Florence Launches New Photography Division


LA-based production house Florence announces the launch of Florence Image, a new branch of its highly acclaimed creative studio. The addition of Image further establishes Florence as a cultural tastemaker and expands their ability to offer brands high calibre talent with a streamlined production approach across more mediums. 

Image’s purview encompasses still imagery, photography, events, book publishing, and other creative endeavours that may not fit into a traditional box. Image builds upon Florence’s founding vision to manifest a progressive culture where creativity thrives and diverse perspectives are valued. 

The roster includes well-known names such as ‘it’ celebrity photographer Amber Asaly, who has photographed Kendall Jenner, Emily Ratajkowski, Winnie Harlow, among others; Gunner Stahl, with his trademark intimate portraits of iconic entertainers; Neil Favila, renowned for his youthful and authentic imagery; Alondra Buccio, with her impressive list of global brand clients including Nike, Adidas, and Beats by Dre; Lucy Sandler, whose raw portrayal of her subjects explores identity and character; and the documentary and fashion talents of Theo Cottle, who combines a direct style and emotional mood with his own powerful, personal vision. 

The talent also includes the up-and-coming artistry of Angalis Field, a trans writer-director and photographer; South African Travys Owen, whose off-kilter visual effects and bold lighting create striking content; Ali Saloum, an Arab-American whose projects explore surrealism, existentialism, and social justice; Mishka Kornai, and his multi-disciplinary practice of combining photography, digital collage, sculpture, and performance; Vietnamese-American Pham, known for his work with artists like Nipsey Hussle, Harry Styles, Donald Glover, and Billie Eilish; Scarlett Kapella and her raw, yet playful photographs that exude female empowerment; Millicent Hailes, a multi disciplinary artist specialising in creative direction; Michael Barth’s lyrical, humorous, and sometimes contradictory images for global brands like FIFA, UGG, and Coca-Cola, and FitBit; Carissa Gallo and her photography for Vogue, Playboy, Allure, Glamour, Harpers Bazaar, and Elle; the crisp, clean stylings of Erik Ian, and Erik Paul Howard, who has created a comprehensive visual index of his community’s traditions, culture and history. 

“We’re aiming to push creativity and individuality with Image,” says Florence founder/EP Jerad Anderson. “Our latest artistic arm is intended to help further unlock opportunities for these culture-defining artists who are reaching exciting new heights in their medium. We look forward to all that they will be creating and inspiring us with as a result.” 

Florence Image Head Kristen Beecy says, “I’m thrilled to be a part of this new division dedicated to artistry and elevated expression. Representing this diverse group of photographers and directors is such a rewarding journey.”


Noémie Goudal’s Photo and Video Collages Trick the Eye. But They’re All About Revealing, Not Concealing, Her Process


The French artist Noémie Goudal is an illusionist. But unlike a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, Goudal provides the viewer with enough clues to understand her creative process. Her photographs and videos of palm trees and burning vegetation derive from the creation of printed décor, like stage sets, which clearly differentiates her art from the work of a documentary photographer. 

Several images on the stand of Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire at Paris Photo in the Grand Palais Éphémère this past weekend, conveyed Goudal’s preoccupations with nature and her working method. 

For Mountain III (2021), Goudal erected jagged pieces of cardboard in front of a partially snow-capped landscape. In order not to deceive the viewer about her intervention, she left the edges of the cardboard visible in the ensuing work.

For Phoenix V (2021), she sliced her own photographs of a palm tree into vertical and horizontal strips, which she installed in the same landscape in order to make another picture. The overlapping layers of strips conjure a deconstructed image. Black spaces in between the branches and the artificial light illuminating some of the leaves denote how the original conditions were nocturnal. Meanwhile, the visibility of the clips and cables communicates the work’s artifice.

Mountain III,2021-courtesyGalerieLesFillesduCalvaire

Noémie Goudal, Mountain III (2021). Courtesy Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire.


“What I try to instill in the image is all the artisanal side, so you can find the gesture of fabricating the image within the image itself,” Goudal told Artnet News. “For me, it’s very important to involve the viewer so that they can live a bit of the [image-making] experience.”

To capture the palm trees, Goudal and her team of assistants drove to southern Spain, taking along equipment like cameras, computers, a printer and lighting. “We made a kind of deconstruction of the landscape and the result of this performance is represented in the photos,” she said.

Born in Paris, Goudal, 38, studied graphic design at Central Saint Martins in London before attaining a MA in Photography from the Royal College of Art. “There’s better and more varied teaching in England; the schools have a good reputation and the students are very free,” Goudal said about her decision to study abroad. 

