Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob Review


Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob Review

The Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob is a clever ‘upgrade’ to a traditional 8″ Dobsonian telescope, thanks to its integrated smartphone app that helps you find objects in the night sky. It’s a visual telescope (not designed for astrophotography), but photos of bright objects like the Moon and planets are possible through the eyepiece. 

With 8 inches of aperture, this telescope has enough power to see, not only the moon and planets, but also deep-sky objects like distant galaxies and nebulae.

In this post, I’ll show you how the Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob works, and explain why I think this is a great telescope for beginners that could use some help finding objects in the night sky.

The version I will be reviewing is the 8″ model, but the telescope also comes in a huge 10-inch diameter size for those looking for even deeper views. Keep in mind that this model is quite heavy. 

Celestron StarSense Explorer Telescope

Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob Review

In the following video shared on my YouTube channel, I cover the main features of the telescope and share my experiences using it in the backyard.

The supportive folks over at Celestron sent me a demo version of their 8-inch model for review. I had a chance to test the StarSense Explorer Dob over the course of about 3 weeks, and thankfully the weather cooperated. 

Unlike a lot of the astrophotography telescopes I typically talk about on this website, where I sit at a computer screen – a visual Dobsonian telescope like this is meant to be enjoyed outside at the eyepiece. It’s all about the visual experience and seeing new deep-sky objects for the first time. 

As I have discussed at length in the past, an 8-inch Dobsonian telescope is arguably the best possible first telescope for a beginner. I started with a 4.5″ aperture Dobsonian myself back in 2010 (Orion SkyQuest 4.5″ Dob), and the rest is history. 

An 8 Inch Dobsonian Telescope

Unlike the humble Dob I started my astronomy journey on, this one has a large 8-inch mirror. An aperture of this size is capable of providing impressive views at the eyepiece.

The simple design of a Dobsonian makes them easy to use, and affordable considering their light-gathering power. They do not require polar alignment, counterweights, or any electronics (other than your phone). 

The heavy Dobsonian base (rocker box), allows you to smoothly pan across the sky without vibration. It is a very hands-on ‘point-and-view’ experience that helps you connect with the night sky in a tactile way.

An 8-inch model is widely considered to be the ‘sweet spot’, balancing optical performance with a practical size. This is probably the best fit for most people, as it’s more manageable than the heavy 10-inch version.

For comparison, an 8-inch mirror provides 78% more light than a 6-inch model, which means being able to find more deep-sky objects in the sky like galaxies and nebulae.

Dobsonian Telescope Sizes

Comparing the most popular size of Dobsonian Telescopes. 

The telescope and base are about 50 pounds as a whole, so for most people, it is best to transport the scope in two pieces. The big handles on the optical tube, and the rocker box base make this process much easier. 

The telescope itself is nothing too special, a well-made Newtonian reflector telescope with a sturdy Dobsonian base. The eyepiece rack is a nice touch (I actually use these a lot), and the tension knobs secure nicely when the tube sits in the rocker box. 

This model has an 8-inch mirror, providing a native focal length of 1200mm at F/5.9. This is enough reach to get a good look at Saturn’s rings or Jupiter’s moons, with a high-powered eyepiece.

Speaking of eyepieces, this telescope package comes with a useful 1.25″ Celestron Omni 25mm Plossl.  This is a perfect mid-range, all-purpose eyepiece. You can also use any of your existing 1.25″ or 2” eyepieces on this telescope thanks to the included adapter. 

25mm Plossl eyepiece

The included Celestron Omni 25mm Plossl is a great all-purpose eyepiece. 

I’m told the 10-inch model has some balancing issues, which can be ‘magnified’ when a heavy eyepiece is in place. I did not experience any issues in balance on the 8-inch model, even with some of my heavier eyepieces in the telescope. 

Near the objective end of the optical tube, you will also install the included red dot finder. This simple device serves its purpose, and nothing more. Just don’t forget to turn it off when you are done. 

This model is considered to be a “Push-To” telescope because everything is done manually by the user. It does not include a motorized ‘GoTo’ mount to move the telescope on its own, you have to do all of the pointing. 

However, with the innovative StarSense Explorer system, you have some help. The system uses plate-solving technology to give you a big advantage over the traditional star-hoppers. 

Putting the Telescope Together

The optical tube assembly (OTA), including the 2″ Crayford-style focuser and smartphone dock, comes completely assembled in its own box. However, you have to put together the Dobsonian base yourself. 

Constructing the rocker box took me about 30 minutes to complete using the provided tools that come with the telescope package. This is probably the least fun part of the entire experience, but once it’s done, you are on your way. 

While you are putting the base together, you should download the StarSense Explorer app on your smartphone, and enter the unique code Celestron gives you with the scope. It’s a big download too (nearly 500 MB), so get it started before you put everything together. 

AstroBackyard telescope review

Setting up the Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob in my backyard. 

The StarSense Explorer Dock

The StarSense system involves this odd-looking bracket and angled mirror where you would normally see a finder scope. The kit includes a big plastic cover to keep on the dock when not in use, which is probably a good idea to keep that mirror clean. 

As I have seen others mention, a tether for this cover would have been a nice feature, as it would be easy to lose this item after setting up in the dark. It’s a little too big to fit comfortably in your pocket. 

The phone I use is a massive Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, so large smartphones are not a problem on this dock. The dual-axis adjustment knobs make it easy to line up the camera lens on your phone with the mirror. 

StarSense Explorer Dock

The StarSense Explorer Dock comes installed on the telescope out of the box.

At first, I didn’t know what I was looking at, but this is actually where you will use your phone camera to take short images of the night sky. If you’ve used smartphone adapters to take pictures with your phone through a scope before like I have, this setup may look confusing.

Yes, there is a smartphone holder here, but it is not attached to the eyepiece like a traditional smartphone adapter. Your phone camera is pointing at the angled mirror, which reflects a wide field of view of the sky in front of your telescope. 

You need to place your phone into the StarSense docking station, and use the controls on the adapter to line up the camera lens with the mirror. There is a setup wizard in the app that makes this process simple and straightforward to follow. It includes helpful videos along the way.

Remember, there is a delay in the ‘live-view’ image, so make sure you wait until you can see an image displayed on your screen. The mirror in the bracket reflects what your telescope is pointed at into the camera lens on your phone.

It’s not looking through the telescope at all, just out there in the open. It’s a big wide open view of your yard, so make sure you adjust the light levels and camera settings for a clear view.

my phone screen

Running the StarSense alignment process at dusk to confirm pointing accuracy.

There is a simple setup routine that you need to do during the day, or better yet, at dusk. The process of aligning your camera with the StarSense tool is similar to aligning a finder scope, except this time you aren’t moving the phone’s position at all.

You need to point the telescope at a distant object, like a streetlight or tall tree, and then use the crosshairs in the app so that it’s centered on the same object in your eyepiece. You just pinch and zoom to get the crosshair aligned on the camera, with the same object you see through the eyepiece. 

This felt strange to me because on a traditional finder scope you need to physically move the scope, but not this time. The software knows!

How to align Celestron StarSense Explorer

You need to pinch and zoom the crosshairs to align the camera with your eyepiece. 

Once it gets dark out, It will use this pointing information to plate-solve the star patterns in the sky and determine your telescope’s exact position. 

Some of you will find this process pretty cool and exciting as I did, but others will deal with some substantial trial and error. But you’ll get it eventually, I promise.

The biggest adjustment I had to make to my typical observing session was that I now need to leave my phone in the docked position for the entire observing session, or risk losing my initial alignment.

However, I found that I could actually use my phone while docked, or even take it out, place it back in, and retain the alignment. This is not recommended, however, so leave your phone in the docking station to be safe.

The StarSense Explorer app can drain your phone battery in a hurry, so having a portable battery pack to keep your phone charged is ideal. Celestron sent me their little flashlight/battery charger with this demo (Celestron PowerTank Glow 500), which is a handy accessory for a setup like this.

Phone attached to the telescope

My large phone sat securely in the docking station.

Once the telescope and StarSense Explorer system are aligned and ready to go, we can start enjoying the guided experience it provides. The on-screen star map is really slick, and moving the telescope toward your object in the night sky is actually a lot of fun.

The arrows tell you which way you need to move the scope, and eventually, the crosshair will turn from red to green when you have found the target. I was pretty impressed with how well the system works, and that the object I wanted to see was actually there in the eyepiece, the first try.

There is a reason Celestron expanded the StarSense system into their Dobsonian line-up. It’s been proven to work and it’s fun. Beginners can now bang off dozens of objects in a single night, with the help of this simple system that uses a device they already own.

finding deep-sky objects

The star map and guidance system work well and are fun to use.

The StarSense Explorer App

There are two main components to the StarSense Explorer Dob package – the 8-inch Dobsonian telescope tube and rocker box, and the onboard StarSense docking station and dedicated smartphone app. 

Of course, you can use the telescope on its own like a traditional Dob, but the real power of this package is realized when you utilize the StarSense explorer smartphone app and the new abilities your telescope has.

Anyone can download the StarSense Explorer app on their iPhone or Android device, but you will need to enter the unique code that is included with the telescope package to fully utilize it. 

Celestron starsense explorer mobile app

The Celestron StarSense Explorer mobile app. 

The app is compatible with Android devices 7.1.2 and higher and iPhone devices 6 and newer. 

Tip: use night mode on your Android or use the accessibility function on your iPhone to switch your screen to red to protect your night vision while using the app. Turning down the screen brightness will help with this too. 

How it Works

  • It uses a bracket, your smartphone, and the telescope to locate objects in the night sky using the StarSense sky recognition technology.
  • Once the bullseye turns green on your phone, it is ready to view through the telescope eyepiece
  • The mirror within the bracket will reflect what your telescope is pointed at into the camera of your phone
  • The system uses plate-solving technology to analyze star patterns in real-time to determine the telescope’s position in the night sky.
  • It will let you know which way to redirect the telescope after the object has shifted out of the field of view due to the Earth’s rotation. 
  • When the bullseye is red, use the arrows on your screen to know which direction you should push the telescope. Once it shows green, you have reached the position of your target
  • Use the StarSense Explorer app to access a list of available night-sky objects (i.e. planets, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, etc.)

How to use Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob

Alignment Steps

  1. Place Phone on StarSense Dock. Mount your phone on the StarSense dock
  2. Center Phone Camera Over Mirror. Turn the knobs at the bottom of the bracket until your phone’s camera view is centered in the mirror.
  3. Select Alignment Object. Align your phone’s view to the telescope view. Point your telescope at a terrestrial object at least 100 yards/100 meters away and center the object in the telescope’s red dot finderscope.
  4. Centre Object in Eyepiece. Adjust the focus so that you get a sharp image.
  5. Align Camera View to Telescope View. Slide the camera view until the same object is centered in the crosshairs.
  6. You are ready to locate objects. Point your telescope at a clear patch of sky with stars and wait for the red bullseye to turn yellow. Follow the direction arrows to target and when the bullseye turns green, look through the eyepiece.

The status bar at the top of the screen provides additional guidance.

