our Milky Way—and the planet Jupiter. The composite was carefully planned and composed from images captured from the same camera in the same location and during the same night in mid-2019 in Mostardas, south Brazil. The picture won first place in the Connecting to the Dark division of the International Dark-Sky Association’s Capture the Dark contest for 2021.”

Planet Earth is located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our sun, the center of the solar system, is one star among hundreds of billions of stars that form the Milky Way. This giant conglomeration of suns, with 100 billion planets, cosmic dust, and gases, is our home galaxy. Within range of telescopes, the enormity of the Milky Way spins among more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

Full sky view of our Milky Way Galaxy photographed on September 4, 2022, 10:40 p.m., Washington, Maine. Orientation: southwest, upper right, Sagittarius; northeast, lower left, Perseus, Cassiopeia; center, the Summer Triangle. Lower right brightness is distant light pollution from Augusta, Maine. Red lines are airplanes trails. Photo by Mario Motta, M.D. Published with Permission.

On clear nights, away from artificial lights, look for the Milky Way arcing over the sky. Observe tonight, November 26, at about 6 to 6:30 p.m., to find a young crescent moon close to the southwest horizon at the edge of the Milky Way. Follow the arc to the northeast horizon, where red planet Mars, -1.77 magnitude, rises in the east-northeast. Enjoy the waxing crescents as they increase in size and set later every evening.

Look near the center of Mario Motta’s photograph for a triangle marked by three outstanding stars that compose The Summer Triangle: Deneb, Vega and Altair straddle the Milky Way. Look by 9 o’clock this week to see the full pattern before its lowest star, Altair sets at about 9:30 p.m.

Milky Way over a Berkshire lake, facing south, August 6, 2021, 8:32 p.m. Photo by Stella Cadente. Published with Permission.

If the Milky Way does not appear in your sky, light pollution is blocking your view. The moon and the Summer Triangle are visible through the haze created by excessive, poorly designed outdoor lighting. In North America, 99 percent of the population lives under a light-polluted sky. To learn how to protect the night sky from light pollution, to keep the Milky Way in your sky, and to bring back the Milky Way where it is blocked from view, go to the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).


Photographer Karl Roberts Creates Surreal Self-Portraits That Amaze You


A talented UK Photographer and Artist Karl Roberts creates surreal self-portraits that amaze you. These images are visual stories that provide an insight into Karl’s life, created between 2017-2022. Each image has been created to tell a story, to allow him to speak without talking.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. Please check Karl’s Instagram account for more amazing work.

You can find Karl Roberts on the web:


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts


Surreal Self-Portraits By Karl Roberts

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Twin crises: Experts say nature and climate cannot be siloed


PARIS: Experts and activists were hoping UN climate talks would end last week with a prominent mention of biodiversity in the final text. They walked away disappointed.

Some say delegates at the COP27 summit missed a key opportunity to acknowledge the connection between the twin climate and nature crises, which many believe have been treated separately for too long.

Failing to address both could mean not only further decimating Earth’s life support systems, but also missing the key climate target of limiting warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius, they warn.

“We’re doomed if we don’t solve climate, and we’re doomed if we don’t solve biodiversity,” Basile van Havre, co-chair of the UN biodiversity negotiations, told AFP.

At the COP15 UN biodiversity talks next month, dozens of countries will meet to hammer out a new framework to protect animals and plants from destruction by humans.

The meeting comes as scientists warn that climate change and biodiversity damage could cause the world’s sixth mass extinction event.

Such destruction of nature also risks worsening climate change.

The oceans have absorbed most of the excess heat created by humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions and, along with forests, are important carbon sinks.

“(Nature) is up to a third of the climate solution. And it is a proven technology,” Brian O’Donnell, director of Campaign for Nature, told AFP.

He said oceans in particular are unsung “superheroes”, which have absorbed carbon and heat, at the cost of acidification and coral-killing heatwaves.