From the beginning of her practice, Goudal has been interested in the hovering interface between fictional images and reality. To make her early works, she would install a photograph of a landscape somewhere very different—such as capturing a print of a misty, tropical road inside a dusty barn. 

In the last few years, Goudal’s work has become increasingly ambitious in scale and media. She has had exhibitions at the Photographer’s Gallery in London, the Finnish Museum of Photography, and Foam Photography Museum in Amsterdam, among other venues. Notably, her works have entered the collections of the Centre Pompidou, the CNAP – France’s visual arts collection, and Germany’s Fotomuseum Winterthur.

Noemie Goudal, Tropique V (2021). Courtesy Galerie Les Filles Filles du Calvaire.

Noémie Goudal, Phoenix V (2021). Courtesy Galerie Les Filles Filles du Calvaire.

As part of this summer’s Rencontres d’Arles photography festival in the south of France, Goudal had an exhibition, “Phoenix,” in a deconsecrated gothic church called Église des Trinitaires. On view in the chapel’s nave were two captivating videos evincing her fascination with representation, installation, and performance. 

Inhale Exhale (2021) opens with a verdant, tropical landscape, like a postcard cliché. But the palm trees are soon revealed to be printed on placards, which begin to emerge and move, eventually collapsing in the rain. Then an identically constructed jungle appears, only to meet the same drowned fate. The piece was filmed in the wood of Vincennes, near Paris, wherein the décor was placed. 

The second video, Below the Deep South, (2021), is more terrifying, showing lush vegetation being set ablaze. The edges of the sheets of images lick with flames, burn and vanish. Then another, and yet another, layer of images catches fire in a perpetual cycle of repetition and destruction. Eventually, the ravaging flames stop flickering and embers amass on the floor of an industrial site. This ‘making of’ ending indicates that this is where the sheets of images were installed. Clarity is given to the mastered fakery, the poetic illusion is rendered comprehensible.

One immediately wonders if the dystopian vision is a reflection on the fires in the Amazon rainforest during Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency of Brazil. But Goudal replied that this was not the starting point. Rather, it was researching deep time and paleoclimatology, the study of the climate history of the earth and how a better understanding of the earth’s climate in the past relates to its present and future climate. 

Noémie Goudal. Film still from Below the Deep South, 2021. Courtesy of Les Filles du Calvaire gallery and the artist

Noémie Goudal. Film still from Below the Deep South (2021). Courtesy of Les Filles du Calvaire gallery and the artist.

“What interests me through these videos is trying to see the metamorphoses of the earth in a much broader sense than during man’s era, and looking at the destruction of fire but also at how it is a very important force of energy,” Goudal said. “When we speak to paleoclimatologists, we realize to what extent the earth was subjected to metamorphoses, like blasts and volcanoes, which allowed man to exist, and it’s this balance that we’re trying to save now.”

It is this transversal quality of Goudal’s practice—working across techniques and media, and exploring the earth’s different geological epochs—that makes it distinguishing, according to Stéphane Magnan, co-founder of Galeries Les Filles du Calvaire. The gallery sells her photographs, in an edition of five, priced between  €18,500 and €28,000 ($18,330-$27,740), depending on the format. Videos, also in an edition of five, are priced at €20,000 ($19,810).

“This artist proposes a very subtle work that destabilizes the viewer by deconstructing the landscape,” Magnan said. “This very particular, offbeat vision triggers fundamental issues about the earth’s transformation and proposes an aesthetic recomposition of our world.”

The theme of destruction is treated slightly differently in the black-and-white video, Untitled (Study on Matters and Fire), 2022. Commissioned for the group exhibition, “L’horizon des événements,” at Château d’Oiron in western France this summer, it shows a bleak, actual wasteland located beyond the periphery of Paris. 

One quickly perceives that the austere image is a composition of different elements, centered by a large circle whose edges become aflame. As the billowing, blackened paper tumbles, the fire devours the landscape. Through a system of photographic anamorphosis, the destruction gives way to the real, unravaged landscape behind.

Noémie Goudal, <i>Untitled (Study on Matters and Fire)</i> (2022). Exhibition view Château d'Oiron. Photo: Anna Sansom.

Noémie Goudal, Untitled (Study on Matters and Fire) (2022). Exhibition view Château d’Oiron. Photo: Anna Sansom.


“The contract with Jean-Luc Meslet, director of the Château d’Oiron, was to produce works in situ, in or near the château, and we looked with Noémie for a forest that could be filmed in May but this turned out to be impossible so we couldn’t respect this contractual clause,” the exhibition’s curator Patrice Joly explained. “I find this new film even more powerful – it totally finds its place in the château’s grandiose setting, the sound fills the large room under the eaves […] and makes us feel the power and magnetism of fire – it’s a magnificent piece.”