Alignment Tips 

Be sure to follow these tips for the alignment process:

  • Make sure your phone’s camera is properly aligned with the telescope and avoid bumping your phone once positioned in the StarSense dock to avoid having to realign your camera.
  • After aligning and centering your camera, you may see small areas that are cut off or showing in black. This is due to the variety, and often, wide angle views of most of today’s cell phone cameras. There will still be enough sky showing for StarSense to determine its current position. 
  • If your bullseye continues to appear ‘red’ it means that it is not sensing the sky in order to determine its position. When this happens it could be due to: cloud cover, it’s still too bright out, something shining into the mirror, something in the field of view or a bright moon. It could also mean that it’s not aligned properly (i.e. not centred over the starsense dock), or there’s dew on the mirror.
  • When centering your camera over the starsense dock, you may notice reflections in your field of view. This could be from light reflecting off the back of your cell phone case into the mirror and camera. You may want to swap out your case for something non-reflective to get this to work
  • It is a good idea to align your phone and telescope each time you use it for the most accurate reading. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This scope cannot find objects during the day.
  • It only shows the sky as it currently appears – no ability for future sky views
  • You cannot use it with a tablet, it is too big for the star sense dock
  • You can unlock 5 different devices with the code
  • It is a good idea to fully charge your phone before using it and maybe even get a little battery pack as the continuous images and processing them to determine your location, can drain your battery
  • Objects higher than 70-75 degrees in altitude are not included in the best list of items, since it is hard to position closer to the zenith. 
  • For those in the southern hemisphere, StarSense will already know your location and adjust accordingly

Celestron StarSense Explorer 8″ Specifications

Optical tube: 

  • Aperture: 254mm (10″)
  • Focal Length: 1200mm (47.24″)
  • Focal Ratio: f/4.7
  • Tube Weight: 29.2 lbs (13.24 kg)
  • Optical Design: Newtonian Reflector
  • Tube Dimensions: 1117.6mm x 292.1mm diameter (44″ x 11.5″ diameter)
  • Tube Material: Steel
  • Focuser: 2″ Crayford focuser, includes 2″ extension tube and 2″-to-1.25″ adapter
  • Finderscope: StarPointer red-dot
  • Primary mirror thickness: 30mm (1.18″) (approx. 1:8 thickness ratio)


  • Type: Altazimuth Dobsonian base
  • Dimensions: 673.1mm x 533.4mm x 533.4mm (26.5″ x 21″ x 21″)
  • Weight: 25.6 lbs (11.6 kg)
  • Total Weight with base: 54.8 lbs (24.86 kg)

Included Items

  • Optical tube
  • Dobsonian Base
  • 25mm eyepiece
  • 2″ Crayford focuser
  • StarPointer red-dot finderscope
  • StarSense Explorer dock
  • StarSense Explorer unlock code
  • Eyepiece rack
  • Collimation cap
  • Celestron Starry Night Basic Edition Software

Celestron StarSense Explorer Comparisons

I thought it would be helpful to compare this telescope with two other popular visual telescopes for beginners; the Celestron NexStar 8SE and the Apertura AD8 Dobsonian 8″.

Celestron Explorer vs Celestron NexStar 8SE

The NexStar 8SE is an extremely popular visual telescope for beginners thanks to its Go-To technology and focal length. It is an 8-inch Schmidt Cassegrain telescope with a focal length of 2032mm at F/10.

This particular telescope excels in views of the moon and planets. The slower focal ratio does means that fainter nebulae and galaxies will be harder to observe, which is especially true if you’re observing from a light-polluted city. 

One of the biggest draws to this telescope, aside from the compact, travel-friendly design, is its computerized GoTo functionality. You can choose an object you would like to view on the hand controller, and the telescope will point right to it. These types of electronics though come at a price.

celestron nexstar telescope review


  Celestron StarSense 8” Explorer Celestron NexStar 8SE
Telescope Type Dobsonian Schmidt-Cassegrain
Aperture 8 inch 8 inch
Focal ratio f/5.9 f/10
Focal length 1200mm 2032mm
Go To Capabilities No Yes
Total Kit Weight 43.4 lbs (19.68 kg) 24 lbs (10.88 kg)
Price 799.95 USD 1,599 USD

Celestron Explorer vs Apertura AD8

If you have been following my channel for a while, you know that the telescope type I recommend most to beginners is a Dobsonian telescope. I consider this to be the best telescope type for a beginner due to its combination of ease of use, function, and affordability.

By starting with visual astronomy through a simple to use, and well-built telescope, you can learn the night sky on your own, casually experience the joys of stargazing, and spend time outside at night.

In the past, I have had great success with the Apertura AD8 8″ Dobsonian, and think it’s a great choice for beginners. Given the similarities and benefits of both telescopes, I thought it would be interesting to compare these two head-to-head. 

The Apertura AD8 is the 8-inch model and has enough aperture to show more objects and detail in the night sky than smaller instruments. 

Apertura AD8 Dobsonian Telescope


  Celestron StarSense 8” Explorer Dobsonian Apertura AD8 Dobsonian 8″
Focal Ratio f/5.9 f/5.9
Focal Length 1200mm 1200mm
Type of Electronics StarSense None
Included Accessories Focuser
Eyepiece rack
Collimation cap
1 eyepiece (25mm)
StarSense Dock
StarSense unlock code
Starry Night (Basic) Software
Laser Collimator
Eyepiece tray
25mm Extension tube
2 eyepieces (9mm, 30mm)
Primary mirror cooling fan
Adaptor for focuser
Image finder and bracket
Total Kit Weight 43.4 lbs (19.68 kg) 52.2 lbs (23.67 kg)
Price 799.95 USD 699.95USD

Final Thoughts

There have been numerous attempts by astronomy manufacturers to add GoTo or hybrid-GoTo systems to the Dobsonian design in the past. Tools to help users avoid the ‘I have no idea how to find anything’ scenario.

Some of them took off, others didn’t. The difference this time is the StarSense Explorer system uses your own phone as the technology component, saving you the cost of bolting on an additional piece of hardware with computing power.

If you are an observing purest, I doubt you will want to employ a system that has you staring at your phone for so long. Yes, the app has a ‘night mode’ to help keep your eyes adapted, but as many of you know, a completely ‘screen-free’ observing session is an entirely different experience.

If you have your heart set on astrophotography in the future, the element of tech in this system likely won’t deter you from using it, and you’ll even get a sneak peek into the incredible power of plate-solving.

If you’re in the market for a fantastic beginner telescope that nearly guarantees a positive first experience, an 8-inch Dob continues to be one of the best options available.

If adding an additional layer of guidance via your smartphone is worth it to you, then the Celestron StarSense Exlploerer Dob is an incredible value.

The StarSense Explorer makes astronomy more approachable for beginners and gets you to your first victory faster, and that’s a pretty special thing.

best beginner telescope

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Ex-boyfriend ‘got his mother to send explicit photos of his ex to the girl’s father the day before her birthday in revenge porn attack’

  • Matthew Cooper-Collyer, 29, allegedly sent naked pictures of ex to his mother
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Matthew Cooper-Collyer, 29, of Monkton Deverill, Wiltshire, is accused of threatening to disclose private sexual photos with the intent of causing distress.

His mother, Lynda Cooper, 41, has previously pleaded guilty to the same charge as well as a second offence of malicious communications after sending the images.

Helen Easterbrook, prosecuting, told Winchester Crown Court the defendant had recently split up with his girlfriend when his mother suggested in a Facebook conversation that he send images to her to which he agreed to do.

Ms Cooper had also posted: ‘Happy Birthday’ followed by the initials of the victim.

Ms Easterbrook said Ms Cooper had written that she would ‘give her drama like she loves’ and referring to the images she added: ‘Love them, perfect shots, you should have been a photographer’.

Ms Easterbrook said Cooper-Collyer had shared two intimate photos and a video with his mother who then sent them to the father of the defendant’s ex on the day before the victim’s birthday.

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Helen Easterbrook, prosecuting, told Winchester Crown Court the defendant had recently split up with his girlfriend

Helen Easterbrook, prosecuting, told Winchester Crown Court the defendant had recently split up with his girlfriend

Explaining the charge, Ms Easterbrook said: ‘The allegation is Mr Cooper-Collyer has shared these photos and video, they were of a private nature.

‘He did it without her permission and when he did it, he did it not by accident but intending that it would upset her, it would cause her distress.’

In police interview, Cooper-Collyer said his mother had access to his phone and had sent the images without his permission.

He said: ‘I left my phone for five minutes to go to the toilet, when I got my phone these pictures had been sent and I questioned her.

His mother suggested in a Facebook conversation that he send the images to her to which he agreed to do

His mother suggested in a Facebook conversation that he send the images to her to which he agreed to do

‘I said ‘Why did you do this?’ She was annoyed, she said she (the victim) was going to ruin my life with things I hadn’t done, she (Ms Collyer) said ‘If she is going to do it to him, I am going to do it to her’.’

Giving evidence in court, Cooper-Collyer denied sending anyone private sexual photos or videos.

He said that in the Facebook conversation, he had posted that he had sent them but he told the court that he had not done so.

He said: ‘She has got bipolar disease and she can be very difficult to come to terms with and talk to if she is having a bad day, which she was, sometimes it’s easier to agree to a certain extent, to keep her quiet.’

He added: ‘I know the extent of what revenge porn does so I would never myself put someone through that.’

Giving evidence, Ms Cooper said that she took the images from her son’s phone without his permission and added: ‘He is innocent through this whole thing. He didn’t agree to any of the pictures.’

The trial continues.


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HCMC to hold first ever international photography festival

A photo of a girl washes water lilies after harvesting them on a field in Long An Province by HCMC-based lensman Pham Huy Trang. Photo courtesy of Trang

The International Photography Festival 2022 will be held in Ho Chi Minh City’s Youth Culture House in District 1 from Nov. 25-30.

HCMC’s first ever international photography fair has received over 5,800 submissions from 534 photographers in 36 different nations and territories, according to HCMC Photography Association (HOPA).

The event will exhibit an array of award-winning pieces from international photo contests.

Organizers said the event aims to showcase Vietnam’s landscapes and people to an interntional audience and promote local and world tourism.

A seminar on contemporary photography, exchanges between Vietnamese and foreign artists, as well as a photo marathon and photo tour contests will also get underway.

In addition, on Nov. 30, there will be an award ceremony for the second annual international photo contest hosted by HOPA with support from the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), Image Sans Frontiere (ISF) and the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists (VAPA).


Here are all the positive environmental stories from 2022 so far


Eco-anxiety, climate doom, environmental existential dread – as green journalists, we see these terms used a lot – and often feel them ourselves.

There’s a lot to be worried about when it comes to the climate and nature crises, but when a sense of hopelessness becomes the overarching emotion, apathy begins to creep in too. Last year three environmental educators, all part of EcoTok, penned this excellent piece for us about dealing with eco-anxiety and the need to remain hopeful – or “stubbornly optimistic”, as Christiana Figueres puts it.

The media has a huge part to play in combatting climate doom. It’s our job to be truthful and accurate in our reporting, not trying to downplay the severity of the situation or greenwash reality. But it’s also our job to show that there is hope!