As the world warms, species and ecosystems can also play a crucial role in building resilience. Mangroves, for example, can protect against coastal erosion caused by rising seas linked to a warming planet.


Perhaps the most attention on the natural world at COP27 came during a visit by Brazil’s president-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who will take office in January.

He has vowed to halt the rampant deforestation of the Amazon seen under incumbent Jair Bolsonaro and announced during the climate talks plans to create a ministry for indigenous people, custodians of the rainforest.

The crucial “30 by 30” biodiversity target also got a boost when a bloc of West African nations vowed to adhere to the goal of protecting 30 per cent of the natural world by 2030.


Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM lens now reduced to under $2000 this Black Friday


Save $400 on the Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM lens which takes it down below $2000 this Black Friday.

We’re pleased to share this deal with you because the Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM sits in our best lenses for astrophotography buying guide and it received a near-perfect 4.5/5 stars in our Canon RF 15-35mm review. But why do we think so highly of this lens?

It’s part of Canon’s L-series range, which is known for its outstanding optical clarity. Super sharp from edge to edge and with a constant maximum aperture of f/2.8 this ultra-wide zoom has a very astro-friendly 15-35mm focal length making it perfect for wide-field astrophotography. 

The fast aperture of f/2.8 allows the lens to drink in the light from the cosmos and maximizes light input onto any compatible Canon RF mirrorless camera body. This saves pushing the ISO sensitivity too high, which in return results in astrophotographs with less high ISO image noise — ideal for clean, clear images.

While astrophotographers typically use one of the best tripods to photograph from, this lens has five stops of Image Stabilization (IS) to help steady the view, should you want to photograph in low-light handheld. That makes it usable for more than just astro and in fact, makes an ideal lens for weddings or group portraits indoors where light levels are normally limited.

© Provided by Space

Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM: was $2399, now $1999 at B&H  Save $400 on this ultra-wide zoom Canon RF-mount lens, perfect for any of Canon’s mirrorless RF-mount camera bodies. Suited to astrophotography, it also makes a great lens for any low-light shooting situation. Sharp everywhere and solidly built, this lens should keep up with you wherever you shoot.

View Deal

The Nano USM feature built into the lens works with Canon’s Dual-Pixel CMOS AF to produce the best autofocusing speed and ability that Canon has to offer (superior to Canon’s less expensive STM system seen in more affordable lens models).

Better yet, the Canon 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM has an integrated control ring that can be preset to control myriad camera settings, from aperture to ISO and more. Optically, the lens benefits from low dispersion and aspherical glass elements to keep images clear of chromatic aberration (no color fringing on those stars) and distortion-free.

Weather-resistant it’s not fully waterproof, but that shouldn’t matter too much for the astrophotographers who tend to shoot when it’s clear and dry, anyway. It is also coated with Air-Sphere Coating (ASC) to reduce flare and ghosting when shooting directly into the sun or when subjects are backlit.

Be sure to check out Space.com’s Black Friday deals page, or our guide to the Best lenses for astrophotography, or pair it with one of the Best cameras for photos and videos or Best cameras for astrophotography.


Best Photography Games That You Can Play Today


Best Photography Games That You Can Play Today

© Provided by Boss Level Gamer
Best Photography Games That You Can Play Today

Getting behind the lens of a camera can be an incredibly creative experience. It’s no wonder that video games would try to replicate that experience. These are the best photography games you can play right now.

In one form or another, each game incorporates photography within its gameplay. The list is presented in no particular order and is of the author’s opinion. 

Photography Helps Develop the Story in Toem

Photo Credit: Something We Made

© Photo Credit: Something We Made
Photo Credit: Something We Made

The primary gameplay of Toem involves using your camera to solve various puzzles to help other characters. It takes place in a 2.5D cartoon world where the player ascends a mountain to witness a rare event known as “Toem.”

As they complete side quests from other characters, they’ll earn stamps to progress up the mountain. Interacting with the environment is sometimes the key to getting the exact photo you need to complete side quests.