Goudal, who cites Christopher Williams, Wolfgang Tillmans, Andreas Gursky and Zoe Leonard as references, has also ventured into interdisciplinary projects. At the Festival d’Avignon, south of France, this summer, she collaborated with stage director Maëlle Poésy on a performance piece, Anima. Next to a landscape-metamorphosis video, a dancer performed on a metallic, gridded structure of the same dimensions as the video screen. 

Goudal has also made a foray into sculpture. At her exhibition, “Post Atlantica,” at Edel Assanti in London earlier this year, several spherical, kinetic sculptures were on display alongside photographs and videos. 

Indeed, Goudal aspires for her conceptual work to defy classification and be appreciated beyond the confines of photography. “It’s still complicated to show photographic work in a contemporary art context,” Goudal lamented. “As there are fairs dedicated to photography, a gallery will think of showing their trending photographer at Paris Photo rather than at Paris+ [par Art Basel]. I understand but it’s just classifying [artists who work with photography] even more. I suffer a lot from this.”

Besides, Goudal is hardly a photographer in the traditional sense. “Photographers who make documentary and more classical work don’t see mine as classical photography,” Goudal added. 

Certainly, what drives Goudal is developing a multifarious practice, rich in intellectual exploration. “It’s very natural for me to use all these different media,” she said. “What interests me is studying the image from lots of different viewpoints and, above all, the experience of creating the image.”

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Beginner Astrophotography


Astrophotography simply is to photograph the celestial objects and night sky. Let’s get into the basics of astrophotography by starting the explanations of the basic pieces of equipment and the process of the photographing.

First of all, the most important thing in astrophotography is to manage the light, which means the necessity of some information about the features of the camera. While taking pictures of the night sky, we need to collect lots of light to get the most detailed picture and the highest resolution. For this reason, our camera must be capable of long exposure. A DSLR camera will do the job.


The whole point is to gather light, and in that regard, the first thing we can do is extend the exposure time. This method is called long exposure and is done by slowing down the shutter speed. Shutter speed is exactly what it sounds like: It’s the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure — the amount of light the camera takes in — and a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure. Longer exposure means gathering more light, which we need in Astrophotography because the objects in the night sky are dim; therefore, the light that comes from the objects is less than enough. However, due to the Earth’s rotation, star trails can form as the long exposure time increases. If we don’t specifically take a star trail photo, these traces are something we avoid. Star trackers can help to extend the exposure time by following the stars in accordance with the earth’s rotation, but it is quite expensive. Therefore, it’s better to have a look at the other possibilities that may be useful to increase the light.


A diaphragm is a camera component within a lens comprised of overlapping metal blades (the iris) that open and close to change the size of the opening (they allow different levels of light to pass through to the sensor – thus controlling the aperture (or f-number) and depth of field of an image – and the aperture hole of the lens. Therefore, its working principle can be compared to our pupils. When our pupils are exposed to more light, they shrink and pass less light to the eyeball. In low-light environments, the pupils dilate and try to gather more light. In astrophotography, we try to gather more light by expanding the aperture.


ISO Speed refers to your camera sensor’s sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO speed, the more light-sensitive it is. What this means is that you can use a quicker shutter speed, which is useful in sports photography and low light, or a smaller aperture, for where you want a wide depth of field. However, as you progressively increase ISO speed, you also increase the incidence of ‘noise’ in the image, which in turn reduces the overall image quality. In choosing your ISO speed, you, therefore, need to set it at a level that will ensure you get the shot – high enough to get enough light, but low enough to retain maximum quality and avoid noise. In astrophotography, it’s not just about taking the photo. We need a process similar to the task performed by a long exposure. Unlike normal photography, we photograph the same area many times and overlay these frames through various software. In this way, we get more light in total. This is also useful for reducing the signal-to-noise ratio.

Astrophotography is not limited to shooting, much of the work takes place in the processing of the photograph. Raw images are processed in applications such as Photoshop, Pixlnsight or Lightroom. The processing of astrophotography images requires knowledge and experience. There can be significant differences between the images obtained by two people with exactly the same data. This is the essence of the introduction to amateur astrophotography. However, astrophotography is a much deeper field and you are advised to check this page for much more detailed and exemplary information: https://astrobackyard.com/beginner-astrophotography/


Sigma unveils 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary lens for Fujifilm X mount


Sigma has launched its first zoom lens for Fujifilm X mount, introducing the Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary, price tag £429.99.