So, for 2022, as part of our ongoing effort to tackle eco-anxiety (both that of our readers and our own), we are going to be keeping track of all the positive environmental stories from this year.

This article will be regularly updated with the latest good news. It may be something small and local, something silly that made us smile, or something enormous and potentially world-changing.

If you come across a great, positive story that we haven’t covered here – please do reach out to us on social media, either on Instagram or Twitter to share your ideas.

Positive environmental stories from November 2022

Plants teach their offspring how to adapt to climate change, scientists find

New research has suggested that plants can pass on climate adaptation to their offspring. The study published in the Trends in Plant Science journal found that ‘memories’ of how to survive in our changing world are handed down through something called epigenetics. 

Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes do not change a DNA sequence. Instead, they can change how an organism reads a DNA sequence.

Researchers hope the discovery will help scientists understand how plant intelligence is battling climate change. 

‘Like finding a unicorn’: Rare bird lost to science for 140 years rediscovered in Papua New Guinea

The black-naped pheasant pigeon was last spotted 140 years ago. Despite occasional sightings by hunters, there were fears that the animal had gone extinct. 

But new footage captured by scientists in Papua New Guinea in September revealed that the pigeon lives on. The new discovery was like ‘‘finding a unicorn,” expedition co-leader John Mittermeier says.

“It is the kind of moment you dream about your entire life as a conservationist and birdwatcher,” he says.

Insulate Britain celebrates win after UK government announced fund to insulate homes

Last week the UK government announced nearly €7 million of funding to insulate homes. Activists from the protest group Insulate Britain celebrated the pledge as a “win for everyday people in civil resistance”. 

Last year the group blocked roads and motorways in an effort to get the government to fix the UK’s leaky housing stock. Household energy accounts for 20 per cent of the country’s emissions and solving this issue would help reduce consumption. 

Hawai’i’s reefs will be repaired after hurricanes thanks to innovative coral insurance policy

An NGO in the US has bought insurance to help repair Hawai’i’s coral reefs after hurricanes and tropical storms. It is the first policy of its kind in the country. 

It means that the US state will get up to $2 million (€1.9 million) of insurance protection for its reefs until 2023. The stronger the winds, the higher the payout and The Nature Conservancy – the NGO behind the idea – is hoping to create rapid response teams to carry out the repair work.

Hawai’i’s policy follows pilot projects in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras where insurance schemes have already paid out millions for repairs after Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Lisa. 

Australian rubbish tip removes forever chemicals from rainwater

New technology developed in Australia can extract harmful forever chemicals from rainwater. It uses sunlight and chemical processes to separate substances in the water which can then be skimmed off the surface. 

The €13 million facility is located at a rubbish tip in Darwin, northern Australia and can filter out toxic chemicals that mix with rainwater. 

UN to hunt sources of climate warming methane from space using satellites

The UN’s environment watchdog will launch a public database of global methane leaks detected by space satellites. The new program will encourage companies and governments to curb emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas.

119 countries have pledged to cut methane emissions by 30 per cent before the end of the decade.

Good eggs: Eggs can be used to filter microplastics and salt out of water, research finds

The humble egg could prove an unlikely ally in the battle against plastic pollution, scientists at Princeton University have found.

According to new research, egg whites can remove salt and microplastics from seawater with 98 per cent and 99 per cent efficiency respectively.

Farmers in India are fighting climate change and desertification using nature

Climate change is exacerbating the loss of arable land – but Indian farmers are fighting this process of desertification with natural techniques.

“This soil used to be as hard as a brick,” said 37-year-old farmer Ramesh. “It’s now like a sponge. The soil is rich with the nutrients and life.” 

COP27 delivers €15 million to protect Egypt’s coral reefs – how will it help?

The Sharm El Sheikh coral reefs that have long drawn tourists to the Red Sea peninsula are among the most biodiverse in the world. They are home to over a thousand different species of fish and around 350 coral species.

the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced $15 million (€14.9 million) to the Global Fund for Coral Reefs to save the reefs.

EU agrees stricter rules for greenhouse gas emission cuts

European Union negotiators have struck a deal for binding emissions reduction targets for sectors including road transport, agriculture, buildings, and waste. These stricter targets increase the emissions reduction each nation is committed to in the coming years.

Outdoor living rooms and renewable power: How San Francisco is fighting climate change

In San Francisco, a number of environmental initiatives are tackling air pollution and traffic congestion

“San Francisco believes in climate action as a whole, people care,” says mayor London Breed. “So it’s not like you have to fight about (climate friendly policy). You just have to look at whether or not you can implement it, whether it is realistic.”

COP27: New UN early warning system could save billions and many lives

The UN will funnel €3.1 billion into building early warning systems against climate disasters for everyone on earth.

The initiative could potentially avert mass death and destruction in the developing world. Countries with limited early warning coverage have disaster mortality eight times higher than those with high coverage.

COP27: More than 25 countries band together to keep deforestation pledges made in Glasgow

At COP27, more than 25 countries launched a group to hold each other accountable for a pledge to end deforestation by 2030, pledging additional funding to the effort. The new group – which includes Japan, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and others – accounts for roughly 35 per cent of the world’s forests. 

Positive environmental stories from October 2022

Brazil: Lula pledges to end deforestation in the Amazon after election victory

Brazil’s new president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has pledged to end deforestation in Amazon after beating right-wing incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in the country’s election.

Lula’s victory could cut deforestation in the Amazon by 89 per cent over the next decade, according to an analysis carried out by Carbon Brief. 

Norway is strengthening its emissions targets ahead of COP27

Norway has raised its target for cutting climate-related emissions to at least 55 per cent by 2030.

The government announced its new commitment just days before the start of COP27 in Egypt. Its previous goal was to cut emissions by between 50 per cent and 55 per cent before the end of the decade.

Germany’s new plastics bill could see businesses contribute €450 million per year to litter cleanups

Plastic manufacturers in Germany will soon be forced to pay towards litter collecting.

Starting in 2025, a new bill will require makers of products containing single-use plastic to pay into a central fund managed by the government. The fund will collect an estimated €450 million in the first year, which will contribute to the cost of cleaning up litter in streets and parks.

India’s first fully solar powered village is helping residents to save time and money

The village of Modhera in western India’s Gujarat state has become the country’s first to run entirely on solar energy.

India, the world’s third-largest carbon dioxide emitter, aims to meet half of its energy demands from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, by 2030.

Slapping salmons and farting zebras: 2022’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

This year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards finalists elevate the funniest animal images to an artform, distilling dozens of astonishing moments from the animal kingdom.

Timing is everything in both comedy and photography, as the snapshots of a bear-slapping salmon and an oblivious heron make clear.

China is building the world’s largest wind farm and it could power 13m homes

China is planning the world’s largest wind farm, a facility so huge it could power the whole of Norway.

Chaozhou – a city in China’s Guangdong province – has revealed ambitious plans for a 43.3 gigawatt facility in the Taiwan Strait.

Because of the windy location, its turbines will be able to run between 43 per cent and 49 per cent of the time.

Britain’s biggest bank will no longer finance new oil and gas fields

Lloyds, Britain’s biggest domestic bank, has announced it will not finance new oil and gas fields.

It joins a small number of other lenders reducing funding for fossil fuels, including NatWest, which cut lending to clients in the oil and gas sector by 21 per cent in 2021.

Part of the bank’s climate policy is a move that bars project financing or reserve-based lending to greenfield oil and gas projects. 

Asian tigers, leopards and elephants can thrive near humans, research shows

Tigers, elephants and leopards in Asia are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, new research reveals.

“These results challenge the narrative within some conservation circles that humans and megafauna are incompatible,” says University of Queensland researcher and PhD candidate Zachary Amir.

Solar lamps made from e-waste are one solution to Nigeria’s power outages

Through his business, QuadLoop, Nigerian entrepreneur Dozie Igweilo recycles parts from old electricals to produce low-cost solar lamps.

When Nigeria’s national grid collapses – which happens often – these lamps help small businesses keep the lights on without relying on expensive generators.

Your burger could soon come wrapped in packing made from seaweed 

Researchers from Flinders University in Australia have partnered with a German biomaterials developer to create a sustainable alternative to oil-proof plastic wrapping.

The seaweed based biopolymer is as recyclable as paper and could be used to wrap greasy burgers, fries, and nuggets.

Wild baby bison born in the UK for first time in thousands of years after surprise pregnancy

A baby bison has been born in the UK for the first time in millennia as part of a groundbreaking rewilding project.

The happy surprise was discovered by rangers carrying out checks on a herd of bison in West Blean and Thornden Woods, near Canterbury in October.

The calf’s mother and two other female bison were released into the woodland back in July as part of a wilding initiative between Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust, to combat the climate and biodiversity crises.

India’s first solar-powered village is ‘transforming’ residents lives, says UN chief

India’s first solar-powered village is setting an example of “reconciliation between humankind and planet” according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The UN chief visited Modhera in Gujarat, India, as part of a three-day trip to the country. A solar power project commissioned in 2021 has provided its thousands of residents with more than enough renewable energy to power their homes.

Children’s COP: Young people given a ‘seat at the table’ for the first time in Egypt

For the first time ever, children will have an official space at a UN climate change conference in Egypt in November.

The newly-announced Children and Youth Pavilion at COP27 will enable them to hold discussions and policy briefings. 

French farmers are covering crops with solar panels to produce food and energy at the same time

Agrivoltaics – the practice of using land for both solar energy and agriculture – is on the rise across France.

In the Haute-Saône region, in the northeastern part of the country, an experiment is being conducted by solar-energy company TSE. It is hoping to find out whether solar energy can be generated without hindering large-scale cereal crops.

Green lawyers triumph as UK admits its net zero strategy is unlawful

The UK government has conceded that its plan to cut carbon emissions is inadequate, and must now come up with a better one.

Last week, business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg quietly dropped plans to appeal against a High Court ruling from July that found the government’s net zero strategy was unlawful.

It has cemented the victory of environmental lawyers from ClientEarth, Friends of the Earth and the Good Law Project, who are calling the decision “an embarrassing but welcome climbdown”.

These EU countries are aiming for 100 per cent clean power by 2030

Decarbonisation targets and the shift to renewable power have sped up in some EU countries as they look to reduce their reliance in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The bloc as a whole is hoping now to reach 82 per cent clean energy by 2030. But a handful of EU nations are accelerating fossil fuel phase-outs, looking to reach 100 per cent clean power by the end of the decade, according to energy think tank Ember’s EU power targets tracker.

Repair cafes: Inside the high street hubs giving broken electronics a new lease of life

European homes have an average of 74 electricals, according to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Forum (WEEE). Even just one item malfunctioning could be very costly.

But what if instead of replacing these items when they break, we could repair them for free? That’s where repair cafes come in.

Norway to slash pollution with the world’s first zero-emissions public transport network

Oslo is on course to become the first capital city in the world with an all-electric public transport system.

Norway’s capital hopes to reach this goal by the end of 2023 as part of its aim to become the world’s first wholly emissions-free city by 2030.