The game features hand-drawn graphics and an overall aesthetic similar to the indie game Chicory.

New Pokémon Snap Is the Follow-up to a Beloved Photography Game

Photo Credit: Nintendo

© Photo Credit: Nintendo
Photo Credit: Nintendo

Pokémon Snap is one of the most beloved games on the Nintendo 64. It shook up the traditional Pokémon game format and replaced battling with photography. Pokémon were no longer vicious creatures of war but rather cute subjects of a professor. The gameplay involved on-rail movement and photographing Pokémon across different levels. The photos you took were then graded based on their compositions.

New Pokémon Snap is the follow-up and features similar gameplay. As the assistant to Pokémon Professor Mirror, you must photograph the various Pokémon of the Lental Region to help him uncover the mysteries of “luminescent” Pokémon. There are over 200 Pokémon to photograph in New Pokémon Snap, and each has its own personality.

Fulfill Requests as a Freelance Photographer in Umurangi Generation

Photo Credit: Origame Digital

© Photo Credit: Origame Digital
Photo Credit: Origame Digital

A freelance photographer is essentially a profession that accepts side quests for a living. Umurangi Generation capitalizes on that concept as a freelancer simulator. The game takes place in fictional a New Zealand, where the island country is in the midst of a war with an alien race. The different objects and environmental locations you shoot will help add additional context to an otherwise bizarre narrative.

While accepting side quests will help advance the story, the player can free-roam and photograph the world as they please. As they progress in the game, they’ll unlock different camera and lens attachments that will expand how they approach their photography.

The Good Life Is a Photography Game About a Murder Mystery

Photo Credit: White Owls Inc.

© Photo Credit: White Owls Inc.
Photo Credit: White Owls Inc.

New York journalist Naomi Howard has been sent to a small village in England to investigate a myth that its villagers can transform into cats and dogs. Things eventually turn into a murder mystery. Photographing different landmarks and objects across the village will help advance Naomi’s investigation into the many secrets of the village.

In the game’s story’s background, the player can freely roam around the village to satisfy different villagers’ requests to make money and pay off Naomi’s debts. There are also light farm and life simulator elements, such as growing a garden or participating in social life with the villagers.

Beasts of Maravilla Takes Place in a Mystical Jungle

Photo Credit: Banana Bird Studios

© Photo Credit: Banana Bird Studios
Photo Credit: Banana Bird Studios

Beasts of Maravilla falls into the subgenre of wildlife photography games. As wildlife photographer Marina Montez, you’re tasked with photographing your island’s eccentric creatures to show humanity to keep believing in magic. You’ll do this with Marina’s grandfather’s camera and journal documenting the island’s elusive and mystical wildlife.

In this 3D platformer, you’ll traverse the island’s varied terrains to photograph colorful wildlife. Similar to Pokémon Snap, each animal has their own unique behavior that can result in hundreds of different shots. The game’s developers worked with experts at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles to learn about animal behaviors and applied that to Beast of Maravilla’s animal design. They intended to create a video game that involved non-violent interactions with animals.

Photographs Is a Heartfelt Game About Remembering the Past

Photo Credit: EightyEightGames

© Photo Credit: EightyEightGames
Photo Credit: EightyEightGames

Photographs is a rare photography game that’s not about taking pictures. Rather, you’ll complete mini-games on polaroid backgrounds to piece together a series of photos that tell the game’s story. You’ll move from one character’s story to another, and the happenings in each story are often associated with the mini-games you’ll be required to play in that part of the game.

It features pixel art graphics that pair well with a fairly relaxing and laid-back presentation. It can be completed in a few hours and is one of the few photography video games available on mobile platforms.

Pupperazi Is a Unique Photography Game About Social Media

Photo Credit: Sundae Month

© Photo Credit: Sundae Month
Photo Credit: Sundae Month

Pupperazi is a game about receiving feedback on your photography portfolio. Players take on the role of a humanoid camera that takes pictures on an island inhabited by canines. The main idea of Pupperazi is to go out and take photos of dogs to post on the social media site dogNET. Those posts then receive feedback in the form of comments and followers. Progressing in the story is tied to the number of followers you have.