The new standard zoom comes in an ultra-light and portable body that weighs just 290g, making it the smallest and lightest constant f/2.8 aperture crop sensor standard zoom for mirrorless cameras.

The Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary provides a full-frame equivalent focal range of 27-75mm and promises excellent edge-to-edge sharpness. This is down to its optical design, which includes one Special Low Dispersion element and three aspherical elements to keep aberrations at bay. Overall, there are 13 elements in 10 groups.

Sigma says it has also developed a control algorithm specifically for the X mount that optimises AF speed and supports in-camera aberration correction.

Despite its small size, it promises a robust build. Its internal structure is comprised of aluminium with a Thermally Stable Composite outer barrel.

The Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary joins the 16mm F1.4 DC DN | C, the 30mm F1.4 DC DN | C and the 56mm F1.4 DC DN | C in Sigma’s Contemporary lineup options for Fujifilm shooters.


33 Essential Spring Photo Tips


March 20, 2022

Spring is here! Five top landscape and nature photographers share their essential tips for getting the best Spring photos

Finally, the March Equinox has arrived and Spring is here! The countryside looks its prettiest, the trees are beginning to blossom, and all in all you couldn’t ask for better conditions for some great landscape photography. Of course, seasons come and go before you know it, and that’s why it’s important to make the most of them. With that in mind, we asked five top landscape and nature photographers to share their top Spring photo tips to get the best results.

33 Spring photo tips

Mark Bauer


Mark Bauer has been a full-time landscape photographer for more than ten years. He is based in Dorset and takes his inspiration from the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. He is the author of four books and has won numerous awards. www.markbauerphotography.com

1. Use flowers for foreground interest

Most wideangle landscapes benefit from having some foreground interest, and with flowers coming into bloom at this time of year there’s plenty of choice. Get in close and fill the bottom of the frame with flowers.

Mark Bauer coastal spring photography tips

Mark Bauer

It’s important to keep everything sharp from foreground to background, so choose a small aperture such as f/11 or f/16 and focus about a third of the way into the scene. For greater accuracy, set the hyperfocal distance for the focal length/aperture combination you’re using. To help calculate this, make a chart to keep in your camera bag or use a smartphone app.

Six tips for photographing spring flowers

2. Spring showers are great for landscape photography

It may be tempting to stay indoors on rainy days, but you’ll be missing out on some amazing landscape photography opportunities. When showers clear, the light is often dramatic: dark stormy clouds above, spotlighting on the landscape below, and incredible clarity, as all the particles have been washed out of the atmosphere. If a rainbow appears, use a polariser to enhance the colours.

For the best shots, you’ll need to be in position, ready for when the rain stops and the sun bursts through the clouds. You’ll be standing around getting wet for a while, but the results are worth it.

3. Check the forecast for misty mornings

Mist simplifies the landscape, hiding unwanted detail and clutter, and gives the scene a romantic atmosphere. The most photogenic type of mist is ‘radiation fog’, which lies low on the ground, often in valleys, and looks great when shot from above, with the tops of hills, trees and other features above it.

Mark Bauer misty morning landscape

Mark Bauer

Spring is a great time for finding these conditions. Head out early after a clear, still night when the temperature has dropped a little. A gentle south-westerly breeze first thing can encourage the development of mist.

4. Use a polariser

We associate spring with colour: fresh greens, bright wildflowers, fields of yellow oilseed rape and so on. Sometimes these colours look a little washed out in a photograph, as they can be dulled by haze in the air or glare on the surface of the flowers. A polarising filter cuts out polarised light, reducing surface reflections and glare. It therefore has the effect of cutting through haze and restoring natural colour saturation. Using a polariser is easy: just rotate the filter while looking through the viewfinder until you see the effect you want.

5. Shoot bluebell woods with backlighting

When we think of spring, we often think of bluebells. They look their best in mature woodland, so try to find a thick carpet on the forest floor without too much clutter. If you shoot them backlit at the beginning or end of the day, shadows from the tree trunks will race towards the camera, creating a sense of drama, and the flowers and foliage will be given a saturation boost.

Partially screening the sun behind trunks helps to reduce problems with contrast and flare, and if you choose a small aperture, such as f/16 or f/22, diffraction can create a ‘starburst effect’.

Mark Bauer bluebells in the wood spring photo tips

Mark Bauer

6. Shoot woodland on overcast days

Overcast skies are not the landscape photographer’s favourite conditions, but they are very good for shooting in woodland. The level of contrast is low and manageable, and as a result the colours of the foliage and plants are enriched, which can be enhanced by the use of a polariser. By contrast, although dappled lighting looks attractive to the eye, the contrast often exceeds the dynamic range of the camera’s sensor, which means it doesn’t photograph well.