The transport push entails replacing the city’s diesel-fuelled buses with 450 electric ones. It is hoped the 500 million crown (€48 million) programme will save the city money over the long term.

Scientists dream up a massive floating solar farm in space

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction – but Europe might one day be powered by giant floating solar panels orbiting the planet.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has unveiled a plan to harvest the sun’s energy in space and beam it back down to Earth.

The technology is still in the preliminary testing phase – but the end goal is the construction of a 2km long solar space farm, generating as much energy as a nuclear power plant.

Want green energy but can’t afford solar panels? Buy a bit of a wind farm

Unless you can afford to install a solar panel, choosing an energy supplier with an environmental pledge appears to be the only option for greener energy.

That was until Sarah Merrick from Ripple Energy started helping people to co-own a wind turbine.

“Big projects are cheaper than small projects so that’s why buying a little bit of a wind farm is over two thirds cheaper than buying the equivalent rooftop solar scheme,” she tells Euronews Green.

Renewables power 100% of Greek electricity demand

Renewable energy met all of Greece’s electricity needs for the first time ever in October, the country’s independent power transmission operator IPTO announced.

For at least five hours, renewables accounted for 100 per cent of Greece’s power generation, reaching a record high of 3,106 megawatt hours.

Solar, wind and hydro represented 46 per cent of the nation’s power mix in the eight months to August this year, up from 42 per cent in the same period in 2021, according to Greece-based environmental think-tank The Green Tank.

Renewables have saved 230 million tonnes of CO2 emissions so far in 2022

Renewables met all of the rise in global demand for electricity during the first half of 2022, a report from Ember shows.

The London-based energy think tank found that an increase in solar, wind and hydroelectric power prevented a possible 4 per cent rise in fossil fuel generation and a resulting 230 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. That is the equivalent of taking more than 49 million petrol-powered cars off the road for a year.

Chile’s newest national park is a blossoming natural phenomenon

Even though Chile’s Atacama Desert is the sunniest and driest place on earth, rare flowers have recently bloomed.

It has prompted the Chilean government to name this region as its 44th national park in order to protect this natural phenomenon.

Taiwan is transforming unused metro stations into underground vertical farms

Taiwan is using vacant metro spaces to grow sustainable, clean and organic food.

Advanced and efficient vertical farming methods are being harnessed to help feed commuters with fresh produce.

Located at capital city Taipei’s Nanjing-Fushing Station, the 40 square-metre ‘Metro Fresh’ hydroponic farm grows lettuce under LED lighting in a sterile environment to eliminate the use of pesticides and herbicides.

Cigarette butts are turned into mosquito repellent and stuffing for soft toys at this Indian factory

An Indian factory is recycling cigarette butts into stuffing for soft toys.

“We started with 10 grams (of fibre per day) and now we are doing 1,000 kilograms… Annually we are able to recycle millions of cigarette butts,” says factory owner Naman Gupta.

World-first nuclear fusion plant could generate carbon free energy by 2040

The world’s first commercial nuclear fusion reactor will be up and running by 2040, the UK government has pledged.

The plant – which could theoretically provide near-limitless clean energy – will be built in Nottinghamshire.

Green Galatasaray: Turkish football giant saves almost €400,000 from its solar roof

A legendary Turkish football club has found a way to cut its energy costs and make money from electricity while going green.

Galatasaray football club previously set a world record in March for the amount of megawatts produced by the stadium’s solar panels, earning it a place in the Guinness World Records.

Quality Street chocolates are getting an environmental makeover

Some of the UK’s most iconic chocolates are getting an environmentally-friendly makeover.

After 86 years, Quality Street chocolates will no longer be wrapped in colourful foil and plastic packaging.

Instead, the treats – manufactured by Nestlé – will be wrapped in recyclable waxed paper.

Dutch flower growers are cutting costs by using cow poo instead of buying gas

Between farming animals and growing flowers, the Netherlands has a high level of nitrogen emissions.

While the government is looking for large-scale legislative solutions, part of the answer could be an old, tried-and-tested recipe: using nitrogen from animal manure in horticultural greenhouses.

By doing so, farmers get rid of their surplus nitrogen and horticulturists use less gas.

Beavers are now a protected species in England 400 years after they were hunted to extinction

It is now illegal to deliberately capture, injure, kill or otherwise disturb beavers in the UK.

“Changing the legal status of beavers is a game-changer for these amazing eco-engineers, which benefit both other wildlife and people,” says Joan Edwards, director of policy and public affairs at The Wildlife Trusts, which has pioneered their reintroduction.

Positive environmental stories from September 2022

‘Soil batteries’: Solar power could one day be stored in the ground beneath our feet

A plentiful natural resource is being called on by researchers at Cardiff University to help solve the problem of renewable energy storage.

An “adventurous” new project to create a ‘soil battery’ uses earth’s teeming microbial life to transfer energy – and is one of dozens of bright ideas that has just got a major funding boost from the UK government.

Could a ‘flying’ electric ferry be the perfect zero-carbon transport solution for busy cities?

One of the world’s most advanced electric passenger ferries could soon link Belfast and Bangor in Northern Ireland.

With a top speed of 69 kilometres per hour, the vessels will “fly above the water” with underwater wings lifting up like a plane taking off.

They can carry up to 150 passengers with the design reducing the strength of waves that can damage the shoreline. Raising the hull above water cuts drag, delivering estimated fuel cost savings of up to 85 per cent compared to conventional diesel-powered ferries, the designers say.

Przewalski’s horse: Could cloning save this endangered species from extinction?

Formerly extinct in the wild, the Przewalski’s horse has survived for the past 40 years almost entirely in zoos around the world.

However most of the world’s 2,000-strong Przewalski population descends from just 12 wild horses saved from extinction. With such a limited gene pool, the future of the species did not look healthy.

That was until, in 2020, the DNA of a Przewalski’s horse frozen 42 years ago was successfully cloned. The result is a horse named Kurt, and a lot rests on the shoulders of this little colt.

Wolves, bears and bison: 50 species make ‘spectacular’ comeback in Europe

Bears, wolves, and bison are making a comeback across Europe, new research has revealed.

The animals are among 50 expanding species tracked in the new European Wildlife Comeback report.

From loggerhead turtles and Eurasian otters to humpback whales and wolverines, many previously-struggling species have made ‘spectacular’ recoveries.

From Scotland to Sweden: How smart cities are helping residents save energy

Dozens of smart solutions have been launched under an EU-funded project called RUGGEDISED, aiming to decarbonise three cities and inspire many more. 

Umeå, Rotterdam and Glasgow have been built into ‘smart cities’ on some simple ideas around digitising transport, buildings and other infrastructure.

Meet the villagers who have formed deep bonds with migrating white storks

The European Stork Villages Network (ESVN) is a collection of 15 villages from 15 different European countries, all with the best interests of the white stork at heart.

Unlike black storks, which seek privacy and avoid human contact, these sociable birds always try to find ways to be in close proximity to humans.

They build their nests on roofs, go in people’s gardens, and eventually, become a part of their daily lives.

Spain makes history by giving personhood status to salt-water lagoon

Spain has granted personhood status to Europe’s largest salt-water lagoon in a first for the continent.

Mar Menor lagoon has suffered massive die-offs of marine life due to degradation caused by coastal development and local farming.

The new law came into force after a citizen-led push to provide better protection for the threatened ecosystem.

Denmark becomes first country to pay for ‘loss and damage’ from climate change

In September, it became the first country to offer “loss and damage” compensation for those in the most climate vulnerable regions of the world.

“It is grossly unfair that the world’s poorest should suffer the most from the consequences of climate change to which they have contributed the least,” Denmark’s development minister Flemming Møller Mortensen said when announcing the funds. He added that it was time for action, not just words.

Cooking with sunlight: How one Japanese woman said goodbye to energy bills forever

62-year-old Tokyo resident Chikako Fujii hasn’t paid an electricity bill in 10 years.

Chikako doesn’t have a TV, oven, washing machine or air conditioning. The only electricals she does own are powered by four solar panels, fitted on her balcony.

Europe’s central bank to give companies climate scores when buying bonds

The European Central Bank (ECB) said Monday that it will give corporations climate scores before it buys their bonds and intends to prioritise those doing more to reveal and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Frankfurt, Germany-based central bank for the 19 countries that use the euro said it was taking the step to support the European Union’s climate goals.

The companies’ scores would measure progress in reducing past emissions, plans to reduce them in the future, and completeness of reporting the amount of greenhouse gases they are emitting.

Scientists predict the hole in the ozone layer will close in the next 50 years

In 1987, just seven years after scientists discovered man-made chemicals were damaging the ozone layer, the Montreal Protocol was signed to try and curb the amount of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere.

Now, new research from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US has found that concentrations of harmful chemicals that damage the ozone layer have dropped by just over 50 per cent in the mid-level of the stratosphere compared to the 1980s.

Scientists say it is a “significant milestone” on the path to recovery.

Dutch students have invented a zero-emissions car that captures carbon as it drives

Dutch students have invented a zero-emissions car that captures carbon as it drives. 

Although EVs emit virtually no CO2 compared with their combustion-engine counterparts, battery cell production is highly polluting. As a result, it can take EVs tens of thousands of kilometres to achieve ‘carbon parity’ with comparable fossil-fuelled models.

The students’ Zero Emission Mobility (ZEM) car aims to offset this using carbon capture technology. It features two filters that can capture up to 2 kg of CO2 over 30,000 km of driving, the Eindhoven team estimates.  

Carbon capture: Wyoming’s new plant could be a game changer in the race to slow global warming

A new project could suck millions of tonnes of carbon from the air by the end of the decade.

Until recently, direct carbon capture – a type of technology that draws carbon dioxide from the air and stores it underground – was the stuff of science fiction. But a US developer has unveiled plans for the world’s largest direct capture facility.

By 2030, ‘Project Bison’ hopes to capture five million tonnes of CO2 per annum, roughly the equivalent of 5 million return flights between London and New York.

Patagonia and Ecosia: The big companies profiting the Earth thanks to eco-conscious founders

Patagonia’s billionaire founder has been praised for giving the company away to help fight climate change.

Yvon Chouinard, who founded the outdoor apparel brand almost 50 years ago, is transferring his family’s ownership to a charitable trust, making Earth the sole shareholder and beneficiary of any profits not reinvested back into the business.

One of these 5 teenagers will win almost €10,000 to develop their own solution to climate change

An app that detects disease in crops and a tool that uses fish scales to retrieve heavy metals from wastewater are just two of the bright ideas from this year’s Children’s Climate Prize finalists.

Young people aged 12 to 17 submitted their environment and climate solutions to the Children’s Climate Foundation competition, founded by Swedish renewable energy supplier Telge Energi.

2022’s entrepreneurial finalists hail from the US, India and Pakistan, whittled down from a list of nominees from every continent and over 30 different countries.

Shark speed dating: Basking sharks go round in circles searching for love, scientists discover

Basking sharks spotted circling off the west coast of Ireland in a rarely-seen formation were engaged in ‘shark speed dating’, according to marine biologists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and the Irish Basking Shark Group.