The island’s residents will have various photography requests for you to complete. The recommendations you meet can help dictate how you take your social media career. The dogs in Pupperazi come in all shapes and sizes. And yes, you can pet them.

Wrapping Up

What did you think of our list? Feel free to sound off in the comments, and let us know if we missed any of the best photography games.


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The post Best Photography Games That You Can Play Today appeared first on Boss Level Gamer.


These surprise Black Friday Surface Pro 9 deals won’t last long


Microsoft’s Surface Pro 9 has been out for little over a month, but incredibly it’s coming in for some great discounts in its first Black Friday sale. Amazon has over $250 off Microsoft’s latest laptop-like tablet, making the Surface Pro 9 with 16GB RAM and 256GB or SSD now $1,599.99 $1,349 (opens in new tab).  And there are Surface Pro 9 Black Friday discounts on other configurations too. 

In the UK, there are some good options too, but you’ll need to be quick because they’re already selling out. Amazon has £170 off that Surface Pro 9, taking it from £1,599 to £1,429 (opens in new tab). Don’t hang around if you want to grab one of these. We can’t see these prices falling further anytime soon. And stock may well run out.


Best Black Friday deals on cameras in 2022


Here at BBC Sky at Night Magazine we test a lot of cameras, from big-brand DSLRs to CCD, CMOS and planetary cameras.

This Black Friday we’ve been scouring online retailers for some of the best deals on digital cameras, especially with astrophotography in mind.

However, the DSLRs and other cameras on our list would suit most forms of photography, from wildlife and nature photography to capturing cityscapes and recording high quality video.

Your DSLR's sensor clean, you're ready to get back to doing what you do best. Credit: boonchai wedmakawand / Getty Images

Credit: boonchai wedmakawand / Getty Images

Black Friday 2022 is here, and that means street and online retailers are offering good discounts to entice early Christmas shoppers or those who want to grab a bargain before the season begins.

Below is a list of what we’ve found so far, but all the main discounts can be found on our Black Friday astrophotography camera deals webpage.

Head there for more information and a full breakdown on each camera.

And check back later today to see what other offers we’ve managed to add to the list.

For advice on buying a camera, read our guide to the best astrophotography cameras, or how to use a DSLR camera.

Black Friday camera deals 2022

Black Friday 2022 is upon us. Here are the best offers on cameras for astrophotography that we’ve found so far.

Fujifilm GFX 50S II Medium Format Camera

Fujifilm GFX 50S II Medium Format Camera

The Fujifilm GFX 50S II Medium Format Camera is currently discounted for Black Friday on Wex Photographic, and comes with 35-70mm lens. See the link above to get to the page for the deal.

Canon EOS 2000D DSLR camera

canon eos 2000d dslr camera

Sony a7 Mk III

Sony a7 Mk III

Pentax K-1 Mark II

Pentax K-1 Mark II

Canon EOS R6 DSLR camera

Canon EOS R6 DSLR camera

Panasonic Lumix G9

Panasonic Lumix G9 Digital Camera

Nikon D780 DSLR camera

Nikon d780

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR camera

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Pentax K-3 Mark III

Pentax K-3 Mark III

Nikon Z7 II

Nikon Z7 II


ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera review

Where to find Black Friday camera deals

A list of suppliers and online shops to keep an eye on for Black Friday deals

Save on a BBC Sky at Night Magazine subscription this Black Friday

BBC Sky at Night Magazine black friday 2022 subscription deal

Get 12 issues of BBC Sky at Night Magazine for just for just £37.99. That’s a 47% saving off the shop price! For more info, visit buysubscriptions.com.


5 SEO Tips for Photography WordPress Users


If you’re a WordPress user, you know that optimizing your site for search engines is important if you want to attract more visitors. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to improve your SEO using WordPress.