7. Use longer lenses to compress carpets of flowers

When you see a large carpet of flowers, the natural tendency is to get in close with a wideangle lens. However, this approach doesn’t always do the scene justice as it can exaggerate the gaps between the flowers. Instead, try shooting from further back with a longer lens, which will have the effect of compressing the gaps and making the flowers look densely packed.

Colin Roberts


A specialist in landscapes and nature, Colin Roberts turned professional in 2005. He has received a number of awards for his nature images, including International Garden Photographer of the Year and the Royal Horticultural Society’s Photographer of the Year. To see more of his images visit his website at www.colinrobertsphotography.com

8. Capture the transforming landscape

Spring is a season of transition and a great time to explore the countryside as trees come into leaf, fields turn green and hedgerows thicken. Many landscapes look their best at this time of year when foliage is fresh and pristine, and the harsh woody outlines of trees become softened by lush spring growth.

Colin Roberts misty landscape

Colin Roberts

Make the most of footpaths and byways to access the more unusual viewpoints, and look beyond embankments and tall hedges to find views that would otherwise be missed. The real atmosphere of spring is often seen at dawn, when a touch of brilliant light shows the landscape awakening – in more ways than one.

9. Visit beechwoods

Beech is one of our most photogenic native trees, and its appearance in spring is no exception. Its newly unfolded leaves create a translucent canopy of vivid green, making deciduous woods look stunning at this time of year. The leaves emerge from April onwards, so be sure to take advantage of the spectacle while it lasts. Within a few weeks the leaves mature and the pale colour darkens and loses its brilliance.

Shoot in soft, overcast light for best results and choose calm conditions, because even the slightest breath of wind can cause foliage to blur. In terms of composition, one option is to use a wide lens and shoot directly upwards for a dramatic view of the tree trunks converging skywards.

Alternatively, try moving in close to frame a small cluster of leaves, softly backlit to show their fine detail.

10. Capture colour on the clifftops

Spring flowers aren’t restricted to woodlands and hedgerows – the coast sees some fine displays too. Among others, pink sea thrift and white scurvy grass are found along many parts of the British coastline. Growing in tight clusters, usually along clifftops and headlands, they make excellent foreground subjects that add colour and interest to wider shots of the coast.

Colin Roberts landscape photography in spring

Colin Roberts

Sea pinks look particularly impressive when caught in the golden rays of a rising or setting sun. They can also be seen sprouting from rocky crevices, where they make an eye-catching focal point and a strong natural contrast with the stony environment. Both species look pristine when they emerge in April and May, with the best of their colour over by summer.

11. Search for tree seedlings

Among the flurry of spring growth, keep a watch for tree seedlings emerging from the forest floor. They are always something to marvel at, especially when seen growing beneath the towering structure of a mature tree. As a foreground subject they put the woody landscape into context, or make a fascinating study in their own right. But look carefully because their first leaves are often very different from those of the parent trees – for example, beech seedlings emerge with a semi-circular leaf, while those of sycamore produce tapered leaves.

12. Visit parks and gardens

Whether formal or semi-wild, parklands and gardens are a notable and accessible source for spring subjects. For blossoms, early flowers or trees coming into leaf, there are few other locations that offer so much variety in one setting. Good structural features like trees, fountains or topiary add scope for composition, while good lines of sight are often crucial for showing depth – so look for pathways, avenues, stone steps or boardwalks.

The versatility of zoom lenses makes them an ideal option for smaller gardens where space is confined and plant beds often restrict your movement. Hone in on seasonal details like fern fronds unfurling, or the colourful reflections of waterside blossoms.

13. Plan ahead

Forward planning will ensure you’re prepared this eventful and inspiring season.

To me, spring means the British landscape at its best – I never go abroad in April or May for fear of missing it. So start by making a hit-list of locations for spring landscapes, wildflowers and trees based on your local knowledge and a bit of online research.  It’s worth remembering that all prolific spring flowers are perennial, meaning they live for many years, so you can rely on them being in the same place year in, year out.

Also bear in mind crop rotations. If you have a location in mind for oilseed rape, for example, you’re unlikely to see it in the same field more than once in three years – sometimes longer. And don’t forget the change to British Summer Time (29 March this year), which briefly makes those early starts a bit easier as sunrise will be an hour earlier.