It’s hoped the new insight into the gentle giant’s ‘love dance’ will encourage further conservation measures in European waters, where they remain endangered.

This Finnish city is testing whether a green lifestyle has an impact on your health

Lahti, Finland, has invited a group of local residents to try a ‘planetary health plan’ to see if making greener choices could be good for your health.

The participants’ carbon emissions and overall health were tracked before and after the experiment. One, whose plan focused on mindfulness and recovery, saw a 58 per cent reduction in his exhaustion levels.

Another, who added 40 per cent more vegetarian food to her diet, reduced her dairy consumption and started to forage local foods, saw a 35 per cent drop in her personal carbon footprint.

Electric cars are getting cheaper: A sneak peek at GM’s sub-€30,000 Equinox EV

Despite rising battery costs, auto companies are rolling out more affordable electric vehicles.

Last week, General Motors unveiled the upcoming Chevrolet Equinox EV, a small SUV with an expected starting price of around $30,000 (€29,500) – significantly cheaper than the current average of around $65,000 (€64,000) – and a range-per-charge of 400km.

Hitting a lower price point without significantly sacrificing range is key to getting mainstream buyers to switch to electric vehicles.

Scything: The ancient farming skill making a comeback in Britain

Swapping out noisy, fuel-guzzling mowing machinery for a simple blade could promote mindfulness, reconnection with nature and wildlife conservation.

The centuries-old rural practice of scything has fallen out of favour in Britain. But Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust is undertaking a three-year project, investing in scythes, recruiting volunteers and identifying grasslands that are hard to reach with machinery or need a different approach to protect their biodiversity.

Solar power helped the EU avoid €29 billion in gas imports this summer

Solar power accounted for 12.2 per cent of the European Union’s electricity generated this summer – the highest share on record, according to a new report.

This power would have cost as much as €29 billion had it come from natural-gas burning plants, according to analysts from energy think tank Ember.

Immunity boosting foods could be good for our health and for the planet

Researchers analysed the most frequently recommended ‘immunity boosting foods’ on internet search engines. And it turns out 83 per cent of the 2,556 recommendations were plant-based.

They also found that eating a serving of the most commonly recommended ‘immunity boosting’ foods would result in lower impacts for greenhouse gas emissions and land use, and pose lower health risks compared with less recommended foods.

Ads for climate-damaging meat set to be banned in Dutch city

The Dutch city of Haarlem is putting a ban on meat advertisements in public spaces, in what is being hailed as a world first.

The ban, which is hoped to come into force in 2024, aims to reduce meat consumption and the impacts of the climate crisis. It will apply to meat that comes from large-scale industrial farming.

Swiss company invents green alternative to coffee pods

Aluminium and plastic pods used in coffee machines are a damaging source of environmental waste.

Now, Swiss company Migros has launched a supposedly ‘eco-friendly’ alternative to coffee capsules. ‘Coffee balls’ – advertised as CoffeeB – are pre-ground, condensed spheres of coffee that dissolve in a capsule-like machine.

“CoffeeB solves the capsule waste problem, and tastes just as good as traditional capsule coffee,” says company head Frank Wilde.

Scientists train dogs to sniff out dangerous invasive species

Dogs can sniff out invasive fish in lakes without even seeing them, new research suggests.

In lakes and rivers around the world, carp are wreaking havoc on local species. Native to central Asia, these common fish infest freshwater lakes and rivers, outcompeting other animals.

But scientists have discovered a new tool in the fight against the invasive creature – the powerful nose of man’s best friend. 

World’s first zero emission ferry sets sails between Marseille and Corsica

Your next trip to Corsica could be kinder on the environment thanks to a new ‘zero particle’ ferry connecting Marseille and Ajaccio.

In an industry first, the ferry’s fine-particle filtration system can capture 99 per cent of sulphur oxides and 99.9 per cent of fine and ultra-fine particles – the main air pollutants emitted by ships.

World’s oldest two-headed tortoise celebrates his 25th birthday

In the wild, a two-headed tortoise would not ordinarily survive long since it can’t retract its heads into its shell to shelter from predators. But this month, Janus – named after the two-faced Roman God – became the world’s oldest two-headed tortoise at 25.

Lovingly cared for at Geneva Natural History Museum, he is treated to a personalised care regime – including daily massages and green tea baths – that keeps him in good health.

South African court revokes Shell’s oil and gas exploration rights

A South African court has banned Shell from searching for fossil fuels along the country’s Wild Coast, a decision hailed by campaigners as a “massive victory” for the planet.

The petroleum giant planned to conduct underwater explosions to locate deep-sea oil and gas reserves. 

Activists took the matter to court, which ultimately ruled that Shell’s exploration rights were granted illegally by the government.

Solar panels provide shade and a second source of revenue for this German farm

An organic apple farm in western Germany has found an enterprising way to protect its produce during this year’s unusually hot summer – and gained a second source of revenue in the process. Solar panels shade the orchards, allowing its owner to make the most of his land.

At the same time, research is being carried out to test which apple varieties thrive under the solar canopy, and which types of photovoltaic roofs are best suited for the orchard. The results could help prevent renewable energy production from competing for precious land with agriculture.

Hawaii closes its last coal power plant

Hawai’i’s only remaining coal-fired power plant closed this month after 30 years of operation, removing the state’s dirtiest source of electricity. The facility produced up to one-fifth of the electricity on Oahu – the most populous island in a state of nearly 1.5 million people.

“It really is about reducing greenhouse gases,” Hawai’i Governor David Ige said in an interview with The Associated Press. “And this coal facility is one of the largest emitters. Taking it offline means that we’ll stop the 1.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases that were emitted annually.”

Positive environmental stories from August 2022

Engineers are turning old wind turbine blades into gummy bears and nappies

Wind turbines could be given a truly sweet second life thanks to a new discovery from engineers in the US.

They have invented a new type of resin, the material that coats turbine blades, that could be reused to make countertops, car tail lights, power tools, nappies and even gummy bears.

The breakthrough, from chemical engineers at the University of Michigan, could hold the key to one of the biggest challenges that comes with wind power: how to recycle turbine blades.

Rarest sea turtle on the planet hatches in Louisiana for the first time in 75 years

After being dismissed as unviable for sea turtle life decades ago, the Chandeleur Islands, off the coast of New Orleans, Louisiana, have seen the world’s most endangered turtles hatch again.

This marks the first time Kemp Ridleys have hatched in the Chandeleur waters in 75 years. Hatching season takes place during June and July, and monitoring of the waters is ongoing for more fledgling sea turtles.

France offers €4,000 to swap cars for ebikes and considers banning private jets

As part of President Macron’s plea for “collective sobriety” in energy use, French citizens are being encouraged to trade in their cars for electric bikes.

A maximum of €4,000 is available to low-income households in low-emission zones to subsidise the switch, with smaller amounts to help wealthier citizens.

The country is also poised to crack down on the use of private jets for short journeys. Transport minister Clément Beaune said the country could no longer tolerate the super rich using private planes while the public are making cutbacks to deal with the energy crisis and climate change.

EV plug-sharing is helping soothe the cost of living

A growing number of electric vehicle (EV) owners are opting to rent and let charging plugs in an attempt to beat price rises and bring in a bit of extra income.

The soaring cost of electricity has left EV owners with eye-watering bills. Sharing EV plugs is one local solution, with added benefits in areas where the rollout of public chargers isn’t keeping up with demand.

France becomes first European country to ban fossil fuel ads

France has become the first European country to ban adverts for fossil fuels under a new climate law.

Announced on 22 August, the legislation prohibits advertising for all energy products related to fossil fuels such as petrol products, energy from the combustion of coal mining and hydrogen-containing carbons.

Adverts for natural gas are still allowed for now but new rules are set to be introduced in June next year.

Scientists invent cheap aluminium-sulphur alternative to lithium-ion batteries

Green energy currently relies primarily on lithium-ion batteries for storage, but lithium is not the most environmentally friendly, cheap or safe chemical element we could be using. 

Now, scientists from MIT have created a new battery made from aluminium and sulfur. Aluminium is the second most plentiful metal on the planet, after iron. It is also cheap. Sulfur is the least costly non-metal element. As a waste product from petrol refinement, it is abundant. The entire battery can be made for about a sixth of the cost of its lithium equivalent.

This tiny floating leaf could decarbonise some of the world’s biggest polluters

Cargo ships could one day be powered by ‘artificial leaves’ floating out at sea. University of Cambridge Researchers have designed lightweight, flexible devices that use solar technology to convert light into fuel.
At just 1mm thick, the ultra-thin ‘leaves’ can float on water – and could eventually go “almost anywhere,” according to study lead Professor Erwin Reisner.

Ants could replace harmful pesticides and save the bees, scientists say

Pesticides can be immensely harmful to insect species – especially bees. But a new study has found that ants can protect crops from damage just as well as harmful pesticides, at lower costs.

Ants protect crops from pests like caterpillars and bugs. Their labyrinthine-like tunnels also aerate the soil, helping plants suck up oxygen. Researchers looked at 26 species of ants and found that the critters could be a ‘promising tool’ in the fight against other pests.

Colourful solar panels could make green architecture more attractive

For some architects, the appearance of standard monochrome solar panels is an obstacle when integrating them into projects. 

Now researchers from the American Chemical Society have created solar panels that can take on a whole range of colours while producing energy just as efficiently as traditional ones.

Community energy is a solution to the eye-watering rise in energy bills – here’s how Sardinia did it

With energy bills set to double in the next year, people are looking for new ways to reclaim power. Community energy could be the solution. This system sees citizens produce their own renewable power and share the proceeds (energy and money) amongst the community.

 Here’s how Italian villages on the island of Sardinia cut their bills by producing their own energy.

Ecuador leads the way in working alongside Indigenous groups to protect sacred rainforest

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, communities in the Amazon, NGOs and local governments are teaming up to protect Ecuador’s rainforest.

Named the Amazonian Platform for Forests, Climate and Human Wellbeing, the collective aims to combat climate change, and protect critical ecosystems and threatened species, while incorporating the vision of the Indigenous nationalities who live in the region.

This paper battery could curb the environmental impact of single-use electronics

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) have developed a paper battery with a water switch that could be used to power single-use disposable electronics.

Once they iron out some kinks in the development, it could be used for smart labels to track objects like packages. Other applications include environmental sensors or even medical devices, the researchers say.

Because paper and zinc are biodegradable, they believe the battery could help reduce the environmental impact of single-use electronics.

The world’s fastest electric ship is taking flight on Stockholm’s waterways next year

The world’s fastest electric ship will set sail in Stockholm next year, slashing environmental impacts and commuter time.

The Candela P-12 is a 30-passenger “flying ferry” that will reach speeds of 30 knots. Even better, the ship is said to be the most energy-efficient yet.

The P-12’s flying ability and subsequent lack of wake prevent wave damage to sensitive shorelines and nature caused by conventional passenger ships.

Cheetahs are being reintroduced to India after 70 years of extinction

In India, cheetahs have been extinct for over half a century. In August 2022, however, the big cats will finally return to the country.

