Local students invited to enter photography contest | News, Sports, Jobs


LAKE PLACID — The Lake Placid Institute is calling all high school students to submit their work to its annual photography contest.

“24 Hours: A Photographic Interpretation of Life in the Adirondacks” is open to all high school students residing in or attending school in the Adirondack Park. Photos may be color or black-and-white. There are no restrictions on subject matter, but photos must be shot within the Adirondack region. Each photo must be accompanied by a short essay (50-150 words) describing the photographer’s vision and inspiration. Students are asked, but not required, to submit a candid photo of themselves as well. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31.

The contest will be judged by Nancie Battaglia of Lake Placid. Battaglia is a widely published, award-winning sports photographer, whose work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, National Geographic and Adirondack Life. Among her credentials are 12 Olympics and many World Cup and national competitions. Battaglia avidly participates in many of the sports she documents, including skiing, skating, sledding, paddling, running, biking and triathlon. She recently became an Adirondack 46er for the fourth time.

Cash prizes of $500, $300 and $100 will be awarded to first, second and third place winners. Photos will also be selected for Honorable Mention, Juror Choice and LPI Board Choice. All submissions and their accompanying essays will be published in a booklet. Selected photos will be matted, framed and exhibited at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts from April 7-29, in conjunction with the High School Art Show.

For submission guidelines and additional information, visit the institute’s website at lakeplacidinstitute.org.

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