Niall Benvie

Niall Benvie portrait, April 2013

Niall Benvie has worked in environmental communications for 22 years as a photographer, writer, designer and guide. He is co-founder of the international Meet Your Neighbours initiative and lives in Angus with his family. www.niallbenvie.com

14. The lowdown

There are many good reasons for shooting wildlife from a low angle. Aesthetic: when you portray the animal from its own perspective rather than a human one, a quality of intimacy is introduced. Technical: long telephotos are supported on a tripod at only one point. There’s a lot of overhang fore and aft, and once the shutter speed drops below 1/60sec camera shake creeps in, no matter how hefty the tripod.

bird in spring

Niall Benvie

Putting the camera and lens on a beanbag on the ground offers the best stability. As an extra benefit, the background just behind your subject that would be rendered quite sharp from a high viewpoint is hidden and only the distant, very blurry background can be seen.

An angle finder makes viewing more comfortable if your camera doesn’t have an articulated rear screen.

15. What to shoot when it’s wet and windy

Spring is noted for its showers, often accompanied by strong winds. If it is wet and windy, fit a macro lens (or close-focusing zoom) and look at mosses and lichens. Regardless of the weather, you can make intriguing close-ups of these colourful subjects that are actually enhanced by a spring shower. And even in a gale, they won’t move around.

Since you are often working at quite a high magnification, find where your camera’s mirror lock-up function is and use it, along with an electronic release.

It really makes a big difference to sharpness, especially with longer lenses. Normally you’ll want to render as much detail as possible, so identify the principal plane through the subject and shoot parallel to that to make the most of the limited depth of field.

close up spring photo tips

Niall Benvie

16. Colourful backgrounds

Viewers may do a double-take when their expectations of what is ‘normal’ in a photograph are challenged. We expect to see the subject in the light, the background in shade, the subject colourful and the background muted. If you reverse these relationships you’re sure to catch the viewer’s eye.

Among nature photographers, this style came out of Scandinavia in the late 1980s and typically features plants in shade photographed against a hillside, or a lake reflecting early morning or late evening light.

The success of these pictures relies on preventing the subject from becoming a silhouette (so the sunlight on the background must be weak), to set up tension between the ‘cool’ subject and the ‘warm’ background. And because you need to isolate only a small part of the background, your longest telephoto, perhaps with an extension tube, is your best ally.

Niall Benvie close up

Niall Benvie

17. Elevated sites

What raised beds are to gardeners, elevated sites are to nature photographers. They make the process of getting the low-angle perspective more comfortable and therefore more productive. Many birds stubbornly refuse to leave the ground to feed on a bird table, so you’ve got to make your own bit of ground (perhaps by cutting some turfs), putting the food on it and raising them to your shooting level.

If you’re building a pond to photograph drinking birds, it’s essential that you can shoot at water level from an adjacent hide, so make sure the pool is high enough off the ground. Subjects on elevated spots also make it easier to shoot towards the zenith where the sky’s blue is richest. And if you’re photographing wildlife from your vehicle, a roadside bank puts it at eye-level.

5 tips on photographing spring birds

Jeremy Walker


Jeremy Walker is an award-winning photographer specialising in high-quality landscape and location photography around the world, for use by advertising, design and corporate clients. www.jeremywalker.co.uk

18. Use colour

It’s spring, so there should be plenty of colour around, but avoid the trap of just shooting an individual plant or flower. Look for blocks of colour that either work with each other or use colour that clashes and has impact. Good locations for this type of image will be the commercial bulb growers in Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Cornwall. Or, of course, the famous bulb fields in the Netherlands.

Jeremy Walker tulip field in spring photo tips

Jeremy Walker

19. Shooting with a reflector

Bright sunlight can often be too contrasty, especially with small, fragile and delicate plants. A reflector can bounce soft light back into the subject from the opposite side to where the sun is shining, to lift the shadow detail and reduce the contrast. However, you should do this with a soft white type of reflector and not a silver one, which would be too hard.

Alternatively, if you have a white/semi translucent type of reflector, you could hold it above the subject and effectively cast a soft shadow over the whole subject to reduce contrast, using the reflector like a softbox in a studio.

20. Using a windbreak

Remember the windbreak you have in the garage that you use for two weeks in the summer every year? Why not use it to protect the plants you are shooting from the wind? The slightest breeze can disturb a plant, and if you are using a macro lens, for which depth of field can be very limited, the slightest wobble will cause you to lose your shot.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a beach windbreak, as anything large enough to protect your subject will work. Just make sure it doesn’t get into the shot.

21. Slow shutter speeds for blur and motion

It is very tempting when shooting plants and close-ups to forget creativity in the pursuit of the ‘record shot’. In trying to squeeze out every last detail we put aside our artistic vision in the pursuit of sharpness and detail, so go the opposite way and use a slow shutter speed to achieve some blur and motion.