An ambitious conservation project aims to relocate a group of cheetahs from South Africa and Namibia to India. It marks the first attempt to move a large carnivore across continents with the aim of reintroducing it into the wild.

Over the next few years, India hopes to bring cheetahs back to several of its national parks and reserves.

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef shows best signs of coral recovery in 36 years

Two-thirds of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef showed the largest amount of coral cover in 36 years.

“What we’re seeing is that the Great Barrier Reef is still a resilient system. It still maintains that ability to recover from disturbances,” says the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences monitoring programme leader, Mike Emslie.

The reef still remains vulnerable to increasingly frequent mass bleaching, however, according to an official long-term monitoring programme report.

Long lost iguana ‘born again’ on Galapagos Island after nearly two centuries of extinction

A lost species of iguana has been ‘born again’ on the Galápagos Islands for the first time in nearly 200 years.

The Galápagos Island land iguana was last spotted on Santiago Island more than 187 years ago. Ecologists determined that the reptiles were locally extinct.

But three years ago, thousands of the creatures were reintroduced to the islands – and new images prove that the lizard is breeding once again.

Tax the rich: Canada imposes new levy on luxury cars, yachts and private jets

Canada is set to impose a new ‘luxury tax’ on the sale and importation of high-value cars, planes and boats. Coming into effect on 1 September 2022, the Select Luxury Items Tax Act is billed as part of the government’s commitment to a fairer tax system.

It will ensure that “those Canadians who can afford to buy luxury goods are contributing a little more,” according to a statement on the Government of Canada’s website.

Positive environmental stories from July 2022

Berlin’s Tegel airport to be transformed into environmentally friendly 10,000 person community

Eco-conscious German property hunters now have the chance to make Berlin’s former airport-turned-residential community their home.

The ambitious 5-million sqm ‘Tegel Projekt’ renovation will transform the disused Tegel airport into a 10,000-person, 5,000-apartment community with shops, restaurants, schools and parks.

Vertical gardens will keep the apartment blocks cool without the need for energy-guzzling air conditioning,  while the largely-pedestrianised community will put bikes before cars. Electric buses and a tramway are slated as future developments.

Surprise climate deal could be the ‘most significant’ in US history, says Joe Biden

An unexpected deal reached by Senate Democrats would be the most ambitious action ever taken by the United States to address global warming.

The massive bill, which revives action on climate change, could help President Joe Biden come close to meeting his pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. 

It proposes nearly $370 billion (€362 billion) of spending over 10 years to boost electric vehicles, jump-start renewable energy such as solar and wind power and develop alternative energy sources like hydrogen. 

Environmental defenders celebrate a ‘huge’ win for ‘unique’ Tasmanian rainforest

Environmentalists who took legal action to prevent a toxic waste dump in an ancient pocket of Tasmania’s Tarkine rainforest are celebrating a federal court win.

Chinese mining company MMG gained approval to open a tailings dam near the town of Rosebery on the island’s west coast. 

In July, federal court justice Mark Moshinsky upheld a Tasmanian NGO’s objection to the project on the grounds that the endangered Tasmanian masked owl was not properly considered before approval was granted. A new assessment is now set to take place, effectively halting MMG’s plans for the dam.

France could make it legal to use cooking oil as fuel in bid to battle cost of living crisis

Using cooking oil to power diesel engines has been illegal in France – until now.

In July, France’s parliament voted on a €20 billion package in response to rising inflation and potential energy shortages this winter. Although the bills still need to pass through the Senate, one of them will allow and endorse the possible usage of frying oil as fuel for vehicles. 

Not only could this provide relief for French wallets amid rising fuel prices, it could help limit pollution from diesel engines.

Tiny floating cardboard homes could be the future of sustainable Dutch living

As urban planners grapple with Rotterdam’s space problem, one company, Wikkelboat, has an idea: tiny floating homes made from cardboard.

Protected with a waterproof coating, these small buildings are insulated, durable, and have low production emissions

The floating mini-buildings have a variety of uses such as hotels, event spaces, offices and temporary accommodation. And it’s hoped they could be part of a solution to develop Dutch cities on the water.

UK energy bills to drop next year thanks to record-breaking investment in renewables

Rising energy costs are plaguing homes across Europe but in the UK, there could be some good news. 

In July, the government invested record-breaking amounts into renewables with the capacity to generate up to 11 gigawatts of energy. That’s enough to power 12 million homes at once. 

It could help generate electricity at prices around four times less than the current cost of gas. 

Conservationist Jane Goodall honoured with recycled plastic Barbie doll

World famous toy company Mattel has launched a doll of renowned conservationist Jane Goodall. 

It comes with all the accessories any aspiring naturalist could need including a model of David Greybeard, the first chimp to trust Jane when she was carrying out her groundbreaking research on these animals. It is also made from 75 per cent recycled plastic.

The primatologist said that she hopes it will provide a positive female role model for young girls. 

‘Sand batteries’ could be key breakthrough in storing solar and wind energy year-round

Solar energy stored in ‘sand batteries’ could help get Finns through the long cold winter, which is set to be even tougher after Russia stopped its gas and electricity supplies.

The new technology has been devised by young Finnish engineers Tommi Eronen and Markku Ylönen, founders of Polar Night Energy, but could be used worldwide.

Though a number of other research groups are testing the limits of sand as green energy storage, the pair are the first ones to successfully rig it to a commercial power station.

Dolphin poo plays ‘significant role’ in helping coral reefs survive, says new study

Dolphin poo could be the key to saving the world’s coral reefs, according to a new study.

Spinner dolphins, famous for their acrobatic marina displays, have some very special excrement. Their poo has “reef-enhancing nutrients” which are not to be underestimated, a report by Zoological Society London (ZSL) finds.

The dolphins are giving threatened coral reefs in the Maldives and Chagos Archipelago a helping hand by pooing in the shallow lagoons. Published this week, the study shows that the amount of nitrogen absorbed by spinner dolphins during their daily commute can improve coral reef productivity and resilience.

This tiny bacteria could change air travel forever

Forget fossil fuel travel – aeroplanes could one day run on sugar-munching bacteria.

Conventional jet fuel is created by burning fossil fuels like oil and gas, generating a mammoth carbon footprint. But a tiny common soil bacteria could change all this.

The ‘streptomyces’ bacteria creates an ‘explosive’ molecule when it eats sugar and researchers claim it could be used as alternative plane fuel.

“If we can make this fuel with biology there’s no excuses to make it with oil,” says Pablo Cruz-Morales, a microbiologist at the Technical University of Denmark.

Scientists develop heat resilient plants to survive climate change

A research team at US and Chinese universities say they have discovered a way to help plants survive extreme heat.

With agricultural crops around the world threatened by rising temperatures, this research could help plants resist climate change.

If the findings can be applied to commonly grown crops, it could be vital for protecting food supplies during heatwaves.

Sunflowers and dried mangoes are the key to surviving climate change in rural Zimbabwe

One afternoon in Mupindi Village, Gokwe South, more than 400 kilometres from Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, a smallholder farmer called Bernard Mupindi is pruning the rough, hairy triangular leaves that grow around the stem of a sunflower.

The blooming yellow sunflowers in this 3.5-hectare piece of land are less than a month away from harvest. Mupindi still recalls growing sunflowers for his family to eat around a decade ago, but he had no idea how quickly that would change.

Little did he know, growing sunflowers would soon serve to counter the effects of climate change.

Switzerland has spent 14 years and €2 billion building this ‘water battery’

A water battery capable of storing electricity equivalent to 400,000 electric car batteries will begin operating in Switzerland next week.

The pumped storage power plant was built into a subterranean cavern in the Swiss canton of Valais.

With the ability to store and generate vast quantities of hydroelectric energy, the battery will play an important role in stabilising power supplies in Switzerland and Europe.

Positive environmental stories from June 2022

I planted a giant sequoia tree and offset the carbon footprint of my entire life

Our very own Green deputy editor, Maeve Campbell, meets Henry Emson from ‘One Life, One Tree’ to plant a giant sequoia in the British countryside.

So why are sequoias so special? Watch the video to see what happened.

‘Stop suffocating your vagina’: Reusable period pad launches to help women have plastic-free periods

A Danish startup is pioneering reusable menstrual products to help women go plastic-free on their period.

The company’s latest product, LastPad, launched this week – after a successful Kickstarter campaign raised more than 20 times its initial fundraising goal back in 2021.

LastPad is a reusable menstrual pad for planet-friendly periods that “doesn’t compromise on comfort and protection.” It comes in three sizes (from pantyliners to overnight pads) and is made with three layers. 

Local branch of UK’s biggest church is first to pledge climate action

Christians in the Oxford district of England are being asked to take a very specific pledge to protect the environment.

From now on, those who undertake confirmation or baptism ceremonies at the large Church of England diocese – which spans the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire – will also have to commit to climate action.

The Bishop of Oxford, Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, recently approved a revision to the formal liturgy which includes the following lines,

‘Will you strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth? With the help of God I will.’

These plastic-gobbling inventions keep rubbish out of the ocean

Millions of tonnes of plastic wind up in the ocean every year, killing plants and animals. That’s why companies around the world have developed novel devices to help reduce the ocean plastic problem.

Dutch company RanMarine has deployed several 157-centimetre wide aquatic drones called WasteSharks that capture rubbish and bring it back to land.

The drones can hold 160 litres of trash, floating plants and algae, according to RanMarine Technology.

Extinct ‘fantastic giant tortoise’ found alive on the Galápagos Islands

This species was thought to have been extinct for more than a century, the only known specimen was discovered in 1906.  A lone female tortoise was discovered in 2019 on Fernandina island in the Galápagos, providing a hint that the species may still be alive. 

Now scientists have proved that the two individuals are in fact related, opening up further mysteries about the species’ survival. 

Leuven: This forward-thinking city has banned cars from its centre

In 2020, Leuven in Belgium was named the European Capital of Innovation. It invested its €1 million prize money wisely, striving to become carbon neutral by 2050. 

Leuven has become a cycling paradise with cars taking a back seat on its roads.  It is now the only city in Belgium where bikes are actually the preferred mode of transport. Thanks to a strong green mobility plan, cycling has increased by an astounding 40 per cent. 

These Scottish villagers bought a nature reserve – now they are fundraising to double its size

In Langholm, near Gretna Green on the English border, the community raised €4.5 million last year. They wanted to buy 2,100 hectares of land from the Duke of Buccleuch, one of the UK’s most powerful landowners.

The villagers were successful and have already seen results from their protection of this land. Now they are fundraising again to double the size of this community takeover. 

World’s largest vertical farm is being built in the UK and it’s the size of 96 tennis courts

The UK is heavily dependent on imported foods – especially when it comes to fruit and veg. Nearly half of all food eaten in the country comes from overseas. 

But one company is hoping to solve this problem by building what will be the world’s largest vertical farm in Lincolnshire, England. It is set to open in autumn this year. 

With a lower environmental impact than traditional agriculture, they hope that this innovative solution will produce certain crops 365 days a year without increasing our air miles. We could see British-grown strawberries at Christmas before we know it. 