There have been some minor changes to WordPress lately, so I wanted to write this article for those of you who use WordPress for your photography website.

We’ll also discuss the importance of using keywords and backlinks, and provide some examples of how to use them effectively. So whether you’re just starting out with WordPress or you’ve been using it for a while, be sure to read on for some helpful tips!

I also want to note that I touch on these tips but of course each tip has it’s own guide that could be written for it. So if you want me to dive further into a specific tip with a separate guide, be sure to drop a comment!

1. Enable HTTPS on your site

One of the most important things you can do to improve your site’s SEO is to enable HTTPS. This ensures that your site is secure and that visitors can trust it. In addition, Google has stated that they give preference to sites that are HTTPS-enabled.

To enable HTTPS on your WordPress site, you’ll need to install a plugin like Really Simple SSL. Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, all you need to do is go to Settings > SSL and make sure that the “Enable SSL” option is checked.

If you’ve ever been to a site and it said “Not Secure” next to the URL, this is why.

2. Use an SEO plugin

Another great way to improve your site’s SEO is to use an SEO plugin. There are many different SEO plugins available, but I recommend RankMath. It’s a free plugin that’s easy to use and it includes features like keyword optimization, XML sitemaps, and social media integration.

To install RankMath, head over to the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard and search for “RankMath.” Once you’ve found it, click “Install” and then “Activate.”

An important note to make that I think some people don’t understand is that installing an SEO plugin does not automatically improve your site’s SEO. It is the options and tools the SEO plugin provides that allows you to improve your site’s SEO — such as the ability to create XML Sitemaps, creating a robots.txt file, and ability to edit metadata on page/post level.

3. Check Your Page Speed

Google introduced what’s called your Core Web Vitals.

These are essentially metrics that Google likes to look at with websites that let’s their machine learning algorithms know whether or not a page is fast enough and provides a good user experience for the user.

If your website is slow, then this is not good for SEO and for the user experience of your visitors.

In case you want to see your score, pick a few different pages from your site and paste them into Google Pagespeed Insights.

Now it would be difficult to cover all optimizations in this article, I may cover this in the future with a guide to improving pagespeed. If this is something you’d like to read then be sure to drop a comment.

4. Use keywords strategically

Once you’ve configured your permalinks, you can start using keywords in your posts and pages. A keyword is a word or phrase that someone would use to search for your content. For example, if you’re a photographer who specializes in landscape photography, some of the keywords you might want to use are “landscape photography,” “landscape photos,” and “landscape photographer.”

To find out what keywords people are using to find your content, you can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Just enter a few of your potential keywords into the tool and it will show you how many people are searching for each one.

In addition to using keywords in your content, you should also use them in your title and in the alt text of your images. The title is what appears at the top of your browser when someone visits your site, so make sure it includes keywords that accurately describe your content. The alt text is the text that appears when someone mouses over an image, so including keywords here can also help you attract more visitors.

One big thing is to also remember that you should only be targeting one keyword per page or else you may end up with duplicate content which is bad.

The example I love to give is that let’s say you sell shoes and shoelaces. Well you wouldn’t want to have one page targeting those two keywords because they are 2 different keywords. With that being said, you will want to have one page targeting shoes and another page targeting shoelaces.

Internal links are when you link to other posts you have written. They are useful for improving the crawlability of your site and helps with user experience, which are both important for SEO.

Linking to other sites can also help improve your SEO. When you link to a site, it’s called an external link or backlink. Backlinks are important because they show that your site is trusted by other websites.

To get backlinks, you can reach out to other website owners and ask them to link to your site. You can also guest post on other sites and include a link back to your own site in your author bio.

If you don’t like the manual work of outreach, then you can do the natural link building strategy that I prefer, which involves creating great content and having people link to it naturally.

By following these SEO tips, you can improve your site’s ranking in search engine results pages. This will help you attract more visitors and grow your business.