Jeremy Walker spring photo tips

Jeremy Walker

If it is a breezy day, don’t dismiss the idea of getting some shots – think instead about flowers with long stems, such as daffodils, that will sway in the breeze and create interesting shapes and colour. Experiment with shutter speeds of around 1/4sec or slower. A tripod will be essential, though.

22. Patterns, shapes and textures

Shooting images in spring is not just about close-ups of flowers and recording colourful landscapes. Look for abstract images, detail shots and scenes with bags of texture. Look beyond the normal and check out the patterns in fresh leaves and petals, shoot shapes and textures and see how the light interacts with the structure of the plants. A macro or close-up lens is an essential tool for this type of work.

23. Use a Lensbaby for a soft, ethereal look

An interesting and alternative way of looking at the world is by bolting a Lensbaby onto your camera. With different accessories you can create a range of effects, from controlling the depth of focus to softening the image and having the colours go very pale and pastel-like. There are a range of Lensbaby accessories, so a little experimentation may be necessary.

pink flower bloom Jeremy Walker

Jeremy Walker

24. Get a waterproof picnic blanket

Available from any good hardware store, a waterproof blanket will keep you from getting muddy and wet when working down low. I’ve lost count the number of times I have come away from shooting with dirty knees or have had to put my bag down on wet grass or mud, so a blanket (or a large refuse sack) is a much better alternative.

25. Look for quirky angles

Try to avoid shooting everything at eye-level, looking down on your subject. Instead, look for quirky and odd alternatives. Directly overhead is a good starting point, or try a worm’s-eye view. For every angle you shoot from, think of the opposite point of view.

If your camera has a tilting, rotating LCD screen, it is easy to place your camera on the ground and point the screen up so that you are still able to see the image. Autofocus and a cable or remote release are essential for this approach.

Mark Littlejohn


Mark Littlejohn is an award-winning landscape photographer based in the Lake District. Winner of the Take a view UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2014, he specialises in atmospheric early morning conditions. www.markljphotography.co.uk

26. Capture mist

In spring, mist is very common near water due to cold and warm air colliding. Shooting in misty conditions can be wonderfully atmospheric, but the key is to find the edge of the mist. Early low light coming through mist can give you a wonderful soft diffused light and also provide a bit of contrast. Work quickly as the best light will only last a short time. If you can keep your shutter speed up, then keep moving and shoot handheld. If shooting near water, wellies are a must, and neoprene versions will warm your feet in cold conditions.

misty tree spring photo tips by Mark Littlejohn

Mark Littlejohn

27. Use a wider aperture

If shooting in mist, don’t be afraid to use a larger aperture than normal. The mist will soften the outlines of anything further back in the scene and the use of a larger aperture will accentuate this and heighten the feeling of depth in your image. It will also heighten the sharpness in your foreground. The background will be soft, both from the mist and the larger aperture, but the viewer will not know if this is from processing, mist or whatever. Making the imagination work is key to an atmospheric image.

28. Lambing

Watching new-born lambs gambolling around a field can be very enjoyable. Clearly, the last thing you want to do is scare them away, so take a longer lens, kneel down and keep still. They will either forget you are there or will come across for a closer look. If you normally take your dog with you, it’s best to leave it behind on this shoot. If the ewes see the dog they will shepherd their youngsters away, even if your dog is well trained and on a lead.

Tips for Photographing spring lambs

29. Get there early

When shooting a spring dawn, make sure you get to your chosen location an hour before sunrise is due. On some mornings with little cloud, you can be treated to the most amazing graduations in colour up to 45 minutes before dawn. You also need to plan your composition to ensure you make the best use of the early light and colour. If there are any steep drops or climbs near your chosen location, make sure to visit beforehand and get the lie of the land. Do not visit for the first time in darkness. A good-quality head torch is vital in these conditions.

30. Avoid harsh light

Each year, make a note of where bluebells, daffodils and wildflowers grow. In that way, you can plan out which areas are best to visit at the beginning and end of each day, when the composition will match with the right light. Use an app such as the Photographer’s Ephemeris to work this out.

If you are shooting wildflowers, you don’t want to photograph them in harsh light in the middle of the day, as it’s hard to control the highlights and the saturation.

poppies Mark Littlejohn spring photo tips

Mark Littlejohn

31. Layered clothing

Lightweight, layered clothing with a waterproof outer layer will be sufficient for most spring days, and if you are wearing layers it is easier to remove one to cool down, as opposed to wearing thick jerseys or down jackets.