Back from the brink of extinction: The Spix’s Macaws are returning to the wild

It has been 20 years since this small blue parrot has been seen in the wild. Illegal trade, hunting, and destruction of its habitat led to its disappearance. 

But one of the rarest birds in the world could soon be set for a comeback. A German NGO is working hard to breed a new population of Spix’s Macaws, bringing their number up to 180 healthy individuals. 

World’s largest plant: Scientists ‘blown away’ by 180km long seagrass discovered off Australia

This seagrass covers an area roughly three times the size of Manhattan. It was discovered by scientists at the University of Western Australia and Flinders University. 

Initially, they thought it was a meadow of different grasses but have discovered that the incredibly long plant is just one seagrass. They believe it has survived the impact of climate change thanks to one special trait – it has been reproducing asexually. 

Finland is aiming to go carbon negative by 2040 – here’s how

Finland will become the first European country to reach net zero if it meets ambitious climate targets passed into law by the government. But it wants to go one step further than that by becoming carbon negative by 2040. 

The country is still having issues with deforestation but is currently working on a plan to improve the carbon emissions of the land-use sector. It also has a wealth of natural resources it can rely on to help reach its carbon negative target.

Positive environmental stories from May 2022

Last 10 vaquitas are not ‘doomed’ to extinction

The plight of vaquitas has only worsened in recent years, but scientists have some relatively good news about the little porpoise.

Despite only around 10 individuals still existing in Mexico, a team of biologists have found that the species remains healthy and can survive – so long as illegal fishing in their waters stops.

Vaquitas, which belong to the cetacean family of dolphins and whales, are the world’s rarest marine mammals. With large dark rings around their eyes and dark patches on their lips resembling smiles, they’ve long been a poster child of conservation groups.

But despite their endearing appearance to humans, there’s a sad probability they’ll disappear in our lifetime unless quick action is taken.

Solar panels could be on all Europe’s public buildings by 2025

The European Commission is hoping to jumpstart a large-scale rollout of solar energy and rebuild Europe’s solar manufacturing industry.

The plan is part of its bid to wean countries off Russian fossil fuels.

“Solar electricity and heat are key for phasing out EU’s dependence on Russian natural gas,” the Commission said in the draft, due to be published next week in a package of proposals to end the European Union’s reliance on Russian oil and gas.

Spanish diver rescues 12-metre long whale who was trapped in an illegal fishing net

In a gripping underwater rescue, Spanish divers have freed a 12-metre long humpback whale entangled in an illegal drift net off the Balearic island of Mallorca.

One of the divers was 32-year-old marine biologist Gigi Torras.

Torras said last Friday that the rescue was a great birthday present for her – the ‘best ever’ in her words. She also felt that she received a little gesture of appreciation from the giant mammal itself.

“It was like out of this world, it was incredible, just incredible,” she said.

These surgeons have performed the first ‘net-zero’ cancer operation

The world’s first ‘net-zero’ operation has been performed in the UK, paving the way for more sustainable practices in healthcare.

Doctors at Solihull Hospital in the West Midlands carried out a five-hour bowel cancer surgery that was completely carbon neutral.

Though patients’ health is of course the priority, hospitals have a surprisingly large carbon footprint. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) accounts for around 6 per cent of the country’s total CO2 emissions.

Which makes last month’s operation all the more significant. Consultant colorectal surgeon Aneel Bhangu says that – as a high emitter – the NHS will have an impact on people’s health in the medium and longer term.

Human urine could be an effective and less polluting crop fertiliser

It might sound disgusting, but scientists are pretty confident this unique natural solution could be a good alternative to chemical fertilisers. 

Urine is not normally a major carrier of disease and doesn’t have to be heavily processed before it can be used on crops. 

It would mean completely rethinking toilets to capture the urine before it ends up in the sewers. Prototypes were first tested in Swedish ecovillages in the 1990s but now experiments are being carried out around the world. 

Positive environmental stories from April 2022

This man won the lottery and is using his €200m winnings to create an environmental charity

We love this story simply because it shows how brilliant people can be. 

The winner wrote an open letter, while keeping his anonymity, to explain why he has made the excellent decision.

Can’t recommend reading this piece enough, especially if you’re feeling down about the world.

Meet the sloth cubs ‘learning to be wild again’ at this orphanage

Did you know that sloths are one of the most endangered mammals on the planet?

The issues begin young in Costa Rica, with many cubs found orphaned. 

But this rehabilitation centre is doing amazing work with these mammals and helping the population survive.

Solar energy can now be stored for up to 18 years

This was one of our top-performing articles this month – it seems our readers just can’t get enough content about solar power!

And this was some particularly good news to receive.

Switzerland’s biggest city is turning off gas for good

As the IPCC report calls for us to completely leave fossil fuels behind, it’s always nice when we see that put in action.

With the tragic war in Ukraine as a catalyst behind this decision, it’s hard to feel entirely positive about this news – but it’s undoubtedly a step in the right direction from a climate perspective.

These chimpanzees were tested on for years and then abandoned to die on an island

Okay, hear us out. This doesn’t sound like a positive story…and it’s not – for the most part.

But there is some hope at the end, and it’s a portion of environmental history everyone should know more about.

‘Night solar panels’ are able to generate enough energy to charge a phone. But how do they work?

Specially designed panels could help solve the current problems with solar energy, by generating power once the sun has gone down.

The panels were discovered in 2020, when scientists at the University of California Davis, US, hit the mainstream.

Created by Professor Jeremy Munday and coined ‘anti-solar cells’, the solution allows us to harvest electricity from the night sky. Research conducted this year now confirms these nighttime solar panels produce enough energy to charge a mobile phone.

Positive environmental stories from March 2022

A US billionaire has turned Chile’s Patagonia region into a national treasure

This is an extra brilliant story, because it also is helping save an endangered species too – the Andean huemul deer.

There are only 1,500 of them left in the world, and the Cerro Castillo National Park in Patagonia, Chile is home to many of these remaining deer.

This region has been protected by US billionaire Douglas Tompkins, also the founder of The North Face, who dedicated his fortune to conservation.

Wind and solar power growth finally on track to meet climate targets

Solar and wind power can grow enough to limit global warming to 1.5C if the 10-year average growth rate of 20 per cent can be maintained to 2030, according to a new report.

Solar generation rose 23 per cent globally in 2021, while wind supply gained 14 per cent over the same period. Together, both renewable sources accounted for 10.3 per cent of total global electricity generation, up 1 per cent from 2020.

The Netherlands, Australia and Vietnam had the fastest growth rates for renewable sources.

“If these trends can be replicated globally, and sustained, the power sector would be on track for 1.5 degree goal,” thinktank Ember said in its report.

Sweden’s innovative wooden skyscraper captures as much carbon as 10,000 forests

With the largest percentage of forestland in Europe, Sweden is looking at new ways to incorporate trees into its architecture.

This wooden skyscraper in the city of Skelleftea is constructed from over 12,000 cubic metres of wood – and is capable of sequestering nine million kilograms of carbon dioxide throughout its lifetime.

Could this be 2022’s greenest innovation yet?

Italian fisherman sinks illegal trawlers with ‘other worldly’ underwater sculptures

Paulo Fanciulli has been fishing on the wild expanses of the Maremma coastline for over 40 years. In the late 1980s, he started to notice the signs of illegal trawling and decided to act.

So, the ‘House of Fish’ sculpture park was born with 39 sculptures made of local Carrera marble currently sunk to the bottom of the sea. They snag on the heavy nets used by illegal fishermen and encourage marine life back into the waters.

This tiger family is starting a new life after 15 years living in a train carriage

Abandoned by the circus, a family of four tigers spent years living in a cramped train carriage in Argentina. They’d never felt grass under their paws or walked on the earth.

After being discovered by authorities in 2021, a team of veterinarians and wildlife experts from Four Paws International spent months working to relocate them.

Now, after a 70 hour journey, they have arrived at their new home, LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa. Here they’ll be the closest to their natural habitat they have been in years – maybe even for the first time.

Panama brings in new law granting nature the ‘right to exist’

Groundbreaking new legislation in Panama has granted nature the “right to exist, persist and regenerate its life cycles. It means parliament will now have to consider the impact of its laws and policies on the natural world.

The country now joins Colombia, New Zealand, Chile and Mexico which have granted nature legal protection, either through their constitutions or the court system.

This billionaire wants to buy up Australia’s coal plants – just to shut them down

Billionaires often have quite a bad reputation when it comes to climate change. But Mike Cannon-Brookes, the third richest person in Australia is trying to change that.

Frustrated with the Australian government’s disregard for the climate, he is trying to buy three of the country’s coal power plants. The aim is to do what the government won’t by shutting them down for good and replacing them with renewable energy.

‘Most significant environmental deal since Paris’: UN agree on landmark plastic pollution treaty

In what the UN Environment Agency has called “the most significant environmental deal since the Paris accord,” government officials punched the air after they agreed to create the first global plastic pollution treaty.

The details of the final, legally binding pact are still being worked out but it could have big ripple effects on businesses and economies around the world. It is due to be finalised by 2024.

Positive environmental stories from February 2022

China opens its first vertical forest city to residents

We’re huge fans of Italian architect Stefano Boeri, and his latest project in China is yet another example of biophilic design at work.

The forest city will absorb around 20 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year, while emitting approximately 10 tonnes of oxygen.

And the buildings are just stunning.

Blasting bananas with light could pave the way for more eco-friendly biomass

It’s a lengthy headline, but bear with us. It turns out that if we zap banana peels with a powerful lamp, renewable energy is instantly generated.

This is a weird and wonderful discovery – our favourite kind at Euronews Green – and it can also be done with corn cobs, coffee beans and coconut shells.

Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to ‘teminate pollution’

The actor, former Republican politician and environmentalist has pledged to “terminate pollution.”

While the green movement isn’t short of celebrity backers, it’s good to see support from both sides of the American political spectrum.

Positive environmental stories from January 2022

Bleached coral reefs can still provide nutrition

Although coral reefs all over the world have been damaged by rising sea temperatures, leading to wide-scale bleaching – it turns out these ghostly white tropical reefs seem to still remain rich sources of micronutrients.

This doesn’t mean we should stop trying to prevent coral bleaching events, but it does mean that where the damage has been done, there is still some hope. This is particularly good news for the many coastal communities that rely on reefs for food.

Europe’s greenest city has free public transport and highways for bees

There’s a lot we can learn from Tallinn it turns out. The Estonian capital is set to be the European Green Capital for 2023, due to its innovative and modern approach to sustainability.

What’s particularly impressive about Tallinn is that it used to be home to a number of heavily polluting industries. It’s a shining example of how change is always possible, and hopefully a blueprint for other cities in Europe and beyond.

Students have designed a ‘floating house’ to save people from floods

This is a good example of crisis leading to innovation. While the reason for the invention is still deeply troubling, the students behind this project have created something truly brilliant.

Their design is able to provide shelter for at least six weeks, and could be used as storage for food, water, medicine and sanitation products as part of resilience programmes.

