Delhi Police organises photography contest ‘Police in Pixels’ | News


Feb 15, 2023, 09:15PM ISTSource: ANI

Delhi Police is organizing a photography contest titled ‘Police in Pixels’ in collaboration with Lalit Kala Akademi. This initiative by Delhi Police will work towards promoting photography and encouraging people to capture unique and memorable moments of Delhi’s ‘SMART’ Police. This contest will invite entries in two different categories in which Professionals and Beginners can participate. Under this, participants in both categories have to submit their best shots, reflecting various facets of policing. The photographs shall be on a theme ‘SMART Police’ wherein SMART stands for Strict & Sensitive, Modern & Mobile, Alert & Accountable, Reliable & Responsive and Techno savvy & Trained. The contestants can submit their photographs from 16th Feb, 2023 and the last date of submission will be Mar 15, 2023.