32. Try something different

Fresh snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells covered in dew and glistening in the early light can make fabulous subjects for macro shots, but don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with a wideangle lens as well. Most wideangle optics can focus quite closely and have an extensive depth of field, and it can be fun trying something different. I have a 24mm f/1.4 lens and shooting flowers close-up at a large aperture can be great fun.

daffodil Mark Littlejohn

Mark Littlejohn

33. Keep an open mind

Early light in springtime with all the new growth can be a magical experience. Don’t just think about the one ‘big’ shot. Keep an open mind and look all around you. It might be that it’s the first light hitting a stand of silver birch behind you that’s the shot of the day. By keeping an open mind about what you want to shoot, it opens your mind to the beauty all around you.

Spring photo tips Mark Littlejohn

Mark Littlejohn

Further reading:

Get better nature shots this spring

Top tips for shooting insects this spring

Top tip for shooting wildlife this spring



‘Huge’ Fireball Lights Up Idaho Sky


Duration: 01:04

A fireball flashed through the sky above Eagle, Idaho, on Sunday, November 13, as the American Meteor Society (AMS) reported sightings across several states. Footage posted to Facebook by astrophotographer Jordan Ragsdale shows the fireball flashing brightly in the sky over the Boise suburb at 4:36 am on November 13. “We had a HUGE meteor explode W/SW of Boise,” he wrote on Facebook. “This is probably the brightest one I’ve seen in over a year. It was a very large explosion, and exploded near the center of Oregon,” Ragsdale told Storyful. Credit: Jordan Ragsdale via Storyful


30 Simple & Interesting Photos Without Context That Get Weirder The Longer You Look At Them


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Here are the 30 simple and interesting photos without contest that get weirder the longer you look at them. “Pictures Of The End” is an Instagram account where such funny pics are posted. Just look at the photos listed below and let us know if the photos make you feel like the world is going to end soon.

Scroll below and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.

More info about Pictures of the End:


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end


Interesting Photos Without Context

Image source: pictures of the end

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Photography exhibit offers nature scenes | Local News


Photographer Dean Traver likes to provide a glimpse of the countryside as he sees it.

Anyone can observe Traver’s work now through Dec. 30, as Traver’s display — aptly named — “Life As I See It,” is on display at First Central Gallery, located in the lobby of the Operahouse Theatre, in downtown DeWitt.


South Downs opens its annual astrophotography competition


The astrophotography competition returns for another year.

South Downs National Park is asking people to capture the wonders of the night sky in a photography competition.

The competition returns for its third year and this time entrants are in with a chance of winning up to £100.

The Argus: The milkyway above the lights of Worthing and Brighton from Cissbury RingThe milkyway above the lights of Worthing and Brighton from Cissbury Ring (Image: Neil Jones)

As one of only 20 International Dark Sky Reserves, the National Park is one the best places to stargaze in the UK.

This year, there are two categories:

  • South Downs Dark Skyscapes
  • Nature At Night 

The runner-up prize in each category will be £75 and all submitted images must be taken within the South Downs National Park.

A selection of photos submitted in the contest will be shared throughout the National Park’s Dark Skies Festival next February.

The contest will be judged by Dan Oakley, a Lead Ranger for the National Park, Steve Broadbent, Chairman of Hampshire Astronomical Group, and Vanessa Rowlands, Chair of the National Park Authority.

The Argus: A walker gazing in awe at the beauty of the star-studded sky at Seven Sisters.A walker gazing in awe at the beauty of the star-studded sky at Seven Sisters. (Image: Pablo Rodriguez)

Dan said: “We’re into the season of longer nights and it’s the perfect time to go out and stargaze in the South Downs National Park.

“The National Park is actually one of the best places to stargaze in the world and it’s quite amazing when you consider how close we are to big cities such as London, Southampton, Portsmouth and Brighton.

“The standard of the competition has been terrific in the past and we’re looking forward to seeing what this year brings, whether you’re a seasoned astrophotographer or embracing the darkness for the first time! Good luck to all participants in the contest.”

The deadline for entries to the competition is midnight on Wednesday, January 11.


Points Of View – An Archival Gaze of Photography in India by Gayatri Sinha


Celebrated art critic and curator Gayatri Sinha’s latest edited books Point of View: Defining Moment of Photograph in India and The Archival Gaze: A Timeline of Photography in India 1840 – 2020 take a deep dive into the technological changes and aesthetic movements in photography across the Indian subcontinent. Focusing on archival and visual elements, the collections provide a much-needed kaleidoscopic lens on photography in colonial and post-colonial India. Artist, writer, curator Steven Evans is the Executive Director of FotoFest International.

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