This tiny Mexican fish has been saved from extinction

There’s something really compelling about any story to do with a species returning from the brink of extinction. While it’s of course terrible that things reached a tipping point like this, it also goes to show that there is always hope – even when the worst possible outcome seems inevitable.

This particular case is fascinating. The tiny tequila splitfin disappeared from the wild in 2003 due to human activity, but thanks to the efforts of conservation centres, colonies of this little freshwater species are thriving once again.

The Australian start-up fighting deforestation with an army of drones

While the climate crisis gets the most attention, the biodiversity crisis is something we should all be paying a lot more attention to. That’s why this company’s project, combining AI with drones, is so fantastic. It’s a faster, cheaper way to tackle deforestation.

At the same time, however, it doesn’t cause the issues often found with tree-planting schemes. The method is designed to boost the health of the surrounding ecosystem, while being careful to avoid monocrops and non-native species.

Making conferences virtual or hybrid could significantly mitigate climate change

We were shocked to learn that (pre-pandemic) the global conference industry produced as much greenhouse gas emissions as the entirety of the United States. It’s a seriously polluting sector, but a recent study has found that moving to more online-only and hybrid events could majorly benefit the planet.

According to the 2021 IPCC report, we have 8.3-9.7 years before we exceed the 1.5℃ global warming limit. But researchers say that moving conferences online could extend that deadline by around 1.5 years.

Oceanographers rejoice after pristine coral reef discovery in Tahiti

Diving in the waters off of Tahiti’s tropical coastline, marine researchers uncovered one of the largest coral reefs ever found. And, unlike many of its counterparts, it appears to be completely unaffected by human activity.

Although they occupy just 0.1 per cent of the ocean floor, coral reefs are home to a quarter of all marine life.

So it’s easy to see why this is such excellent news.

Solar-powered bikers are busting illegal wildlife poachers in South Africa

This fantastic story fuses together two areas of interest for many of us in the climate movement: protecting nature and clean energy.

Our journalist Rosie Frost spoke with the amazing Swedish company behind the initiative to find out more.

We will be updating this article regularly, with the latest positive environmental stories and breakthroughs from around the world. If you spot a great idea we haven’t covered, please let us know on Twitter or Instagram.


Shooting Stars! N-Photo 144 on sale today


With the days getting shorter and nights drawing in, it’s the perfect time of year to try your hand at astrophotography. Dave Williams shares his top advice for shooting the Northern Lights, Milky Way, star trails, moonscapes and night landscapes.

Autumn is also in its full throes, so we took our apprentice to the Wimpole Estate in Cambridgeshire for a landscape masterclass under the expert guidance of Carmen Norman, showing how to best capture the beauty of autumnal colours.


The Best Cameras, Lenses, and Photography Gear for 2022


It has been a fascinating year for the camera world. Lots of great new cameras came out and lots of exceptional lenses hit the market. While the camera market doesn’t feel stable and keeping the pace with how it used to be, that doesn’t mean good products didn’t hit the market. As we do for every Thanksgiving, we’re releasing our Editor’s Choice product awards. Here are the best cameras, lenses, and photography gear.


Our staff is strict when it comes to rating cameras and gear. Typically, something has to be without any faults to earn our Editor’s Choice award. We relaxed that stance a bit this year, but I didn’t give the Canon EOS R7 and Fujifilm XH2 Editor’s Choice awards because I’m waiting for firmware to fix their issues. Nikon’s Z9 has fixed a lot of its problems, but we haven’t gotten one in for prolonged testing. However, three cameras really stood out to us this year.

Of any of the top of the line cameras, the Canon EOS R3 is probably the best. It boasts the most innovation and is clearly capable of consistently nailing the shot. DJI has always impressed us with how good their products are. And the Fujifilm XH2s excels in multiple ways.


We’re proud of our lens reviews. That’s for good reason; we’re the publication with the most of them. This year, we’ve been more or less going into factory production mode when it comes to lens reviews. Lenses this year took a fascinating turn too. Brands actually started to listen to what photographers want! Lenses have become less clinical these days, and there’s finally more variety. Japanese manufacturers have understood that folks want character, so things have started to change a bit.

In the case of Sony and Fujifilm’s newest lenses, things are more clinical. But from other brands, we’ve started to see the return of lens character qualities many have craved. Additionally, we’re starting to see the return of tilt shift lenses. Earlier this year, Fujifilm announced that those are coming for GF format. We’re excited! And we’re expecting Canon and Nikon to announce some next year.

Photography Gear

There isn’t a complete list without extra gear that we find great, and so here it is!

As many long time readers will know, we’ve reviewed tons of camera bags. There are some brands we purposely don’t touch for ethical reasons, but most are better at this. Additionally, there’s gear that supports what photographers use, like MacBook Pros and cards. And finally, everyone loves film!

We’ve had a lot of fun testing cameras, lenses, and gear this year. And we hope that you enjoyed reading!


Renowned economist strives to calculate the value of nature


“Economic forecasts consist of investment in factories, employment rates, [gross domestic product] growth. They never mention what’s happening to the ecosystems,” said Dasgupta, who is this year’s United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Champion of the Earth for Science and Innovation. “It really is urgent that we think about it now,” he said.

The report was the culmination of four decades of work in which Dasgupta has sought to push the boundaries of traditional economics and lay bare the connection between the health of the planet and the stability of economies.

The Economics of Biodiversity is the foundation of a growing field of what is known as natural capital accounting, in which researchers attempt to assess the value of nature. Those numbers can help governments better understand the long-term economic costs of logging, mining and other potentially destructive industries, ultimately bolstering the case for protecting the natural world.

“Sir Partha Dasgupta’s ground-breaking contributions to economics over the decades have awakened the world to the value of nature and the need to protect ecosystems which enrich our economies, our well-being and our lives,” said Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director.

Economics as part of a ‘tapestry’

Dasgupta was born in 1942 in what is now the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka. (At the time, the city was part of India.) His father, the noted economist Amiya Kumar Dasgupta, had a huge influence on him and his path towards academia. After completing a bachelor’s degree in physics in Delhi, Dasgupta moved to the United Kingdom where he studied mathematics and later gained a doctorate in economics.

Through his many major contributions to economics for which he was knighted in 2002, Dasgupta has helped to shape the global debate on sustainable development and use of natural resources.

“Nature is a wondrous factory, producing a bewildering variety of goods and services at different speeds and of varying spatial coverage. Think of, for example, all the beautiful processes that shape wetlands – the birds and insects that pollinate, the water voles that dig round for food, the way tiny organisms decompose material and filter water,” said Dasgupta.

“It is a bewildering tapestry of things that are happening, many of which are unobservable. And yet they are creating the atmosphere in which humans and all living organisms can survive. The way we measure economic success or failure, the whole grammar of economics, needs to be built with this tapestry in mind.”

Affection for nature

Dasgupta traces his interest in the idea of living sustainably in a world of limited natural resources to his now classic 1969 paper On the Concept of Optimum Population. In the 1970s, Swedish economist Karl-Göran Mäler encouraged him to develop his ideas on the links between rural poverty and the state of the environment and natural resources in the world’s poorest countries, a subject that was notably absent from mainstream development economics at the time.

This led to further explorations of the relationships between population, natural resources, poverty and the environment, for which Dasgupta has become acclaimed.

“I’ve had a ball working in this field,” he said. “One reason it’s been fun is that I had no competition. Nobody else was working on it.”

A man standing in a library
For four decades, Dasgupta has sought to push the boundaries of traditional economics and lay bare the connection between the health of the planet and the stability of economies. Photo: UNEP/Diego Rotmistrovksy 

Grasslands, forests and freshwater lakes are some of Dasgupta’s favourite ecosystems. He believes children should be taught nature studies from an early age and that the subject should be as compulsory as reading, writing and arithmetic. “That’s one way to generate some affection for nature. If you have affection for nature, then she is less likely to be trashed,” he said.

Inclusive wealth

Dasgupta is passionate about the need to replace gross domestic product as a measure of the economic health of countries because it tells just part of the story. He argues instead for “inclusive wealth”, which not only captures financial and produced capital but also the skills in the workforce (human capital), the cohesion in society (social capital) and the value of the environment (natural capital).

This idea is embedded in the United Nations-supported System of Environmental Economic Accounting which allows countries to track environmental assets, their use in the economy, and return flows of waste and emissions.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has developed the Inclusive Wealth Index. Now calculated for about 163 countries, the index indicates that inclusive wealth expanded by an average of 1.8 per cent from 1992-2019, far below the rate of GDP, largely because of declines in natural capital.

Nature as a capital asset

Echoing the urgency of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to prevent, halt and reverse ecosystem degradation, Dasgupta’s Economics of Biodiversity warns that critical ecosystems, from coral reefs to rainforests, are nearing dangerous tipping points, with catastrophic consequences for economies and people’s well-being.

The 600-page report calls for a fundamental rethink of humanity’s relationship with nature and how it is valued, arguing that the failure to include “ecosystem services” on national balance sheets has only served to intensify exploitation of the natural world.

“[It is] about introducing nature as a capital asset into economic thinking and showing how economic possibilities are entirely dependent on this finite entity,” said Dasgupta.


About the UNEP Champions of the Earth

The UN Environment Programme’s Champions of the Earth honours individuals, groups, and organizations whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment. The annual Champions of the Earth award is the UN’s highest environmental honour. It recognizes outstanding leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector

About the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The UN General Assembly has declared the years 2021 through 2030 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Led by UNEP and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN together with the support of partners, it is designed to prevent, halt, and reverse the loss and degradation of ecosystems worldwide. It aims at reviving billions of hectares, covering terrestrial as well as aquatic ecosystems. A global call to action, the UN Decade draws together political support, scientific research, and financial muscle to massively scale up restoration.



NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope – the Most Incredible Images So Far


Since its launch on Christmas Day 2021, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been busy at work uncovering the secrets of the universe and revealing the majesty of the cosmos through breathtaking displays of astrophotography. Here at IGN, we’re curating and updating a gallery of the most spectacular and important JWST’s images as they’re released.

The JWST’s launch was the result of decades spent in planning and development, during which many billions of dollars were spent, and a metric ton of engineering challenges and setbacks were ingeniously and doggedly overcome.

The telescope now orbits the Sun at a distance of 1.5 million km in a region of space known as the second lagrange point. From here, the observatory can stay in sync with our planet as it makes its way around the Sun, while also keeping its all important sunshield orientated in the correct position to shade its delicate mirrors and instruments.

In its short scientific career, the vast 6.5 m (21.6 ft) golden eye of the Webb telescope has imaged cosmos in spectacular infrared detail, peering into the deep universe, and revisiting famous subjects such as the planets of our solar system, and iconic vistas including the Pillars of Creation.

Be sure to check out the gallery to see the most spectacular examples of the JWST’s astrophotography, and head to IGN’s science page for all the biggest space and science news.

Anthony is a freelance contributor covering science and video gaming news for IGN. He has over eight years experience of covering breaking developments in multiple scientific fields and absolutely no time for your shenanigans. Follow him on Twitter @BeardConGamer
